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My name is Misty,

I am but three,

my eyes are swollen,

I can not see.

I must not be bad,

I must not do wrong,or else I am locked

up all week long.

My legs are bruised,

it's hard to walk,

I know now when not to talk.

I try not to do wrong,

of this I've learned,

cause if I do

I'm punished with cigarette burns.

I know the guy up above,

every day I pray,

that he will take the pain away.


Sshh! Now I hear a car,

Daddy's home from Charlie's Bar.

I hear him cuss,

my name is called,

I squeeze my self agianst the wall.

Oh dear Lord, please let it end,

I don't want him to hit me agian.

Please be quiet,don't say a word...

Oh, No it's to late

I see it in his eyes,

all the hate.

My name was Misty,

I was but three,

Last night my daddy murdered me.

~Author, Jessica Krieger~

Used With Permission April 28, 2003


There are thousands of kids out there just like Misty. And you can help.

Please pass this poem on because as crazy as it might sound, it might  just indirectly change a life.

PLEASE forward if YOU are against CHILD  ABUSE!

If you know of any children that are being abused please help them, be there guardian angel, call your nearest Child Abuse Center


The Administration For Children And Families

I dedicate this page to my great niece Patricia Anne Gordon, age 12. A few days after she died she would have been 13. She died from abuse from her sisters boy friend. He beat her and slamed her repedily to the floor..You see she ate the last piece of bread and it made him angry. That is what abusers do. May she find peace and happiness in the arms of God.
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"The Teardrop Project"
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My Friend Cheri's Site That Has A Lot Of Help Sites For Abuse, Please Visit It For More Info.
You'll Never Walk Alone

This Is The Original Misty Done By Her Aunt. Jessica Krieger. She Was Kind Enough To Let Me Use The Original One She Wrote As The One I Did Before Was A Version Of Hers That Someone Added To And Passing Around The Net. Thank You Kindly Jessica For Alowing Me To Use Your Poem You Wrote For Your Niece.


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