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Welcometo my Corner of the Web

To My Corner of the Web

Well here is and update. I am now 19 as of a month ago. I am a very busy person and havent been able to update this much lately. I will get around to more later. I graduated this past February from a homeschooling program. Here is a link to there page for anyone who would like more information. Harcourt Learning Direct!I am very happy to be finished with High School. I am currently living in Illinois with my boyfriend (adam) and son (scott). You will learn more about my son on other pages. I dont have any pictures developed yet of us as a family or of adam and only one of me before I had son. So when they are developed i will be putting more of them on here. I only have a few of scott. I hope to make him a page also linked to this one. I spend most of my time at home with my son watching videos and playing with his blocks. He is 14 months already; time sure moves fast. I enjoy chating with a couple of friends on MSN Messanger and a few in the parenting chat room. The link to that site is below. This is all i have time to say right now. I want to get more pictures and things on the site then i will come back and update this. Hope you come back and check it out from time to time. *UPDATE* Well it has been quite a while since i have done anything to this page. I have now added a link to pictures of my son. By clicking on his picture you can see them. I do not have any text or like wise really about him have to make pictures smaller first and I havent gotten that far. I also took a job recently working with kids. So he has kids his age to play with. If there is anything that you think should be added to this site just email me and let me know I hope to add a page on different sites i have visited that I think others would enjoy. Check back often I am currently fixing things and adding more so it may change often. Well that is all I have to say for now. *8/16/01*

The above picture is of my favorite animal, the Giraffe. I dont know what got me into liking them but I find them very fascinating. They are very beautiful animals.

This is a picture of my son Scott. Also known as Scotty. He is the sweetest baby. I will have a page on him when i finish mine. But here is a little bit about him. He is 14 months old, 21lbs. 14oz., and 30inches long. He is very happy. *UPDATE* Click on the picture to go to his page. There isnt much text on him yet but there are lots of pictures. Hope to add text soon.*UPDATE* He is now 22lbs 5oz, 33inches tall, and is 18 months. Still a very happy baby. We are now potty training. Don't know how long that will take. He is learning so much. Favorite word is uh-oh. I will have most of this information on his pages once i get his pictures down sized.


I also enjoy music of all types but on of my favorite composers is Ludwig von Beethoven. His music is very inspirational. I especially enjoy Beethovens song Bagatelle No.25 in A-'Fur Elise.' and his 5th symphony. The song I have set to play when you click the button is the first song i mentioned. I am adding a link to a site about him. I hope you check it out too. His music is very soothing and helps you relax.

My Favorite Web Sites

Parenting Website/Chat
Lots of Fun Games!

*NOTE:If you join neopets please inform them I refered you. Thanks!!

My favorite things to do are........

In Memory Of...

I love my son with all my heart and thank god he isnt being abused.
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