Corran - Chris | Wes - Alison | Doc - Shelonei | Hobbie - Vickie | Gavin - Isa | Mike - Mike

Mike Ngo: ::walks into the pool area, latching the booger gill to his face::

Wes Janson: -=looks into the water=- Corran...

Corran Horn: -=laughs and dives into the pool after gavin=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: he goes deeper and deeper, closing his eyes::

Gavin Darklighter: :: he inhales, not knowing any better::

Corran Horn: -=grabs gavin and tries to bring him back up=-

Hobbie Klivian: I'll.. I'll go with you.

Wes Janson: -=lays down along the edge of the pool, watching down below and getting ready to help haul them up when they reach the surface=-

Corran Horn: -=they both sink to the bottom, so corran tries to kick off the bottom and back up to the surface=-

Mike Ngo: ::looks down and sees gaving in the water... just sitting there... ::uhm...

Gavin Darklighter: :: he remains still::

Doc Anreson: -=smiles and goes to give the blaster to the blaster rental guy. -=picks up her holdout and holds it, while heading to the pool=-

Corran Horn: -=grimaces against his burning lungs and tries to kick them back up=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=allows Amanda to lead=-

Doc Anreson: -=reaches the pool to see the scene, and dropps her shoes and holdout to the ground=- Oh gods!

Wes Janson: come on Corran....

Corran Horn: -=on his last breath he tries again=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: he starts to feel water in his mouth::

Doc Anreson: Derek, do something!

Hobbie Klivian: Sith. -=dives into the water=-

Mike Ngo: ::dives in the pool with the booger gill on::

Gavin Darklighter: ::he loses conscious::

Corran Horn: -=has no air but still some strength=- -=tries to kick back up=-

Doc Anreson: -=moves beside Wes at the pool looking worriedly at the trio=-

Corran Horn: -=tries to help hobbie so they make it up easier=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=grabs Gavin and tries to get him back to the surface=-

Gavin Darklighter: ::grabed::

Corran Horn: -=he finally manages to get them moving upwards=-

Hobbie Klivian: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -=shoots damn dice=-

Corran Horn: -=is pulling hobbie and gav=-

Gavin Darklighter: ::pulled::

Hobbie Klivian: -=is able to get Gavin to the surface=-

Corran Horn: -=with hobbies added assistance they reach the surface easily=-

Gavin Darklighter: ::he doesn't move his eyes, closed::

Wes Janson: -=reaches out and grabs Gav as soon as Hobbie gets him up=-

Gavin Darklighter: ::grabed::

Mike Ngo: ::swims to the surface::

Doc Anreson: -=helps wes bring gavin to bear=-

Wes Janson: -=misses and tries again=-

Mike Ngo: ::surfaces::

Doc Anreson: -=almost falls in and pulls back fearfully=-

Mike Ngo: C>cripes are they okay???

Hobbie Klivian: -=breathes deep oxygen happily=-

Wes Janson: -=grabs both of gavin's arms and pulls him all the way onto the pool deck=-

Doc Anreson: -=checks Gavin's life signs once Wes has him on deck=-

Corran Horn: -=is still fine=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: pulled out on to the pool deck ::

Corran Horn: -=grabs the side of the pool and rolls out=- -=smacks his head repeatedly=- Sith Sith Sith

Mike Ngo: ::gets out of the pool and runs over::

Doc Anreson: -=sees Gavin is NOT breathing and tilts his head back to begin CPR=-

Corran Horn: Come on Gavin, I'll buy you lunch for a month if you'll just WAKE UP!

Gavin Darklighter: :: he remains lifeless::

Mike Ngo: ::runs over, taring off the gill:: oh gods...

Doc Anreson: -=lowers her mouth to seal over Gavins and gives him two breaths=- -=tilts her head to the side to see if he breathes on his own=- C'mon Darklighter....

Doc Anreson: sith.....

Corran Horn: -=smacks the pool deck=- Damnit Gavin wake up!

Doc Anreson: -=sees the breaths didn't go in, and readjusts the tilt and gives twomore breaths=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=holding on the side of the pool, breathing heavily=-

Doc Anreson: -=pulls back=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: water starts to come out of his mouth, as he coughs::

Doc Anreson: -=helps gavin to sit up and pats his back to help h im cough the water from his lungs=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=see's the kid

Corran Horn: -=lays back on the deck, feeling horrible=-

Doc Anreson: Will somebody tell me what the SITH happened here!?

