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The MiNd Of A crAzY WoMAn
Sunday, 15 June 2003
Need to rest my head.....
I'm so depressed. Today is just a horrible, horrible day. I feel so alone. Like I'm going crazy and no one cares. But then again, everyone has their own shit to deal with so I can't really expect them to help me through mine. I'm on this I don't care if I die right now trip. I feel like I'm sixteen again and I'm lost and I don't know what to do or where to go. Maybe I need to leave. I don't know. Maybe that's just a way to escape. I don't wanna escape. wanna deal w/ it and move on and start off clean. Maybe I never dealt with it before like I should have that's why it keeps coming back. You know that someone who has been depressed before ( in clinical terms) most probably will get depressed again later on it life? I think this is the later on in life part that they were talking about. I guess now I kind of know what to do but I kind of don't. I'm starting to hate the whole world and that's not a good thing. I don't know where all this came from but I want it to go away.

Sometimes I feel like my parents are trying to make up for not really being there while I was younger. I never hated them for it and maybe i just grew up independent...I eman hello they let me live in a different country w/ out them when I was how old right! BUt I guess that's why I hate it when they bug me about the things I do, where I go, who I hang out w/, what time I'm coming home. It all seems so irrelevant to me. I get so frustrated at them sometimes I have to bite my tongue to keep me from saying anything.

My friends on the other hand...well...i don't really know...JOn and Dee are in the states. Dee's married. I know that doesn't mean she can't be there for me, but of course, it's different now. We're so different now it's unbelievable. But that's not even the issue, that's ok. I guess sometimes I feel like maybe, I dunno, she's changed so much that she has certain opinions of me like that aren't good? I don't know. Gina's on this weird trip. She's always w/ me when she's not with jay but the minute they get back, I'm somehow put somewhere else again. Up on the cupboard til they break up again.I gotta get my life together, it's falling apart. The only thing I can hold on to now is Tristan, and even that I'm not that sure of. Argh. I just wanna scream sometimes. Like a good I don't care if anyone's around scream. The kind of scream that will make dead people turn on their graves and ask what was that?!

I miss lola a lot too. That was one person who I had a great, no questions, mutual love and respect relationship with. Sometimes I still cry when I really miss her. I know she's watching over me but it's just so hard sometimes. I can't really talk to anyone. Some people are too far away...literally...some are just distant doin their own thing...tristan thinks I'm too who am I supposed to talk to right? GOD? I do that too but I need someone who actually talks to me back.

What ever doesn't kill you just makes you stronger right? I'll answer that again if I survive this.


Posted by ill/andrealuknowdadeal at 6:30 PM JST
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Mi vida Loca
Oh yeah. My life has been this crazy ass ride for feels like I'm ridin' a cab w/ a 7 year old driver in New York City.
My mom has been going through this weird phase...i don't know if it's menopause or what but it totally sucks! we have a hard enough time getting along but now it's like world war three almost everyday. She gets mad at me for seemingly no apparent reason, and on the other hand, she thinks im being a bitch and not listening and thinking she's mad, when she's not. ( or so she says!) but hello, she's rasing her voice and all that what the hell am i supposed to think right? so i just leave...don't come home for awhile so I don't have to deal w any of it.

Seriously thinkin of moving out. Im just waiting to be able to afford it and still ahve extra cash to spend on myself...i don't wanna be JUST GETTING BY if you know what I mean. Oh well. we'll see how that goes.

Another thing is work...what to do, what to do....I mean, I love everything about it, sometimes I just can't deal with the weird hours and I just get so tired sometimes. Maybe it's also the fact that I've always hated people telling me what to do. Maybe that's still something I have to work on. I could actually do freelance, but then again...I don't have enough contacts yet. I need more money than the peanuits im getting from this job! I love it to death but it's just not gonna pay the bills!

I'm gonna complain about one last thing...well, actually I'm not really gonna complain, more like analyze a situationa nd just saybhow I feel about it. Ok so HELLO aycs it's pretty clear that you're totally in-love with tristan right. So what are the things I really need to consider if I wanna continue this and really work it out with him...

WHat are his goals in life? I mean, sure now it's ok that he ain't workin and all...but does he plan to have this type of lifestyle throughout his entire life? Im not talkin abt smokin and drinkin coz I do that to...but the other stuff...
Could he stay with me? ANd I mean JUST me? You know honestly so many times I have wanted to totally react or say something about other people but I don't because it's just something I heard from so and so and I can't really say anything...I used to trip abt it so much before but now I TRY not to...i don't say I don't but I try not to because we ain't OFFICIALLY together. But fuck officially man, hello...the way we are beats alot of couples that ARE officially together...I sleep there all the time,im so comfortable at his house even w/ his dad...we eat out regularly, catch flicks, plan for things together, more often than not he knows what im up to and i know what he's up to...we open up to each other abt real feelings and emotions...u it would be TOTAL BULLSHIT to use that not official shit as an excuse. whatever.

He cares about me I know that for sure. But he holds back a lot. He hesitates every time he sees it getting deeper he panics and tries to pull back. But honestly, if we really didn't want it to work, if we had no love for each other, we wouldn't be in this situation now. It wouldve been dead a long time ago.

Anywayz before I go this is day 1 of my new no carb diet and im alreadyd ying. Maybe that's partly why I've been head hurts and i need potatoes...or rice...anything!!!!


Posted by ill/andrealuknowdadeal at 2:41 AM JST
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