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About Me




House of Healing

Welcome to the House of Healing, an archive dedicated to sick-Aragorn and hurt/comfort Aragorn fics.

Under construction

Message from girlwithtulips:

Hi! *g* My favourite character from LotR is Aragorn (the obsession ranges from mild to incapacitating, depending on the day *lol*), and my favourite stories are sick-fics and hurt/comfort stories. While I have read some absolutely completely utterly fantastic sick-Aragorn and Aragorn hurt/comfort fics *happy sigh* *offers tulips to the wonderful, wonderful writers*, I have yet to find a place where they are all gathered... so I thought I would create my own archive. This way, I can have access to all my favourite fics in one place, and more people can read other people's wonderful fics!

So far, I am still figuring out the html (but this will be a very simple, and hopefully easy to use site) - I have gotten this far and I'm very proud *lol* I know enough to make the basics of a webpage, so there won't be fancy graphics or anything; just the best sick-Aragorn hurt/comfort stories there are!

(I've been toying with this idea for a little while now, and when I signed up at angelfire, and got this domain name, it was like a little sign *l*)

I hope you will enjoy looking around (uh...when there's something to look around at, I mean *g*) and that you will allow your fic to be archived here!


This site was created by girlwithtulips © 2003. All fics are copyright to their respective authors.