Hobbie Klivian: 's ok and sighs=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: helped sit up, he can feel his lungs still burning, as he coughs out water::

Doc Anreson: -=alternates between rubbing gavin's back and patting it=-

Gavin Darklighter: ::speaks up::

Wes Janson: -=sits back, trying to calm his breathing and relax=-

Gavin Darklighter: I ...ah...decided to go for a swim...doc ::coughs::::breaths in::

Doc Anreson: -=sighs and keeps with the rubbing/patting=- Alright Gavin... but next time make sure someone's with you... people like you and me don't belong in the water -=speaks quietly to him=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=sinks to the bottom of the pool, then kicks back up=-

Gavin Darklighter: ::nods, slowly, hiding what really happened::

Corran Horn: -=speaks up=- No, he wasn't going for a swim, at least in the deep end, I threw him in as a joke

Hobbie Klivian: -=finally makes it back to the surface=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: he looked at corran::

Doc Anreson: -=shakes her head at the annoying buzzing's return=-

Corran Horn: Bad joke...

Doc Anreson: No kidding. -=glares at him=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: coughs, as he inhales again::

Corran Horn: I don't know if you heard me Gavin, but i said i'd buy you lunch for a month

Gavin Darklighter: ::raises a brow:: you did?!

Corran Horn: Yeah, and i'll make good

Gavin Darklighter: ::surprise in his voice::

Doc Anreson: Make sure they're good lunches.

Wes Janson: -=just stays quiet, not drawing attention to himself=-

Doc Anreson: -=pats Gavin's back=- You okay kid?

Hobbie Klivian: -=sees Wes off by himself and swims that way=- Hey.

Gavin Darklighter: ::shakes head:: don't have to... ::patted:: yeah - thanks Doc...

Wes Janson: Hey. -=keeps his eyes on doc and gavin=-

Doc Anreson: Just doin my job. -=pats his shoulder and stands, then spits Corran with a glare=- And next time you think about tossing someone into the pool... make sure they can swim.

Hobbie Klivian: He's ok. Nobody was seriously hurt.

Corran Horn: -=doesn't answer, just sits there with a frown=-

Wes Janson: this time. -=stands and walks away quietly=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=sighs=-

Doc Anreson: -=turns and goes to the ladies lockers to strip off the dress and returns wearing a silver two-piece, single shoulder, swimsuit. She goes to the hottub and lowers herself into the steaming, bubbling water with a sigh=-

Gavin Darklighter: I don't care what happened..or how..but thanks for jumping in after me...:: quietly to Corran::

Corran Horn: Well if you were going down i was going down with you. Sorry about it all. Take care of yourself, I'll be in my quarters if anyone wants me

Wes Janson: -=makes his way to the cockpit, seeing Tycho asleep at the wheel=- typical. -=sits down in the co-pilot's seat and stares out at the stars=-

Mike Ngo: ::straps the organic gill back on his face and prepares to jump back in the pool:: :-\

Gavin Darklighter: ::he holds out his hand to him:: besides

Doc Anreson: -=leans her head back against the lip of the hottub, letting the hot jetting water massage out sore muscles=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=floats lazily in the pool=-

Doc Anreson: -=closes her eyes=-

Gavin Darklighter: you helped me leadn a lesson...don't breath underwater :: he looks at him::

Corran Horn: -=forced laugh=- well i guess that's good to know

Mike Ngo: ::looks around, tries a trowa-flip into the pool::

Gavin Darklighter: :: laughs::

Corran Horn: -=nods to gavin and leaves=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: nods:: :: a deep sigh, he looks back at the water:: ::looks around for Wes::

Mike Ngo: ::lands square on his back on the surface:: C>AAAAAUUUUGHH!!!!!!

Gavin Darklighter: ::hears, Mike hit the water hard::

Doc Anreson: -=eyes pop open and looks sharply at the pool nearby=- -=winces=- That had to hurt...

Gavin Darklighter: owwww....that looked painful

Corran Horn: -=reaches his quarters, enters, closes the door and falls on the bed=-What's gotten in to me?

Hobbie Klivian: -=pulls up and treads water=- smooth move there, Mikey.

