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About Me:

Q.What do you Ride?
2005 Yamaha R6

Q. How long you been riding?
Since June 2005

Q.Will you join a group?
Jan 2006 "Heavy Hitterz",

Q.What will make you change your mind about joining a group?Actually, I see you joined.
It would have to be a small family oriented club.I want it to have the closeness I had with my "Military Family".I guess I found that. I didnt want to be part of the BIG political RUFF RYDERS or other BIG clubs. Q. Do you speed?
I try not to but sometimes you just cant help it but I know my limits

Q. Will you stunt? Yea right, Moms will kick my A$$. Besides, I value my life and my bike to much for all that. Never so never though, I think learning to do it can give someone confidence and more control over their bike. So we will change that to, maybe but in a controlled enviroment on an already beat up bike

Q. What do you like about bikers?
They just seem to be more friendly. Not to sound negative or anything but its the one time when brothers who dont know eachother, give eachother dap just passing by.

Q. You prefer Biker Chicks or groupie chicks?
Biker chicks all the way. Im not feeling groupies that hangout at the spot and dont want to waste my gas on them(Damn $2.75 and up a Gal).If it was my girl who liked bikes but didnt ride, then it would be different. Biker chicks are a different breed..just have to figure out which ones arent

Places I have been

I have traveled around to other countries which enabled me to understand other cultures and how people can be so different. Some of those places are as follows:

My career

US Army

  • FT JACKSON, SC -Basic training 1993-1994.
  • FT POLK, LA-1994-1995.
  • Inactive Reserves Feb 1998-Sep 1999

How did I get back in the Army? That question was actually easier to answer than the 1st question. I had unrealistic expectations about becoming a civilian. I thought because I was in the Army, I was automatically going to have a great job. The problem: The jobs I wanted, I had no skills in and the jobs I could do wasn't paying enough and I didn't like then anyway. I tried to go to school but I felt I wasn't learing anything. I was told I could change my job if I went back into the Army and also get the needed training. I made it back to Germany and that's where I started taking an interest in computers. I was in charge of my units computer systems and made sure that everyone else was able to do their job.

I would have stayed in the military but felt it was more important for me to go to school for career progression now that I finally figured out what interested me.


I always say "Sometimes you have to take a step back inorder to move forward." I never heard anyone else say that so therefore it's my quote.
That is my feeling about life. If where you're headed isn't where you want to go, then back up and take another route.
I struggled and still struggling finacially but I also accomplished some of my goals.

  1. I have my BS now(10/05).
  2. I wanted a career in the IT field, now i'm a consultant, learing and earning, waiting for that fulltime break.
I'm very proud that I set forth a few realistic goals and actually followed through.

My Goals

My main focus is to ba able to take care of my family. To accomplish this I know I have to be realistic by starting off at a lower position and working my way up. Once I get settled, it's time to invest in long term by getting connected in realestate and short term stocks. After a few houses and apartments for rent, I would like to open small business and be my own boss.

For Fun

I enjoy watching "And1 Streetball". I play from time to time but my skills aren't that great. My favorite player is "Hot Sauce".

Right now I'm also feeling my Yamaha R6 and my crew.

It's my 1st bike but im sure it wont be my last.