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Reach for me whenever...


A close friend wrote this for me after we got back from the Canada trip. We both carried burdens of the past, present, and future with us on the trip. We saught comfort in other people, but when it came down to it, our small moments together ment more to me than any of the comfort recieved from other people on the trip.
Jessica, You can always reach for me whenever.

Whenever there are dark clouds

whenever you think you cant go on.. lean on me

when the world seems to turn against you.

turn to me

ill help you be strong

i cant promise anything

i cant even guarantee

all i can do is try

I willy try my best to whatever it may take

i dont like to see you cry

no matter what i have to do

ill find a way

to turn those dark clouds into grey

and then

those grey to white

reach for hand

to get through the nite

no matter what happens

day or night

im here for you

through grey clouds to white

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