Mike Ngo: ::takes a few deep breaths through the gill:: ow,

Doc Anreson: -=suddenly realize the buzzing's gone. ponders that a moment then leans back in the warm water with a sigh and closes her eyes once again=-

Mike Ngo: ::treads water, staying on surface:: heh, yea... is my back all red? ::turns around so he can see his back::

Gavin Darklighter: :: he remembers all of the other jokes played on him, shrugs, since it was partly due to his young age::

Hobbie Klivian: -=chuckles=- yep.

Mike Ngo: aww... ::shrugs::

Doc Anreson: -=gets out of the hottub and heads to thepool for a clensing coolness.=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: he slowly gets up, and walks over to the shallow end, slowly sitting on the bottom stair::

Doc Anreson: -=stepps hesitantly into the low end then lowers herself down so it's up to her neck, and sits on one of the steps, watching Hobbie and Mike swim=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=swims over to the side=-

Mike Ngo: ::raises his arms over his head into a tight streamline and sinks to the bottom of the pool::

Doc Anreson: -=is sitting next to gavin=-

Gavin Darklighter: :: the water, is up to his stomach, sees Doc::

Doc Anreson: -=next to = near=-

Mike Ngo: ::blinks underwater, takes a breath through the booger gill::

Doc Anreson: -=tilts head as she looks at gavin=- You're pretty brave.

Gavin Darklighter: :: raises a brow:: why do you say that?

Mike Ngo: ::swims back up to the surface:: ::surfaces::

Doc Anreson: -=watches get out of the water and grab his flightsuit before heading back to his quarters. Shrugs and goes back to watching Hobbie and Mike swim=-

Mike Ngo: ::submerges, skimming just under the surface of the pool, to the shallow end::

Doc Anreson: -=is sitting on one of the shallow-end steps, the water up just about up to her axilla=-

Mike Ngo: C>::darth vader breathing under the water::

Doc Anreson: -=sees mike disappear and tries to track him=- -=sees him swimming beneath the water=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=swims over to the steps=-

Doc Anreson: -=hears an odd sound that strikes fear into her heart=- -=realizes that Circus-Boy is being a goofball again and sniggers=- -=eyes darting around the water, catches Hobbie at the edge of her vision=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=sits and lays his head against the side of the pool=-

Doc Anreson: -=looks over at hobbie and raises an eyebrow=-

Mike Ngo: ::surfaces::

Doc Anreson: -=jumps when Mike surfaces then chuckles and shakes her head at him=- Having fun CB?

Mike Ngo: C>quite ::thumbs up:: The booger gills are cool but they taste funny ... ick

Doc Anreson: -=makes a face=- But.... can you breathe underwater with them?

Mike Ngo: ::nods:: C>yep.... pretty spiffy

Doc Anreson: -=nods=- Gavin and I will probably need ten or so..... -=chuckles and speaks quietly shaking her head at herself=-

Mike Ngo: C>want to try it? ::reaching for the sides of the mask to take it off::

Doc Anreson: -=shrinks back slightly=- Uhm.... I don't know..... -=looks frightened=-

Mike Ngo: ::pops the mask off:: oh, well... yea now it has all my germs all over it huh..

Doc Anreson: -=chuckles=- I suppose so.

Hobbie Klivian: -=looks over at Amanda for a moment, then turns back=-

Mike Ngo: ::runs the mask thru the water, cleaning it up a little::

Doc Anreson: Water and I just.... -=quietly=- don't get along too well.......

Mike Ngo: ::looks at the mask:: but i mean this thing supplies o2, so you at least won't die from drowning

Doc Anreson: -=nods=- I guesso.

Mike Ngo: it's really strange too, in the water, the thing doesn't get sticky, has more of a slick rubber texture - only sticky when it's exposed to air

Doc Anreson: And it really works... -=incredulous=- They really work?

Doc Anreson: -=bids Mike goodnight as he hands her the booger-fish and heads out from the pool to his sleeping quarters=- -=holds the booger gill he offered incredulously looking at... wondering just HOW it works=-

Doc Anreson: This is crazy..... -=looks around pool and suddenly realizes she's alone with Hobbie=- -=keeps turning rubbery/slimey boggerfish in her hand=- Definitely weird......

