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good work


verse 1


not homeless not hungry a little bit affraid

money's not an issue cause im always getting payed

i work each night ten til two

people i work for are a scairy few

the job isnt glamerous nor ful of fame

but you know i take the lot cause the papers are the same

my latest custom puls up in a nover

few more years please let the ocupation be over



im a she bitch a rent boy a hooker a slut

im a cheap plastic toy boy from my head to my foot

i put my fate in their hands as i get into the car

danger afoot as we travel afar

a bench a gate a corner or post

theres not a street in this whole place with out a lil host

this district of red it will never be dull

i know its sad but true all theese corners there all ful



verse 2


i do it for the money not for the ride

and the worst thing about it is losing my pride

wont stop at one ill go on all night

having all theese rivals around is a blight

 when they try all this weird stuff i wanna sit down and cry

ive lost all my dignity  i mite as wel die

doing this job is making me sick

every night i end up with a differant prick




im a she bitch a rent boy a hooker a slut

im a cheap plastic toy boy from my head to my foot

i put my fate in their hands as i get into the car

danger afoot as we travel afar

a bench a gate a corner or post

theres not a street in this whole place with out a lil host

this district of red it will never be dull

i know its sad but true all theese corners there all ful


verse 3


when i die ill never be missed

plenty more rent boys to take over my list

it was never a choise thing being a hooker

had no money no life no home and no cooker

over n over i see it happen again

but this is now and that was then

look at my old job and what ive become

a soap manufacture its a lot more fun




im a she bitch a rent boy a hooker a slut

im a cheap plastic toy boy from my head to my foot

i put my fate in their hands as i get into the car

danger afoot as we travel afar

a bench a gate a corner or post

theres not a street in this whole place with out a lil host

this district of red it will never be dull

i know its sad but true all theese corners there all ful


verse 4


[solos in or what ever alex wants]



im a she bitch a rent boy a hooker a slut

im a cheap plastic toy boy from my head to my foot

i put my fate in their hands as i get into the car

danger afoot as we travel afar

a bench a gate a corner or post

theres not a street in this whole place with out a lil host

this district of red it will never be dull

i know its sad but true all theese corners there all ful