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  “Dance, the way of performing life on the stage of world.”                       




                           Angikam bhuvanam yasya 
                          Vachicam sarva vangmayam
                           Aharyam chandra taradi 
                           Tam naman satvikam shivam.

                           Meaning for the above shloka is 

                           We bow to Him the benevolent One
                           Whose limbs are the world,
                           Whose song and poetry are the essence of all language,
                           Whose costume is the moon and the stars..."

In Lord Shiva's well-known pose of NATARAJA,
his right hand holds the drum of creation - symbolising a new awakening
his left hand holds fire - representing destruction of the old order
his other right hand is raised in blessing
the other left hand points to his left foot, which has crushed demon Muyalaka - representing ignorance.

          Bharata Natyam, a 3000 year old classical style of India, combines pure and expressional dance. The complex art requires years of discipline, hard work, and dedication. 

          Swati Shah has been involved with Indian Classical Dance since she was seven years old. She has achieved “Bharata Natyam Visharad ” (Graduate in Dance) degree in March 1994 by Bruhad Gujarat Sangeet Samiti. Bharata Natyam uplifts the dancer and the beholder to a higher level of spiritual consciousness. She has been recognized for her dance art in Bharat Natyam as well as folk dances of Gujarat. She will be honor to share her knowledge in Bharat Natyam and Indian Folk dances.

            Classes are offered by Swati Shah, founder of Nartan School Of Dance, includes instructions offered in the exquisite classical style for Bharatha Natyam. Introduction to various folk dances of Gujarat are also given for performances periodically during the classes.

The curriculum includes classes on dance theory based on the literature, Abhinaya Darpana, and selected portions of other ancient texts on art, body movements (include hands’, neck’s, eyes’ , leg’s movement) and literature such as the Natya Sastra. Instructions are given in the traditional form of classical Bharatha Natyam, in all its purity. Music is encouraged in the form of Bhajans, shlokas and introduction of classical songs. The art of Indian make-up, costuming, and theatre presentations are also part of curriculum.

          Classes are held on every Saturday from 11.00 am at Bock Neighborhood Center (1223 Sharon Ln. Schaumburg, IL 60193). There are only 10-15 students per hourly batch.

For more information and registration, call (630)-773-4901 after 12 am
