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Jennifer Bond

I can get around on the internet. I have spent most of my time in yahoo canasta for the last 5 years. About 3 months ago I became interested in html and learning more about it. Just recently I created my first website for my son's Cub Scout pack. I've done a few signatures also. Signatures are pages that people running any kind of cases tournament in yahoo can go to this website, copy & paste the html that is in the box at the bottom and insert it on their tournament page to dress it up.

I will graduate in: wow good question, I have no idea. This is my first semester, I just want to get through this and see if I want to take classes in the fall.

My career goal is to design websites, for personal use or for companies.

I do not work now. I haven't worked for 3 years.

I live with my husband, Terry, my daughter Alex, and my son Ryan.

Terry also attends SIUE, he has been going to school for 3 years to major in Archeology. My daughter Alex is 12, she is in 6th grade. She is in Girl Scouts and plays softball, she loves smaller kids and wants to be a teacher or work in a daycare when she's older. Ryan will be 9 next month; he wants to know everything about any subject there is. He is my curious one, he amazes me every day at things he knows and what he wants to talk about. He is in Cub Scouts and plays baseball.

My personality, well Terry says I'm computer friendly but scared to death of the human race, which I guess he is somewhat right, but I love to people watch. I have a good sense of humor once you get to know me; I am compassionate and easy going.

My hobbies are playing around with html, other than that I am usually running my kids here and there or cleaning the house and cooking. Not enough time in the day to have any hobbies outside the home.

Greatest accomplishment has to be having Alex and Ryan. They are good kids; even as old as they are now Terry and I still have strangers telling us how good our kids are.

My favorite food is sweet and sour chicken. My favorite drink is Pepsi.

My idea of luxury is having Terry and the kids' gone at least once, and all day long. Letting me have the house to myself, I hear quiet time can be very relaxing.

Before I die, I would like to visit Pompeii, Italy.