Hobbie Klivian: -=sneaks another peek at Amanda=-

Doc Anreson: How do you work? -=seems to ask the boogerfish as she slowly places it over her nose and mouth=-

Wes Janson: -=snaps awake from his drifting and yawns. stands and stretches=- Good talking with you, Tyc. -=heads back towards the pool again, wanting to see who's still around=-

Doc Anreson: -=panicks as it attatches itself and pulls it off quickly, gasping for air. shakes her head and whispers=- I can't do this..... -=forgetting Hobbie's RIGHT THERE silly girl...=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=hears her gasp and quickly turns=- are you ok?

Doc Anreson: -=head snaps up and she looks at him=- Yeah.... I'm fine. -=looks down at the gooberfish, er.. boogerfish and sighs=- I shouldnta come......

Hobbie Klivian: Ok. -=looks for a moment more, then goes back to relaxing in the water=-

Wes Janson: -=stands in the doorway of the pool silently, watching=-

Doc Anreson: -=regards the boogerfish worriedly=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=pulls a hand up and looks at it, beginning to chuckle=-

Doc Anreson: you know, if someone dared you to put this thing on and try to swim, you'd do it in a heart beat, amanda.... -=shakes her head=- I'll drown.....again

Doc Anreson: -=thinks about the last time she'd gone swimming, when she was nine, and how she'd had an experience similar to the one gavin had today.... only it took them longer to bring her back, and she'd been afraid to get in over her shoulders/neck since=-

Wes Janson: -=sighs and turns to go=-

Doc Anreson: -=tosses the boogerfish at the water angrily=- I can't do this!-=turns and starts to climb out of the pool=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=backs up on a higher step to sit up and watches her=-

Doc Anreson: -=doesn't slip as she gets out=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=reaches out and grabs the creature as it floats by=-

Doc Anreson: -=sighs and shoulders drop as she bows her head in thought, sitting on the edge of the pool, ehr feet dangling in the water=- -=speaks softly=- I can't do this Derek..... I shouldn't have come....

Hobbie Klivian: -=tosses it up on the side of the pool=- -=moves to sit beside her=- It's ok. You don't have to get near water.

Wes Janson: -=stands outside the poolroom against the wall, listening=-

Doc Anreson: -=looks at hobbie=- The planet's nearly covered, I won't be able to stay away from it completely. - I can't swim.. -=sounds embarrassed as she looks down at her hands=-

Hobbie Klivian: Yeah, I know, but I've looked over the stuff. It has a large continent where the main city is. You can stay there.

Doc Anreson: True, but I gotta go wherever Wes does - and there's bound to be a competition on the coasts....

Hobbie Klivian: -=shrugs=- Maybe, but you're just being his girlfriend. YOu don't have to follow him everywhere.

Doc Anreson: -=chuckles grimly=- sharpshooter girlfriends aren't like normal ones... they practically hang on every word of their beau, and don't do anything or go anywhere without his permission.

Hobbie Klivian: maybe you just choose to go shopping or something.

Doc Anreson: Maybe..... -=sighs=- -=starts thinking about possible scenarios that may occur on the mission=- -=whispers=- I just know that, on this mission, This time I'm gonna drown.....

Hobbie Klivian: No. I won't let you.

Doc Anreson: -=waves hand at the boogerfish=- I can't even get that thing right.

Hobbie Klivian: You just have to trust it. -=reaches over and grabs the boogerfish=- Watch. -=places it over his face, waits until it has attached and breathes=-

Doc Anreson: -=watches uncertainly, a worried look on her face=-

Hobbie Klivian: C> well, this is different.

Doc Anreson: -=reaches up with one hand to hesitantly touch the creature on Hobbie's face, pulls her hand back quickly, afraid that if she touches it, it'll stop breathing for him=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=takes her hand in his and puts it on his face=- C>It won't hurt either of us.

Doc Anreson: -=bites her lip=- And... it really works...?

Hobbie Klivian: -=shrug=- Let me find out. -=turns from her, winks and dives into the water=-

Doc Anreson: -=watches him with worried eyes=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=surfaces on the other side of the pool and takes the thing off=- WOw, I wish I'd had one of these on Ralltiir.

