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The Beltones are Gainsville's premire punk rock band Check em out if you ever get the chance. Until then read bill's short answers and ponder the fate of the world.

BB- A friend of mine described, "On Deaf Ears" as midge porn, "short and sick but I just couldn't turn it off." How do you feel about that description?

BILL-I think he needs to run for office.

BB- I really like your cover "Suzi is a Heartbreaker v2.0" Why didn't you include the updated lyrics? And how much Internet dating are the Beltones indulging in?

BILL- I'm not sure, really. We just didn't. We did the whole lyric-twisting thing because that's something the neurotics were known to dabble with, and we felt that their lyrics worked just as well today, as long as we changed them so that they addressed the whole Internet chat thing. We do appreciate nude photos.

BB- Is the Mary pictured in the liner notes the same Mary mentioned in "Let the Bombs Fall" and who is she?

BILL- Yes, she was my Mom.

BB- Some of your lyrics are pretty dark and others are light and poppy is this due to a difference in songwriters or something more sinister?

BILL- Well I write all the lyrics; I think it depends on how high my underwear are riding.

BB- The EP came out in 98, why'd you make us wait so fucking long for the full length?

BILL- Because I like it when you beg, slave. And we have pretty bad luck.

BB- Gainesville is probably best know nationally for producing ska-punk acts like Less than Jake and AAA how do you fit into that scene?

BILL- AAA is from Miami, and Gainesville is an emo ridden pothole. We don't really fit into any scenes.

BB- How are the Sorority girls in Gainesville?

BILL- You'd have to ask the guys from Damage Case.

BB- There has been a ton of gossip about your recent tour with slaughter and the dogs. Would you care to share the full story?

BILL- It's a bit too lengthy, let's just say they are not Cocksparrer. Cocksparrer are worth respecting.

BB- As the tour was sort of a TKO package what has Mark had to say about the whole thing?

BILL- Something like "doh!"

BB- The Beltones are all pretty active on the internet both TKO's Board and your own, why is it important to you to be active?

BILL-Because we like to talk to people we have something in common with.

BB- How do you feel about the last season of the Simpsons, pretty weak shit?

BILL- I don't think it was as bad as the earliest stuff, but yeah their shit has peaked.

BB- Your name comes from a hearing aid what other products for the elderly do the Beltones look forward to using?

BILL- Viagra, fleet enemas.

BB- After you van crashed last year how did you replace all your shit, and what kind of effect did that have on you as individuals?

BILL- It's not all been replaced, and it was about the worst thing ever. It didn't kill us though. I suppose you could say it made us less afraid to die.

BB- You guys are pretty tight with Terminus City how'd you hook up with them?

BILL- Through our mutual love of HAM radio.

BB- What are your plans to follow up Cheap Trinkets?

BILL- I am not at liberty to divulge that information at the moment as we are still under contract with Hardee's.

BB- I know you have a ton of fans here in the Midwest are there any plans to bring the rock here?

BILL- Yes.

BB- The Beltones have a fairly large following of skins how did that start and do any of you consider yourselves skinheads?

BILL-Well I guess they have bad taste. We're not skins, no.

BB- I really dig the song "Garbage Picker" what did you think you'd be by now and who is the someone who can help you work it out?

BB- I have no idea, maybe an astronaut. My wife helps me out. She looks real nice naked.

BB- You've said in an interview with that you weren't happy with cheap trinkets because it came out way to slow, how are you going to feel if this is what people expect from you from now on?

BILL- If I said that I was hopped up on goofballs. I'm totally pleased with it.

BB- Your music could almost be described as emo-like music done by an oi! band what do you think about that and how would you like to have your music described?

BILL- I don't know what emo music is, we would like our music to be somewhat useful.

BB- Read anything good lately?

BILL-Nope, I'm not very good at reading.

BB- Anything else you’d like to add?

BILL-We're not as ugly as you'd think.