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The Plea and Purpose of
Elm Street Christian Church

This congregation is identified with the great movement for the Restoration of the New Testament Church. We are building according to the pattern given in the New Testament, with no additions, subtractions, or substitutions.

  1. By wearing a New Testament name, "Christian"
  2. By believing a New Testament creed, "Christ"
  3. By obeying a New Testament baptism, "Immersion" into Christ, for the remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38
  4. By observing a New Testament communion, the Lord's Supper, every Lord's Day. Acts 20:7
  5. By practicing a New Testament stewardship, "Tithes and Offerings." Hebrews 7:8
  6. By living a New Testament life, "Abiding faithful in His teachings and commands"
Our Plan... The restoration of the New Tesament Church
Our Purpose... "That the World may believe." Answer Christ's Prayer John 17:20-21
Our Motto... Christ, the Only Head of His Church, and Only Lord of our lives

We say not that we are the "only Christians,"
but that we are "Christians only!"

We speak where the Bible speaks, and
we are silent where the Bible is silent.
You are welcome to attend and use your Bible
to examine all teaching and practice.

No pressure is ever exerted upon anyone
attending our services. Decisions must always come about
by an individual's own sincere belief and conviction.

Please join us in worship!
-Sunday Services-
9:00 am
7:00 pm
-Sunday School-
(for all ages)

10:20 am
-Wednesday Bible Study-
6:30 pm
-Saturday Service-
6:00 pm

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