WARNING: This is a complete work of fiction it contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor or if this is illegal in your area you should leave this page immediately. Please don't change this story in any way, sell it or pass it off as your own work. This story is copyrighted to me Chew69. Thanks... enjoy the story.

Oh yeah... comments are welcome, flames will be ignored, please contact me at Chew69_m@yahoo.com.

As she sits on the bench waiting for the bus in the horrid heat. The heat aggravating her already sensitive nipples. "I knew I should not have worn this new bra today!" she silently rages as every move she makes rubs the already stimulated nipples. "What a day." she grumbles to herself. The days frustrations finally getting the upper hand on her. "Should have never taken that fucking promotion, they work me like a dog now. Everything has to be perfect... OOh god" she stops with a whimper. Feeling a breeze as it flows over her body the cool air upon her nipples. "I need a MAN! It has been 9 fucking months!" she moan to herself. As the puff of wind dies down the oppressive heat hits her again darkening her mood even more.

Finally, the bus arrives and she gets on. Looking for a lone seat she finds one in the middle of the bus. Reaching up she tries to open her window as the bus pulls away. "God damn window is stuck!" she whispers as she struggles with it trying to open it. Finally, sitting down in disgust. Sitting in the hot muggy bus she rides along the bus swaying causing her nipples to rub against her bra. Unable to take it any longer, she looks around to make sure no one is looking and she quickly removes her bra. Sticking it in her purse. She leans back into the seat and starts to think of HIM. How his strong hands will feel upon her skin. His hot body as she watches him as he swims in the pool at his house. Seeing his muscles ripple as he pulls his body through the water as he swims over to her. He pulls himself from the pool his body dripping and glistening in the sun. He...

"Excuse me can I sit here?" Looking up she sees a construction worker looking down upon her motioning to the seat. She reaches over and moves her purse and turns away from him with a scowl upon her face. "I have to sit next to a smelly CONSTRUCTION WORKER! Will this day never end?" She silently fumes as he sits beside her. "It sure is HOT isn't it ma'am?" He asks. She simply ignores him trying to lose herself in her fantasy again. "Can I open that window ma'am?" He asks she looks at him he stands towering above her reaching out his very strong arms and wrestles the window down. The blast of air hits her flowing over her skin rubbing her shirt against her screaming nipples. She moans as she looks at him and sees his eyes looking down following his eyes down she sees her purse has opened and he is staring at her lacy silk bra. She blushes in shame and turns away from him looking out the window. As he sits again beside her.

Riding in silence for a while the wind billowing through the window against her flushed skin. "Hey look at that new mall." He says as he reaches across her to point out the window. His thickly muscled forearm in front of her chest just barely touching her shirt. "Oooh" she moans as the bus sways and her nipples rub against his arm. "Um HUH" she tries to reply as he pulls his arm back. Pressing his arm lightly against her chest he starts to draw his arm back. Trying to concentrate she bites her lip as his arm scrapes over her nipples. "Ohhh" she gasps as his hand touches her breast. He stops as his wrist touches her nipple. She looks down and sees him turn his wrist so his palm is toward her chest. Looking at him he looks into her eyes as he starts to move his hand over her breast. The hard palm of his hand against her shirt pulling the material against her.

"Oh God!" she moans as she sees him smile at her. Just a soft smile upon his lips like he knows he is going to please her. As his curled fingers touch her breast she can feel her heart beating wildly against her chest. His strong fingers sliding over her flesh. Gliding upward over her skin finally his finger tips are touching her nipple he so lightly pinches her hard protrusion between his thick long fingers and then side off. "No" she lightly gasps, barely aware of her own actions she presses her chest forward. She turns her head and looks at him. His deep brown eyes looking beyond her eyes all the way to her soul. Searching inside her finding her deepest desires. She feels his arm move away from her chest and she looks down to see him opening the button to her top. Wanting to stop him she is powerless as she looks into his pleading eyes.

"Ohhh" she moans as she feels the first touch of his finger tips upon her skin. It send electric shocks down between her legs. His fingers slide up her chest to stroke her neck and then glide back down the valley between her breasts. His touch so light the skin puckers in goose bumps. His hands lightly stroking the flesh of her breast. He starts to caress her breast. Just his finger tips brushing against her. As his fingers finally touch her bare nipple she lets go closing her eyes she leans her head back. "Ohh Oooohhh OOOH" she groans as his fingers pinch upon her sensitive nipples. He works his fingers like a small mouth upon her sucking her hard little bud. She feels the pure lust heat coming from her pussy. Rubbing her legs together she can feel the wet lips sliding against each other.

She feels the air change around her breasts and she looks down as he has pulled her top open exposing her breast to his eyes. He pulls his fingers away from her chest and as she looks at him his eyes are staring into her eyes. He smiles at her as his fingers lightly touch her thigh. She shudders as she feels his touch looking into his eyes, begging her to let him please her. Surrendering to him she leans back and opens up to his touch. "Yessss" she whispers as she parts her legs and feels his fingers sliding over her stockings between her thighs. His fingers brushing against her sensitive flesh. As she spreads her legs more giving him full access to her most intimate areas he smiles at her display of pure lust. He slowly strokes his finger up her thigh. Feeling the soft touch of his fingers against the silkiness of her stockings sending jolts of pure pleasure through her body. She closes her eyes and enjoys the sensations. As his fingers touch the top of her stockings. she shudders as his fingers make contact with the smooth skin of her leg.

"Oh GOD!" she moans loudly as her eyes fly open feeling his mouth upon her nipple. His hot mouth sucking her hard nub into his mouth. She relishes the feeling of his soft smooth lips against her. Her arms come up and encircle his head pulling his mouth against her. His fingers stroking her inner thigh not moving just brushing against the sensitive flesh. "Uhhh" she starts to moan and reaches down to his wrist sticking out of her skirt and pulling she tries to move his hand to her dripping sex. His strong arm does not move. She finally begs him. "Pleassseeeee." and as the final sound escapes her lips his fingers slide up and touches her. Roughly pulling aside her panties his finger finally touches her lips. He lightly brushes his finger over her swollen pussy lips as he lightly bites upon her nipple.

"Please Please Please..." She hears herself whimpering as he pulls away from her breast and gets so close to her face she can feel his breath upon her lips as he stares into her eyes. As she rises to meet his lips he kisses her full of pure desire. As his tongue enters her mouth she feels his finger pierce her inner sanctum. As he slides deep inside her she moans onto his tongue. Opening her mouth his tongue devours her. "Oh god I am going to..." she mumbles into his tongue. His finger sliding in and out of her. Feeling the tightening in her stomach she starts to clench his hand between her legs. Knowing her release is emanate he slides his finger out of her pussy and rubs his fingers around her clit. Around and around as she climbs to the peak. "Cumming" is all she can gasp into his mouth as she feels his fingers lightly pinching her clit and feels her body contracting in orgasm. As she starts coming shots of pure white flying behind her eyes feeling the pent up sexuality released. She sobs in release as he holds her to his chest. His arms around her, surrounding her, protecting her. She sobs deep into his strong chest.

"It is ok." he whispers as he strokes her hair. Pulling out his handkerchief he gives it to her as he disengages himself from her and stands. "Well, this is my stop. I had to leave my car at the dealer." handing her his business card. "Call me, Please" He whispers to her as he kisses her deeply one more time before he turns to get off the bus. Watching him walk away she sees him enter the Porsche dealership. Looking down at the business card she reads his title "President - International affairs" Smiling she tucks the business card into her purse. "What a great day!" she smiles to herself as she buttons up her blouse.

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Also, you can reach me by emailing me at chew69_m@yahoo.com

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