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This was done in july/august with dean from NRSV

1. BB- For the record who's who when it comes to NRSV?

NRSV be: K-Love -guitar, Nick o'tine - bass & trout, Insane James - on the beats, Dean of Discipline - Vocalisms, Dr. Alan Z. Roth - gut & nrsv bong. We've had many members over the years and lots of em still compete in NRSV events - so you never know who's gonna pop up at any time. And when we play live, it's mostly the audience that sings the songs...we just jump around and throw beer on their heads.

2. BB- It seems to me that NYHC breaks down into two groups one pretty serious like Sick of it All and the other pretty fun loving like Murphy's Law. Where do you think that NRSV fits into the spectrum?

DEAN - That's a good question...i dunno. You should actually ask that qeustion to SOIA or ML. They probally couldn't answer it either. NRSV is probally in the category of 'don't take us too seriously'. We basically started as a joke or parody of our favorite SOIA or ML...and we simply continue (in obscurity) along those lines. We never thought we were a hardcore band until Raybeez told us we were. It's cool to be accepted into that family, that scene. I just think we're a bunch of kids that don't know when they've had too much to drink, we just happen to play HC music.

3. BB- I saw you a couple of years ago and you were throwing cherry bombs into a toilet is that pretty common at one of your shows and what were some of your better stage acts?

DEAN - Yeah, that's pretty common type of thing. We're always trying to pull off the impossible. As far as stage shows - we've done it all from dancers, to cherry bombs, to pyrotechnics a la Metallica, to frozen fish and exploding pipe organs, giant bongs, etc..... We basically try to keep it interesting for ourselves...and hey, even if you hate our music, at least you can't say that we don't do a memorable show. I've listened to bands for years on CD and they were great, then i saw em live and they sucked ass - no energy, nothing. I would hate more than anything for someone to say that about us.

4. BB- You guys do pretty extensive tours of Europe why do you think Hardcore does so well over there?

DEAN - I think Hardcore does well anywhere that people are INVOLVED in the scene. If you promote shows well, get good bands to play , have a decent sound system, a good venue, involvement at different levels - it's gonna be a sucess. The European scene is one of the best! No doubt. We've gone many times cause each time we tour their the shows get consistantly better and better. People and bands are really involved in their scene. I give them all the credit in the world. They don't just talk a lot of shit about HC - they live it everyday. That's what it's all about - go listen to your records and learn your HC lessons, boyeeeeeeeee.

5. BB- What kind of turnouts do you get at your shows both here in the states and then in Europe?

DEAN - Good in both places....some shows are always better than others, etc....but such is life. We've been playing for 12+ years people are quite familar w/ us and they have always been great about supporting us. NRSV is about having a good time and when we're in town we always meet up with some folks that wanna have a blast. If not, we tend not to go back thru there on the next tour. But we've done lots of tours and they've all been very sucessful. That is a great credit to the people that come down to rock w/ us. God bless them. Punks, hardcore kids, everyone is welcome at our shows - everyone!

6. BB- If you guys were all in a bachelor auction who would do the best and who would look very sad?

DEAN - Dr. Alan Z. would look the best - he's large in charge!! All the ladies love big Al. He's the sex symbol of the group. He can accomodate several women at one time cause of his massive girth. They love his beastlike qualities. He's an animal of another kind - none of us are even in his league. Next to him - we all look pretty sad. Even the guys in Blink 182 will admit that he's the new punk rock sexsuperstar.

7. BB- I know you got to meet Raybeez, since then have you been able to meet anyone as important to you in the Hardcore scene?

DEAN- One of the best things about being in NRSV is that we've gotten to play with all of our favorite bands and even become friends with some of em. That's really the best. Meeting Ray was one of the most memorable people i've ever met. Some of the NRSV guys used to play in Warzone, also. Ray was a cool guy, a regular guy. One minute you'd see him onstage and the next just chilling on the street corner.....that's the funny thing about attracts just regular people. No wanna be stars or whatever - they're not truly hardcore. Like i said before, meeting A.F. or SOIA, or Bad Brains is cool, but they're just regular jerk offs like myself or anyone else -that's what makes Hardcore so cool. We've been tatooed by the same guys, been arrested by the same cops, hung on the same corners, banged the same girls, etc...for years. Maybe it's just a part of life in NY. I dunno.

8. BB- What would you say to people that have never listen to oldschool hardcore like Warzone?

DEAN - Get your shit together!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno how anyone can listen to the new stuff (which is great, by the way) and not wonder and want to know where it came from, or how it evolved. But then again to each his own. Warzone, AF, Bad Brains, Business, all the old bands - listen to em, love em. It's truly hardcore - before 'Hardcore' became a household word.

9. BB- Who's your favorite band from Chicago?

DEAN - Chicago is my favorite band from Chicago....who else??!!!!!!!

