Pandora Sez: Well... Er *cough* hello

What up?

'Lo my minions of darkness, I'm here to write, I suppose that might imply that your hear to listen. If it is that you wish to hear Ms Isreal's tale of The girl What stole the Pope then you should find it below, with her other work, among which are Insomniac, Ghosties and Vamps, and Pandora sez. Other stuff is on other pages, I'm most certainly not going to baby you and tell you where to find them, that's up to you. With all that said, you are now free to view the site, I shall remove the shackles as soon as I'm sure your not a criminally insane gerbil with blood in your eyes, out for vengance. Do as you wish then, so long as you don't bother me for anything. I wish not to recieve your foul e-mail, I'll put up a guest book instead, you can taint that for all I care.


I really hate myself. I despise myself.


Yeh, well, things are getting ok. Abi is fine.. I'm going to put up some video clips of a documentary I'm making. It's appropriately entitled "In the Jungle". It should debut about the same time as my feature legnth film, Noir Zombie, from the Producer of La piedra de la Fantasma and La Bruja Fea. As well as Director and writter Keiko Kunimoto. Just check out this poster of the Noir Zombie.


Well.. I see that a considerable amount of time has passed since I've visited my site. Actually, it's been a considerable amount of time since anyone has visited my site. I've only my self to blame for that, y'see I don't like sharing with people... Well, that's actually a lie, had I not wished to be known, I would have stayed hidden away in the shadows. But enough of all that. Everything has been fine, things have changed a bit, though. A few of my classmates have managed to permeate the sarcastic lining of my personality, and are actually bothering to get to know me. *narrows eyes* I think they're planning something, and I don't mean something nice..Like a surprise party, I mean something bad, something like planting a time released stinkbomb in my book bag. >.< You can't trust anyone.


Bleh, school is so annoying,I hate it!!!! Such a shame that I actually have to go do stuff. Cause, you know, stuff sucks. BITCH.


Yellow stupid. Welp, me daddy jus got back frm Colombia.. Grrr, why cudnt he stay for anothr eternity or somethin??? Anyway, Im working on ma art now.. I really feel really... CREATIVE! Hmmn.. I guess that be all for right now, see ju L8r (see.. ebonics SUCK!)


Whassup. It's been awhile. You go to my LJ. You go now.


Aww.. It's hard for me to stay mad at juu Chester.. c'mere! *huggles Chester* well Ladies and Gents, the Concert was a blast! I got to see the Hoobastank, it was great.. But these fucking stoners in front were... stoned... and the smell was so gross.. Mary Jo.. Kiddies.. Dont do drugs they make you... wha? What was I saying? Hoobastank was fucking great.. Damn.. They were.. hehehe I gotta T-Shirt! Remember.. Remember when doug took off the sweater and-and he didn't have a shirt on?*sighs* Yah.. That was cool.. Very cool.. Not cool so much as it was.. *Sighs again* Hot.. For your viewing pleasure you can see an Oh so dreamy picture of Dough here.. By the by, he's the hottie in the sleeveless, and if you didn't know that already...*grumbles something vulgar under her breath*


Wooohooo, Linkin Fuckin Park Sucks.. >.0


Dear Fucking God... Hugh Grant is hot!!! Well.. he is.. *pouts* He's so... handsome.. Wouldn't it be like... you know.. cool, If I could rip his clo... I mean send him a letter.. ya.. a letter... hehehe I'm going to take a cold shower now ^ ^", but you cant gasp over this new piccy thingy I found.. He's such a hottie grrr... I want him...


Well I think Im going to start a band, Desentisize, damn I'm good lol, anyway, if you thinky think think that you liky like like the idea, call me, and I'll clue you in on les detalles. I'm drummer, all I need is Bass and Electric, oh.. and uh.. Lead singer too. Well, I think That's all, Oh and, Yay Incubus, Meglomaniac is a damn good music video. Watch it... I'm serious.. no.. really.. watch the god damn video.. Watch it now... Get your ass over... *strangles you and forces you to sit down and watch the fuse.* Dumb ass. Poor Cesar and Eric.... *Sings Incubuses wish you were here* IIIIIII wish you weeereee heeeeeere.... III~III wish you were heeere!!!! I lay my head on to the saaaand the sky resembles a back lit canopyy with hooooles punched it int! Im countttting UFOOOO's I signal theeem with my ladddder!!!! Hehehe... see you next year Mr Mateos. what else, what else, what else? Hmmmn.. Hi abi!! Fucky fuck fuckity fuck! Ill see you guys later, I'm going to watch some television now... Hey Invader Zim is SOoOoO on tv, If you've got NCKTN or something like that, than you can watch it, its great as hell. No new episodes though. Well thats all for now, Ciao female


woah. I'm gonna start heading this shit. I've been okay.. just enjoying my Dashboard conffesional CD. But what I really want is Weezer, I'm so fucking broke, I dont know what the hell to do with myself. I'm so cool. Kiss meh ^ ^ Sooo. what do you think about my new page? I think its neat-o. Check out the Who I be page right here bitch . Ill get a navi bar when I feel like it, and as for Pandora sez. Im not sure when Ill get a new strip. Im too lazy to draw anynmore. But you CAN read my poems here. Well until later... Ciao Female

1.I have no fuckin idea.03

I am back... with news... yess plenty of news.. It appears that I'm finally getting switched to a web design class, at long last!!! Thank God!!! Wooohooo!! ANYWAY.. Now that thats over, I think I'll shiny up the place, give it a bit more...I dunno..PAZAZ.. *lord dont smite me for saying pazaz* DAMN I said it again.. Well well welly well well I guess Ill catch up with you on the flip side. Ciao p.s (pazaz)Female


Happy New Years and all that rot, How are you anyway? Well, Things have been happy in my little life, so I think Ill write more often. *Grin* And for all ye out thar who be into me stories, you get yer vishes and I vill draw more. YARR! I Draw more for ye! Hehehehehehehe. Okies! *__* And I just want to give a virtual hug to my bestest friend. ABIII ^ ^ Yay ABI!


What up bone daddy? Tis' Christmas time so I says, go out and watch Nightmare Before Christmas.. Again...and again...and again.. and.... and again!!! Jack IS THE PUMPKIN KING!! And I am pricess of the dark dismal doomy doom... weeee... I love kit kats...they make you feel all SHINY INSIDE!!!!! Ahhahahahahahahah fear me and my happy hap happity doom doom doom!!!!


Hello... Im now doing this thing at school, I mean, why should I do it at home? Thats just stupid. like you. I hate you.. your dumb.. Female


Check out this link to see a sneacky weaky of The Girl What Stole The Pope


Oh my lucky stars... Its been so long since Ive made clicky here... Well anyway.. The Cowboy Bebop Stuff will be here... and p.s if your from In the future.. your not dumb.. lol I just say that to commoners lol j/k

Hey, Alex. You son of a Fuckin Bitch. I sincerely hate you, for all it's worth. I wish you were dead. Ha HA HAHHAHAHAHA I dont know why I trust guys so easily they always break my heart. Never fails. Never ever ver er r. For more, grade A, quality teen angst ranting, just haz clique agui aqui!
***Be thee warned that thy soul shant be completely satisfyed.. This sneaky peacky is a small one.. I shall do my best to satisfy thee in the next post..With that I bid thee fare adieu!


Terms and Conditions dont apply cause I dont give a fuck. Bitch Oooo.. I AM a vulgar monkey ^ ^ Screw you.

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