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Welcome to Fred and George's Joke Shop!


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The List of Jokes

Welcome to Fred and George's Joke Shop! "Hot, Hot, HOT!" yells Fred, as he tries to touch the potion George is making. George looks up at him and laughs. "Your finger is going to swell to the size of a coconut, Red..." says George, watching as Fred's finger grows larger. Fred laughs. "You idea... Coconut finger potions! Wonderful! We'll have to add that to the list..." Fred goes to retrieve "the list" from the back room. "By the way, Fred..." says a preoccupied George, "Mum's coming to see the store today, so start cleaning." Fred folds his arms. "I always have to clean up!" And with a flick of his wand, everything in cleaned up. Please proceed to "The List" if you'd like... The shop isn't technically open yet... Back to This page was made by ~*~Angel~*~ and this page belongs to Anth. No one is aloud to take my name!!! Sign My Guestbook Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View My Guestbook
