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This page is so old, it's collecting dust!

Here's the deal... I am only putting new pictures onto this page, the rest of the entries/poems/lyrics are being placed on my online diary at

Hi! My name is Nic and I live in central Illinois. I would mention the name of the city I live near, but for certain reasons associated with my self esteem, I'm going to keep that a secret. This site is my link to the rest of the world no matter how withdrawn I am. As with everything I do, this site is always under construction and will change as I find more to place on it. For now, if you see a link in white you can click it to see my page. Check back later and maybee I'll have some more to see.

Just FYI: I will no longer be posting dedications. All future dedications will be silent, meaning, only the person dedicated to will be notified of the dedication.

We've all seen them... The "Support Our Sponsor" links. Well, I have a different version of that. I am asking you to support me. I am a member of an online RPG now, and need you help to increase my status. In the menu you should see a link called "Outwar". All you have to do is click that link and wait for the page to load before leaving it. It will say that you've been eaten by Falcon Guts, followed by some other stuff... That's it, and thanks.

I am also looking for ideas as to what content to add, colors and/or background to use. I have 20 megs to fill up, so feel free to drop me a line at

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