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::The waterfalls pour into their pool, gorgeous as ever. Sapphire, emerald, amethyst colors, swirling together in natural mix of beauty. Lush green grass at the edge of the pool, trees farther behind that and placed all around, this place is Heaven. And in the pool, under the falls, but visible, she has her bare feet placed flat on the ground. The water runs over her shoulders, down and over her breasts, over her pierced navel, down her legs, and into the pool beneath.::

::Head notched high, eyes narrowed in natural suspicion, arms placed at sides, lips parted but teeth placed together, she watches you...Even though you are hidden, even though you cannot be seen, she watches you. Lush, black lashes frame those hues. Chips of glinting sapphire embedded in the swirling silver, they hold a gorgeous passion never having been seen before. Her eyes taunt and lure, reveal and hide, play and kill...They restrain the passion of this 17 year old woman, holding it all in her eyes...Only for the lucky to experience...

::Thin blonde hair falls around her in layers; it snakes to her middle back, rests on her shoulders, frames her pale face, falls in her eyes. Such pale skin glowed in the darkness of the night, glowed like snow...shone like the moon. Standing at five foot, seven inches and weighing one-hundred and thirty-two pounds, she had an evenly proportioned body. Breasts, full and round, weren't too big, but were just right to suit her thin waist. Sharply toned legs and arms, a shapely stomach, a gorgeous woman.::

::That outfit was new, she did not like to repeatedly wear the same clothing. This, she thought, was boring. She liked adventure, and she liked changing. This dress was of a creamy white. A full skirt protruded from a V-shaped sash, tied in the back. The top of the dress had a V shaped design starting at the top and working it's way down to the waist. Thinner material lay underneath as criss-crossed matierial was strung from the sides. The sleeves were thin and ran straight over her shoulders. A large V in the back of the dress revealed a bit of her pale back, which did not reach the very tip of the sash. This dress was a bit more on the passionate side, showing more feeling from this woman. Usually, she was quiet, innocent..But tonight, she was a passion that taunted anyone who dared near her..Tonight, she was Alona..::

[Yay! New charra pic!]
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[From Your Prom Mag]
[Pic of the dress on the pics page]
[Spring 2001 ish]
