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To write a good thesis you must know not to go off track. A well-written thesis is restrictive. By being restrictive, you may go back to your topic and decide if it has too many possible points to make in order to have your essay sufficient. The more restricted you make your thesis; the better you are for supporting your topic. Aside from being restricted, it is also unified. The thesis statement should express one major idea about your topic. If you begin to write an essay that has sub-categories, your topic has many opinions, but you must stay to one idea that is easy to keep united. If you have too many than there will be too many important ideas to handle and your paper will suffer. The most important thing that makes a thesis good is being specific. Restrictions and unity will be useless unless you use specifics. This is kind of like limiting your topic; you have to know how to limit your thesis also. If you were to write about Nathaniel Hawthorne, and your thesis was, “Nathaniel Hawthorne is a good writer,” this would be an example of a poor thesis because it is exceedingly vague seeing Nathaniel Hawthorne has written many books; you must identify what in his writing makes him a good writer. A better thesis would be, “Through well illustrated descriptions in his novels, Nathaniel Hawthorne has achieved being an excellent writer.” Here the reader will see that you will be sticking strictly to Hawthorne’s descriptive illustrations. Now that you know what you need to follow in order to write a good thesis, there are also techniques to help you write a thesis when you are out of ideas.

Some writers may come face to face with writers block on writing a thesis. There are two techniques to get you started on writing a thesis. First, as you look back over your topic and your research, ask yourself, “What did I learn from…?” The answer may be the beginning of a good thesis. Of course it may need some fine tuning, but it will help lead you in the right direction in creating a good thesis. Having one idea down is better than having nothing; even if you revise it to the point where it doesn’t look like the original content, it is better than a blank sheet of paper. The second technique to writing a good thesis is say or write, “In this essay I will show that…” What finishes the sentence could possibly be the ideal thesis. By doing this you have probably already restricted your thesis and let it be specific. Most likely in this case you will have to revise once or twice to get it the way you desire. Your thesis puts a closing on the preparation of an essay because now you know the path you will be taking in your writing and the rough draft can be started.

There are many ways to go about a rough draft; some people may do an outline while others may handwrite or type the essay as they want to and revise it. Which ever way works best with you; first you should write the introduction. The introduction should work with the thesis, being that the thesis is the most important sentence in the introduction. Also in your introduction you should include an attention grabber for your opening, this pulls your reader in to reading further on to your essay. If you are aiming your introduction to a specific audience, you must have it aim towards their interests. Further more, you must state the point or main ideas you will be discussing to support your topic. The statements should be clear but not so clear that you are saying, “In this essay I will talk about…” This is a poor example of how to state your points because it doesn’t show creativity and it is juvenile. The last part to your introduction is the closing, which ultimately relates back to the attention grabber. This can be hard to get creative with but it can be a simple ending, just enough to not keep the reader interested.

While an introduction of an essay is crucial to draw the reader into your essay, the conclusion is important to send the reader off with content, understanding what the essay was meant to be about. Although you usually will end all your paragraph with a conclusion the main focus is the conclusion paragraph at the ends of an essay.