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Love It & Live It
Wednesday, 21 July 2004
All out loud..
Its like this now.. i just dont give a fuck. point blank, all out loud, in ya face, standin` up, cant get no plainer than old english,.. ABOUT ANYTHING but the THINGS that are most important.. Im tired of ppl tryna get over on me.. do i look dumb? if u just thought "yes in ur mind" then thats your opinion, and i dont care..friends.. lets not get on that topic.. niggas and bitches are sleezy at da same damn time.. and thats whats so sad..the onyl person i can count/rely on is myself.. and thats so real..ppl be like oh girl u shud have been known that... blauh bluah.. yea ok we all do but u dont KNOW IT, until the shit gets not perfect, im not 100% nice, im not all that.. and so what? i believe in me, and i believe in what i say.. i never will hold my tounge for anything unless its absolutely necessary.. with all surprised i havent gone insane.. but he(Click for details)** has kept me sane..thank God for CJ, thank God for long baths, long walks, comedy, and pen and paper when stuff really pisses you off.. As of today..SHE IS BACK.. and if you dont like it.. blow one ASAP. toodlez**

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 8:02 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 July 2004 8:11 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 July 2004
headache magnet..
Man.. it seems like every other day i have these bad azz migrains or suttin` momma checked my blood pressure and says i dont have high blood pressure.. but damn what do i have?? lol just a headache talkin bout all thiz in da back of my f*ckin head is hurtin..hurtin so bad i cant even write a journal entry..diz sh*t sucks..

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 7:45 PM EDT
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Monday, 19 July 2004
they get paranoid..
I now know why i dont hang around people that do drugs.. because after awhile they get paranoid, and just change..for example scenerio: You being the one telling someone(friend) you care about the truth, and they get all mad..*no comment*..then u have another friend* that seems nice when u meet them.. they smoke a little weed and *walah* they instantly become a-holes..Weed has 2 either makes you all sensitive and loving, etc.. or you can get really mean, and grouchy, and a B-i-t-c-h...yeah.

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 9:06 PM EDT
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Sunday, 18 July 2004

Today was.., well pretty O.K. I bought a new camera celly ---> (Samsung p107), wit a cell holder, and a new strap..all together?? $300 & suttin`. Wow, and some new kitty stuff for my sweet pea. Ughz.. i jsut lost all thought.. matter fact i mistake and left da computer on.. got up and left with my blog wide open (oh!bwoy)..i cant

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 11:13 PM EDT
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Monday, 12 July 2004
So much for that..
Have you ever waved so 100%-surable at someone, cuz u thought they were someone was shopping and there was diz latino boy not to far from me..and az you know I WEAR GLASSES, but not all the time sometimes i switch up..and so i started staring really hard like, dang isn`t he gonna wave, cuz that is i stared at him for about 15 minutes..he finally walks up and looks me in the eye, and thats when i realized this isn`t they were walking away, they all go.."hey maybe she likes a little La-tino flavor.." hahaha..i was so much for that..

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 12:33 AM EDT
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Thursday, 8 July 2004
It took awhile to get me..and im gonna take my time..
What i really hate? When people IM me..and say `hey (7 minutes later), `i seen your blackplanet, Yahoo profile..*10 minutes later)...Okayyyyyyyyyy, i see dat page almost every damn day..your point iz?? Then..ASKING QUESTIONS ALREADY ANSWERED ON THE PAGE, really makes me mad...niqqaz dez days..*umph, umph, umph* BACK TO REALITY.

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 9:32 PM EDT
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Thursday, 1 July 2004
Yea. Rite.
How was my day??? Woke up @ 3 pm, shopped till i dropped..ate good. ToOOOooOo much work lol? Yea. Rite.

In my shopping bag: Eyeliner (Blk/White), Belly Ring*, 2 pairs of earrings, Outfit ;)..Hollaz.

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 4:14 AM EDT
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Monday, 21 June 2004
...It comes eazy..
"Jump in lets go...lay back and..enjoy da show..everybody gets high..and..everybody gets low..these are the days that anything goes.."Shyrol Crow

..It comes so eazy..basically i spent almost 3 yrs doing things i was kinda unhappy about..whatever now its like im me, and this is who i am, get over it? For one thing, YES i love Anthony Williams. Always have, always will since 8th grade. I really dont care what anybody else thinks from this point on or not. WOW, blow it out cha ass, for goodness sake..Secondly, im living for me "the show is over..take a bow and say goodbye" too all the old things held inside..Yes im a better person now that im more open, and it feels so good. I have a happier life, and i found what i was missing and i wont tell...

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 3:03 AM EDT
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Saturday, 19 June 2004
But whatever i decide i know im gon` be aight...
"They say you gotta be country as hell, if yall got some lime-green limonade..well.., we country az hell round hea lol, and we got all colors!"

I've been traveling so much this week, so i decided to just chill out for the reamaining days..and to make it hot, its blazin down here bout 500 hunnet and fitty, degrees lmao. I cant wait till summer is over and school comes back, cuz im so ready to graduate im tired of not gonna be like everybody and go straight to college and then ending up comming back home broke because i ranned out of cash..i'de rather wait..pluz when i get ready to head off i decided im moving to miami, for i feel like its the place to be, and plus they got "cool points" from me for all dat good food. Or i've really been thinking about Killa-Cali, i hurd its cool as ever out there..but whatever i decide i know im gon` be so tired. i gotta rest my head peace out.

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 9:27 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 June 2004
somtimes i just wish i could fly away
I dont not very happy, and i cant figure out why. Im still searching for an answer..yet i still cant find whats making my life so incomplete..there are so many obstacles in life that its ridiculous..sometimes i just wish i could fly away, like really really far where you dont have to worry about stress, phd's(i gotta drop this word), or just plain out weary, and my mind is tired, whats wrong?

..thinking is no good, actions DONT speak louder than words..

Posted by ill/babydoll_dominique at 1:09 AM EDT
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