WARNING: This is a complete work of fiction it contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor or if this is illegal in your area you should leave this page immediately. Please don't change this story in any way, sell it or pass it off as your own work. This story is copyrighted to me Chew69. Thanks... enjoy the story.

Oh yeah... comments are welcome, flames will be ignored, please contact me at chew69_m@yahoo.com.

... the tingling feeling of his hands upon her skin... arching her back against his teasing touch... the slick softness of his tongue against the skin... his strong hands touching her everywhere... the smell of him invading her senses... shivering in need as he slowly flickers his tongue up her neck, to the lobe of her ear... the feeling of his hot breath flowing over her ear..."Wake up honey", he whispers to her ... "Wake up...", his hot mouth kissing it's way across her cheek to her lips. Slowly opening her eyes she sees his beautiful face, as his lips come down to lightly kiss her. The taste of his minty breath, the soft silkiness of his lips against hers as he pulls away he whispers, "Good morning sweet." She reaches for him pulling him to her wanting lips, smelling his fresh skin as she kisses him. Pressing herself against his bare chest, she kisses him deeply. Feeling the dampness of his hair in her clutching hands, she slides her tongue into his mouth, tasting the mint flavor of the toothpaste lingering on his tongue. Her hands stroke down his bare sides, the softness of his skin against her fingertips. Slowly working her hands down to his towel, running her fingers over the roughness of the towel, her fingers moving toward his manliness. His strong hands grab her hand, stopping her before she can touch him. "Not yet", he whispers as he pulls away. "I have the whole day planned and we need to hurry. The farmer's market closes soon and you need to get ready.", kissing her so softly he rises up and turns to leave. "I have to get dressed.", he says to her and he turns as he leaves the room smiling at her he winks.

Arising from the bed growling in frustration she climbs into the shower. Her eyes closed she lets the water run over her body. "I will show him.", she mumbles as she slowly washes her long silky hair. The hot soapy water cascading down her beautifully formed back, over the swelling of her bottom, running down her long shapely legs. Feeling the heat of the water penetrating her skin warming her whole body. Gliding the soapy washcloth over her neck she slowly washes her chest, lingering over her breasts. Teasing them with the rough cloth, rubbing her hardening nipples. Continuing down over her torso, down her back, over her backside. Bending she washes down the back of her legs as the hot water splashing against her back. Slowly washing the front of her legs as she arises, feeling the caress of the towel against her inner thigh. Finally, coming to rest against her hot center. Her fingers slowly rubbing the coarse towel against herself she moans in desire. Her fingers sliding against her sensitive skin bringing her closer to the peak. Abandoning herself to her fingers, using them to tease her soft tender skin... "sssssshirk" She turns to the sound of the shower curtain being opened. "I told you to hurry." He hisses in desire, as he stares at her glistening body. "No more of that till later.", his eyes riveted to her hands. Blushing she pulls her hands from her core and she turns to rinse herself. "I'll be downstairs getting the bikes ready", he says as he turns to leave. "Damn him just another minute." She stomps her foot.

"I am going to show him how to tease", she mumbles to herself as she dries herself off and quickly finishes up in the bathroom. Collecting her workout clothes she walks downstairs naked. Striding sensously up to the sliding glass door, where he is cleaning off the bicycles, she smiles at him as he looks up at her. Turning around she bends down to set her clothes down. Peaking between her spread legs she sees his eyes glued to her body as she picks up her socks and sways to the window. She sees him swallow hard as she lifts her foot up, exposing herself completely to him, as she slips the socks on, making sure to rest her foot against the window checking to make sure that each sock is on correctly. Turning from the window she kneels upon the ground and slowly crawls back to her clothes. Kneeling before her clothes she slips the sports bra over her head. Turning her profile to him she slowly lowers the bra into place, teasing her nipples through the thick material. Then, spreading her legs a little more she leans over and picks up her panties in her mouth. Feeling the heat of his stare against her body she flushes. Turning toward the window she slowly stalks to the window. Sitting upon the hardwood floor before him she raises her knees up to her chest. Sliping her feet through the panties she slowly pulls them up over her calves. Then, laying back upon the floor her legs held straight up she slides the panties the rest of the way over her thighs. Lowering her legs to the floor she lifts her bottom and slips the panties tight against her skin. Crawling back to her clothes she teases him by. Quickly pulling on the rest of her clothes and shoes. "Ok I am ready lets go." She says as she slithers up onto her bicycle seat. Giveing him a wicked grin as he tries to climb onto his cycle his hardness making it difficult. Pulling her hair into a ponytail and sliding it through the back of her baseball cap. She smiles at him as he struggles with his manhood. "Hurry", she teases as she wags her bottom and starts to ride.

They ride along the road to the path winding through the trees nearby. She watches his smooth motions as he effortlessly glides along. Watching how his shirt pulls tight to his muscular chest, his hair billowing out behind him. His tight bottom perched upon the bicycle seat. The smells of the fresh cut grass and flowers all around them. Feeling the heat of the sun upon her skin. The exercise pumping up her muscles with the feeling of being alive and free. Her sweat slowly rolling down her back. Riding along the trail watching the sway of his hips as he pedals along. She feels her excitement returning just looking at him. Watching his strength and grace, like a powerful animal his body moves. Every muscle moving perfectly together. His piercing eyes taking in everything.

