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Email: The Restless Heart

Welcome to a Realm of Moonlit Shadows
Where One's Mind Can Come and Stay
Welcome to a Realm of Endless Meadows
Just the Place for Minds to Play

July 13, 2002

It's been two months, and I'm sorry for that. I only recently broke writer's block, again. Anyway, I have 4 new updates, and Andrea, just click the "My Poetry" link on the side bar and go almost all the way down. I have a livejournal, which I encourage any and all visitors to go to, Here, or on the sidebar, where it has replaced the never-updated "Quotes" section. I have more coming, I think, definitely more before the next two months hehe. Be back soon, thanks!

Umm...I just noticed most of the links from last updates entries didn't work, and neither would the new ones...fixed that...damn I'm a moron.

April 28, 2002

Heh...Finally I return AGAIN! It's been a weird month. Most of it has been in a sleep-deprived haze. I've suffered about three weeks writer's block, and worse. Things are not well. Anyway, I DID have updates, and for not posting them I am sorry. But as for today, I have four new poems...all of which I like, I guess. They're worth a read, and since I just wrote the last on yesterday, no more writer's block. I'll update as soon as possible, ok?

March 20, 2002

Finally I return! Well, it's been a really different month for me, and I honestly can say I've been on an emotional roller coaster. That, however, has been good for my writing, as I have lots of things to add. I added FIVE must-read depressive poems today. I have more, somewhere, but they'd take MUCH more time then I have right now. I'll have them up soon. Anyway, if you want to be depressed...descend further. If you want to here a long emotional story, email me sometime. Goodbye...for now...

NOTICE: I will take submissions for many things. Foremost though is poetry and other such writings. I will also accept some fictional stories, if they are of good taste (Like the Noseless Wonder's). Furthermore, all I have to say is to try me, with about anything, and if I want to put it on, I will. Thanks for your time.