10. BB- If you had to choose between Old E and THC which would it be and whats the attraction to Old E?

DEAN - OLDE-E of course. We started drinkin OLDE-E way before we even started playing music. It was the cheapest beer at the time and when you're young and looking for a good deal on your alcohol - OLDE-E is the brand. You can get it in many many different sizes, in pretty much any bodega (candy store) in NY and it only costs the change at the bottom of your pocket. NRSV warns - too much consumption of OLDE-E or OLDE-E related products can make you hallucinate and break out in spontaneous fits of moshing. Pregnant women shouldn't consume OLDE-E on an empty stomach. In a word, we drink it cause ITS THE BEST!!!

11. BB- What happened to your home video and what releases can fans look forward to this year?

DEAN - The home video is in the works and we're almost done putting it'll be available on our website on VHS and DVD formats. When it's done there's gonna be a trailer on the website. In addition to that Triple Crown Records is releasing our first 2 albums - NRSV ROCKS THE PARTY and HARDCORE YOUR LOUSY ASS OFF along with the Skinheads Rule 7" and our live trax from Wembley Stadium all on one CD this October. So that should be a cool thing. Also, the same day we'll be releasing our brand new 7 song Ep - all NEW material featuring the hit single "Pregnant Teenage Girls On Crack". So look out for that. Both releases will be available in stores worldwide or through our website at

12. BB- Where do you guys come up with ideas for songs?

DEAN - Drugs and Alcohol definately have a hand in that. We basically just get together every week like we have been for the past 12 years and act stupid. A lot of funny ideas come out of our foolishness and the foolishness we wittness others perpertrating. So we write all that stuff down and out comes a song or two. Our songs are basically to amuse ourselves - we never write them w/ any deep meaning or in hopes of changing the world - simply to amuse and have a few laughs and a few beers. Can you dig it???

13. BB- When you tour Europe do you do tourist shit to or just drink and play?

DEAN - Well, some of both i guess.......we do spend an LOT of time riding from gig to gig and then sound checking and getting ready to play and doing interviews and stuff like that. But that's a tourist adventure in itself. Being that we make lots of friends when we tour, people are always very cool about showing us around town and taking us to interesting places, etc...We don't always have time to stay in any one place for that long a time, it's more like get as much sight seeing and stuff done between the sound check and the time we play then it's party party party until we get to the next gig, which sometimes is anywhere between 5 and 12 hours away. Either way we've been fortunate enough to see a LOT OF STUFF!!!! and we always go back to the places we really like.

14. BB- When you were playing Battle of the Bands did you think you'd be able to take NRSV out of state let alone the country?

DEAN - No, never!! I never thought we'd even make it out of the building alive. Doing the stuff we do, on our own terms, according to our schedules, in our own way, we never thought that we'd make a record or play more than one show or anything like that. It's all a joke really, but we haven't hit the punchline yet. We never even wanted to play more than one show or anything - it was all done as a drunken goof and now when we go to say Paris or wherever, people are demanding that we play 1 or 2 or 3 more songs. It's kinda frightning actually. Put it this way... we've been banned from so many places that i could even name half of em...but then on the other hand we've actually had crowds at our shows lock the doors so we couldn't get out of the building without playing for another 1/2 hour. So go figure.....

15. BB- Who do you look forward to seeing live?

DEAN - Well, i've seen lots of em.....i dunno. I'd love to see Iron Maiden again. Last time i saw them - last year and they were as good as when i was 16 years old. They kick everyones ass!!! I just saw the Business last week and they were smokin'. I'd love to see Cheech & Chong do one last'reunion' gig. That'd be the best of all time!

16. BB- When are you coming to Chicago again?

DEAN - When the Bears have a winning season.....ohhhh shit, did I just say that. I mean, hopefully very soon....we will be one road this winter to support our new CD, so probally then. Last time we played the Fireside Bowl and set a little fire of our hopefully they'll have us back - good venue, great town, good chilli.

17. BB- What would you be most embarassed about if your fans or peers found out about you?

DEAN - That I used to drink Budweiser!! That sucks....what a looser i was!! Tastes like beer flavored soda - barely.

18. BB- Anythings you want to add or plug?

DEAN - Just 'High' to all the people that have supported us in Chi-town. hello to the Victory crew. Be on the lookout for our new stuff this October. and visit our website at for all the tour dates, info. etc.....and don't forget to drink OLDE-E brew, cause it's the best!!!

20. BB- Was Raybeez all that expected when you met him?

DEAN - Yeah, Ray was a great guy w/ a kind heart. He was and still is a true inspiration to me in many aspects of my life. Even though he is gone - he'll never truly be gone. He had to be the funniest looking guy i've ever could tell he was in a crowd because you'd see his nose before you saw him. We had a few laughs, that's for sure.

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