Lost in thought she is startled when he slows and hops off his bicycle. Only then realizing that they had reached the farmer's market. Parking their bikes, hand in hand they walk among the tables looking at all the fresh produce. "Fresh tomatos!" The excitement in his voice as he moves to the heavly laden table. Lingering behind she watches him. Like a preditor he scans the plump ripe tomatoes, searching for the perfect one. How he delicately touchs the soft flesh of the tomato knowing flawlessly if it is ready to be devoured. His strong fingers sliding over the softness searching for the ripeness of the sun-swollen fruit.

"Can I help you miss?" The lady behind the table asks. Taking her eyes away from him she looks at the lady and smiles. "No thank you" she says as she turns back to look for him, but he is gone. Quickly scanning the crowd she is unable to see him, moving forward to look for him she steps up to where he was and looks. Unable to find him she quickly turns, relieved to find him beside her. His tender smile soothes her fears. He holds a ripe pealed mango to her lips, "Taste this!" The sweet scent of the fresh fruit pervades her senses, opening her mouth she feels the soft succulent fruit press against her lips. Takeing a bite of the swollen flesh. The Juices squirting out against her lips and chin as the sweet tangy flavor of the Mango caresses her tongue. The soft fruit falls apart in her mouth. Moaning in pleasure at the taste, she feels a drip of it's juices slowly sliding down her neck, reaching her hand to catch it he is quicker leaning forward, his mouth coming to rest against her skin, he slowly flickers his tongue against her neck. Licking at the juices he slowly works his way up her neck. Her hands reach behind his head, pulling his soft raspy tongue tight against her skin. Guiding his mouth as he licks his way up to her chin. The intensity of the feeling of his tongue against her skin, all these people around. She feels as if everyone is watching her and she does not care. Letting go she lowers her lips to his and pulls him into a tight embrace. The taste of the mango upon their tongues, mixed with the saltiness of her own sweat. Breaking the kiss so slowly, slipping his tongue out of her mouth, pausing just a moment his tongue flickers against the underside of her lip. He pulls her tight to his chest his mouth beside her ear he whispers, "I have GOT to have you soon!" The urgency in his voice fans her desire. "TAKE ME" she whispers into his ear as she bites his neck lightly.

Breaking the embrace they race toward their bikes. Getting onto their bikes she moans, "Oh God!" she presses her sex upon the seat of the bicycle. The soft gel of the seat molding to her form, pressing so gently against her opening. As she starts to pedal her weight pulling her down against the seat every pump of her legs raising her off the seat only to be pressed down again. Groaning in pure lust she looks up at him with lost eyes as she sees the cobblestone road in front of her. Riding slowly she feels the bicycle vibrating against her as she bounces slowly over the rough pavement. Leaning forward against her handlebars, she feels the seat pressing against her button. Shivering in pure ecstasy, she reaching out to him as he rides beside her. He holds her as she starts to top her peak. The juices flooding her opening she feels herself contracting against the seat. Squeezing her opening and bottom against it. Abandoning herself to the moment. Feeling the scream building in her throat she kisses him as she lets go, screaming into his mouth.

Pulling her from the path to a little clearing, he grabs her from the bicycle. Lifting her in his strong arms he kisses her hard, pressing her against a tree. The rough bark against her back only fueling her desires, as he rubs his hard cock against her steamy wetness. She moans into his mouth, grinding herself against him. Stepping back from her, she sees the wildness in his eyes as he pulls off her shorts and panties. Dropping to his knees before her he licks his way up her inner thigh, like a wild animal lapping his way to her swollen pussy. Losing herself to the feeling she grinds her swollen lips against his invading tongue, her swollen clit pressed against his lip. She groans in frustration as he stops and pulls away. He raises up between her legs, his strong hands grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his waist. He kisses her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, as he presses himself into her opening. She shudders in ecstacy as she sees the pure lust in his eyes as he ravages her body. His fingers wrapped around her thighs, the smell of his sweat as he presses his mouth harder to hers. Thrusting himself deeper inside her. Her mind reeling at wet sounds of their passion mixed with the sound of the leaves rustling around them. Knowing that they are outside, the excitement of possibly getting caught causes her to cling tighter to him. Clawing at his back as he fills her completely with his manhood. Her tightness driving him wild he pistons himself into her, filling her aching void with the very thing she desired. She feels his thrusts becoming more crazed, she lets herself go, screaming into his neck biting it as she feels him swell inside her. Like electricity his orgasm rips through him. Feeling the heat of his seed like molten lava inside of her sucking pussy. Jet after jet of his lust squirts inside of her, filling her completely. Feeling his juice squirting inside of her. His legs getting weak he slowly sink down to his knees as the orgasm robs him of his ability to stand.

She feels his soft kisses against her neck and his heart thundering in his chest. The warmth of his strong arms around her, she giggles into his chest as he rocks her against him. His fingers finding her chin and lifting it, she looks into his eyes she smiles at him and whispers "It is going to be a LONG ride home." Laughing he hugs her tight to him.

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