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A Weekend of Wedding Events and Activities in Chicago

The tentative agenda described below gives you an inkling of the events that we have in mind over the wedding celebration weekend. Also, check out the links to other Chicago events and attractions on our site for even more weekend activity ideas.

Thursday, August 1st

The Berkhof Reunion begins. While some will head out for a friendly golf outing, others can explore the city. The evening will conclude with some tasty, thick crust, Chicago-style pizza.

Friday, August 2nd

If there are enough takers, some will take off for an early bird round of golf. Then...GO CUBBIES!!! The first pitch is let loose at 2:20 pm. Options for Friday night include: dinner, live music, street festivals, chicago night life, etc.

Saturday, August 3rd

Anyone up for another round of golf? How about a morning jog along beautiful Lake Michigan? Later...don your best for our marriage reception scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm.

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