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Welcome to my lil place 

on the web!


This is my SENIOR pic!

Hey...... As you probably already know I'm Kacie, I'm 18 years old. I just graduated from Mt. Vernon High School. I will be attending Millikin University this fall. I drive a 99 Burnt Orange Explorer Sport. I love sports! I like watching baseball and basketball. JD Drew is awesome and not to metion hott! I danced on the Rockin Rams for 3 years and played golf for 3 too. Needless to say dancing was my favorite! My favorite color is YELLOW and I love flames!! A little about me now........... I'm about 5'8. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have my belly button pierced and I also have a tattoo of a sun with a chinese symbol in the middle on my lower back! Sorry guys, I'm not single. I'm dating the ever so *CRAZY* Jared Dowdy! I have an annoying 8 yr. old brother named Mack. But gota love him, he is a cutie! If anyone has any younger sisters.. haha! I have ICQ, so if you have it, look me up my # is 17719529. I have MSN messenger too! Well I would take the time and say hey to everyone but that would take too long to type. You can check out my SHOUT OUTS page, that I've made. I have to shoutout real quick to my Bestest Budz..Hadji, Wilson, Lace, Erin, SAK. I also made a quote page. I like going on vacations (right lace =Þ), shop, spend time with my friends, dance, play soccer, cruise, and just kick it at home. I like a variety of music, I can listen to just about anything. Well that's 'bout all I can think of. If you have any comments or ? just e-mail me or talk to me on ICQ. Make sure to look at my pic pages (links are at the bottom of this page). That's all for now, keep checkin' back! Keep it real! Love you all! I gotta skibounce! *Kace*

Illinois Prep Basketball - A page dedicated to High School Basketball. A message forum 
Lacey's Page - My bud Lacey's page.. Check it out
CJ's (Tater) Page - His page is pretty golden!
Alex's Page - My fellow DP buddy's page.. It's sweet
Yoseph's Page - Goes to SIUE.. Got an awesome car
Nothing Special - Dave's band.. They are awesome


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Page idea ©2002 by Kacie B......