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Welcome to meh little cam archive site. I am Shannon, I am 14 years old and single, but I aint looking. I am a camgirl, and only because of my modeling career (which hasn't begun yet...) but, I am hoping this website may help with publicity. (Yeah, right). Anyway, take a look at the few pictures to your right. This is basically just a preview, but if you would like to see full-sized pictures, all ya have to do is contact me, which you'll find out how to below. I dont take costum pictures or whatever for anybody but people that I know, or people who are truley truley nice <3. Oh, and mind my awful spelling, okay? It sucks, I know, I'm a blonde... don't expect much, ok? Thank you! Oh, and IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SLUT WHO SHOWS BEWBIES LOOK ELSEWHERE. I have gotten few IMs asking for more *boday* shots or whatever. NO. I am 14, not 18. I want to be a face model more than a body one, cos I dont have much of a body, mainly cos I'm too young... and pale... lol xD. Sucks to be Irish :x. But I don't care anyway, and if you do then well... GO FIND SOME SURFER BABE ELSEWHERE GOT IT?! Rofl. Oh, and also: Don't steal the pics... That's pathetic. Especially to steal pics of ME. I mean, c'mon x(. You'd hafta be pretty damned desperate xD Rofl. Okay, well, for more info on the "camgurl" read belooooww..

_tH3 Ch1Ck/
Mk. I am Shannon. I am 14 going on 200, and a nerd. But I love being a nerd, got it? :D. I'm single, but NOT lookin. I have long blonde hair, and huge green eyes. I am about 5'5", and I weigh... More than you should know!! xD ROFL. <3. Ok. I love music. A lot. Like, Goo Goo Dolls, Nirvana, AFI, and all those emo bands <33 YUMMY. I have been a camgirl for about... A year now? But I barely consider myself one. I mean. I have a cam, and a site with pics, so I guess thats what I would be called, right? I have bad bad grades. I sing well, very very well, well. If I do say so myself. WOO. Inside, I'm really really shy when I first meet someone, but once I get to know them, I can totally be myself. I hate when I sound stupid and say dumb things, or try to make people laugh and they are like "Wtf". Hehehehe. I tend to change my screen name way too often, I am depressed and moody, though few see that in me. Uhhh...

_tH3 4N5W3R5/
Real questions I have gotten...

Q: Take a nude pic for me?
A: Jump off a cliff for me? kthx! <33.

Q: Can you take a picture and write something on it for me? Or write something somewhere on your body for me?
A: O_O; Uhh. Just give me specifics and I'll see what I can do.

Q: Make my g/f jealous?
A: A. Get a life.
B. You don't deserve a girlfriend you condom.
C. NO!

Q: Do you go live?
A: Actually, no. My software doesn't support live cam, so, no. I wish I could, though. :D. I just take snapshots.

Q: I'm masturbating about you and you are making me horny.
A: ...Is this a question?

You wanna have a lil' chat, or maybe ask a question, OR request a pic? A non-obscene one? Oklydokley! All ya hafta do is e-mail me!

_0tH3R PR0j3Ct5
personal site:
blurty: /~h3artshapedbox

click HERE to view and enlarge most recent.