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Soup-Faerie.Com News
I have added some cute dog backgrounds by Soupy! AND, I have added a lot of new welcome images created by Soupy! Be sure to check everything out.

We have buttons added again! :D Right now you can get cute blinkie buttones to use when you want to link back to Soup-Faerie.Com!

Yay for regular updates again! :D I am going to be updating at least every other day with new content and/or images! :D So, thanks for being patient.

NEW: Premade layouts have been added! These were all created by Jem. :)

I've had problems connecting to the site to reupload ever since my return. Please be patient while I get the newest features up. I can't upload with frontpage, so I have to upload every little thing with FTP. *grumbles* FTP is quite annoying.

*pokes website* Ok, I'm back and very much alive. :) I shall have updates started again shortly. I just have to deal with this pesky thing called cleaning and unpacking. It happens to the best of us... *shudders*

Happy Vacation! No updates will be made until July 15th.

First, I just want to give a big Happy Forth of July to any person(s) that celebrates the holiday.

Happy July 4th

I have added twenty more backgrounds! :D More things to be added to the site later today!

Jem has provided a pretty nifty neoHTML guide! :) So, if you were a little clueless on how to make your chat board messages look cool like so many other people do, you now have a place to educate yourself!

Ask Baby Soupy! Botmaster Marsha has given birth to a BABY SOUPY BOT! :) Just select "Ask Baby Soupy" from the menu to the left to talk to Baby Soupy. Be warned. She is just a little baby and hasn't been taught everything yet.

Sarah has kindly created two new styles of status bars! :) Just visit the status bar menu item to your left!

We now have icon bases that you can use to make your own personalized icons for your favorite online journals! :) We have 3 pages to choose from right now with TONs more to come!

I have added more premade shop blogs by Jem! :)

YAY! Many more new backgrounds have been added! At least 5 more pages!

Jessyta has also sent in an updated blog tutorial! :) Now more things have been clarified to help you make your own personalized blogs!

Last months Soup Watch has been uploaded! :) Sorry about not getting it up earlier; however, problems with the previous host made it most difficult to update anything. In any case, read up the latest Soupy Watch for all the latest things to watch out for.

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