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Comfort For Your Loss

This page is dedicated to my special friends...
Pastor and Stacy Liese
& Toby and Heather Gibson

Parting is so hard for us, who are left behind.

I share your grief and I feel your pain,

but please let me remind.

They are walking on streets of gold,

and rejoicing with the Lord.

All the saints that's gone before,

are all in one accord.

They left this world so quickly,

there were no time for good-byes.

If They could say one thing to you ...

I am sure it would be "Dry your eyes."

I am in a place so beautiful,

the beauty I can't begin to tell.

One day when your time is over,

you'll be here with me as well.

So don't even try to say good-bye,

Just so long for a little while.

And when we have that grand reunion,

we'll all live together ......Jesus Style.



Not why -- dear God --

Please, let me not ask why

This bitter cup,

Nor spend myself

In futile questioning;

Let me look up --

Help me to face what is

And what must be,

Knowing thou seest what

I may not see.

Not why -- but how --

Lord, help me find the way

That this, my grief,

In some divine

And mystic manner may

Help my belief --

May mellow, strengthen,

Fortify my soul,

That I may better reach

Thine unseen goal.

Dear God -- the clouds hang

Heavy in my sky --

Oh, give me grace to question

How -- not why.



Dear God,

You sent a child to me

To fill my life with joy,

And only You knew which was best --

A little girl or boy.

Somehow I took for granted, Lord,

That we would have a lifetime,

And I made so many future plans

For that precious child of mine.

Enchanted by that Miracle,

Caught up in each new day,

I guess I didn't hear You, Lord,

When You said, "This one can't stay."

I trust You, Lord. Thy will; not mine,

Yet I can't understand

This sudden loss -- the emptiness --

Caused by another's hand.

I know my child is in heaven now

But my heart is aching so.

I'm sorry I wasn't ready, Lord,

To let my baby go.

There wasn't time for one last hug;

There was no final kiss.

Oh God, it's all those special smiles

That I already miss.

So Lord, could you do just one thing

For me especially?

Please hold my angel close to You

And say goodbye for me. Amen

-- by Bonnielee Walsh c. 1995

It may be what they need today.