Doc Anreson: -=sees Hobbie all the way at the other end, and looks at him incredulously=- How do I know you didn't hold your breath? -=folds arms=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=tosses the creature to her end of the pool=-

Doc Anreson: -=hits her in the chest right before she grabs it=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=dives under the water and swims as far as he can, surfacing about 5/8ths of the way across=-

Doc Anreson: Guess not.... -=picks up the boogerfish and eyes it curiously=- -=slowly tries to put it over her face, once it's attatched she hyperventalates in panic and tears it off again, throwing it into the water=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=quickly moves to her and wraps her in his arms=-

Doc Anreson: -=whole body is shaking and she shakes her head=- I can't do it... I can't do it, Derek, I cant...... I'll suffocate, I'll drown.....

Hobbie Klivian: Shhh, calm down. It's going to be ok.

Doc Anreson: -=whispers=- I'm gonna die this time, Derek, I'm gonna die....

Hobbie Klivian: Look, it doesn't hurt. -=holds her and puts it carefully over her face=-

Doc Anreson: -=stiffens and tries to pull away, her eyes wide=-

Hobbie Klivian: shshshsh.... just relax.

Doc Anreson: -=struggles but is held firmly, her lungs scream for air when she suddenly gasps out, and breathes quickly, almost hyperventelating in her fear=-

Hobbie Klivian: Relax, Amanda. -=still holding her tightly=-

Doc Anreson: -=slowly her brain begins to catch up with her and she stops struggling, but still she breathes quickly as though she's afraid each breath will be her last=-

Hobbie Klivian: Come on, Love. Just relax. -=rubs her back gently=-

Doc Anreson: -=still shaking, slowly begins to realize that she is NOT suffocating=-

Hobbie Klivian: There you go.

Doc Anreson: -=her breathing starts to slow down and her wide eyes take on a look of wonder as she looks up at Hobbie=- C> I'm not dead?

Hobbie Klivian: -=chuckles lightly=- far from it, love.

Doc Anreson: C> I'm breathing........

Hobbie Klivian: Yes you are.

Doc Anreson: C> I feel stupid.

Hobbie Klivian: -=looks in her eyes=- don't.

Doc Anreson: -=cants her head to one side and raises an eyebrow, then turns her head, still forcing herself to breathe normally as she eyes the water=-

Hobbie Klivian: You want to go under water?

Doc Anreson: C> no... not really, no.

Hobbie Klivian: Ok. -=smiles softly=-

Doc Anreson: -=frowns, disliking the taste, even though she knows he can't see it. She eyes the water=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=stands there with her, waiting for her to make the move=-

Doc Anreson: C> Dare me.

Hobbie Klivian: -=blinks=- what?

Doc Anreson: C> I can't... I can't do it.... you have to dare me, or make a bet, or something.....

Hobbie Klivian: -=nods=- alright. Stay here. -=swims out to the middle of the pool=- I bet you can't make it here.

Doc Anreson: -=gritting her jaw, she dove instantly, as though without a thought, into the water, instantly regaining what she'd lost over the past fourteen years or so, swimming like an otter over to him. She held her breath as long as she could, but did not come up for air, instead taking a short slow breath to see if it worked...... and it did!=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=he was so proud of her. she was doing it on her own=-

Doc Anreson: -=swims all the way to hobbie, then swims around him a few times before heading to the opposite end of the pool, then back to the shallows again. when she stands at the other end she was grinning triumphantly, her eyes shining above the boogerfish=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=laughs=- Beautiful!

Doc Anreson: -=laughs=- C> I can't believe it!

Hobbie Klivian: Yes you can. -=eyes sparkling=- You did it.

Doc Anreson: -=with that, dives into the water again, this time confidantly breathing no differently than normal as she swims beneath the surface, her silver swimsuit giving her image at the bottom of the pool a flickering look, almost as though she were one of the mermaids of old Ralltiirian folklore=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=watches her, smiling and happy=-

Doc Anreson: she swam beneath him then tickled his ankle=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=legs jerk at the sensation=- Gah! Stop that!

Doc Anreson: -=floats beneath him, kneeling on the floor of the pool, reaching up to tickle his foot with an evil grin hidden by the boogerfish=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=laughs=- You better stop!

Doc Anreson: -=because she's beneath the water, she only vaguely hears him, and keeps tickling=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=shakes head and dives, reaching down to tickle her=-

Doc Anreson: -=kicks out of his way, and tries to evade him=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=grabs her waist and lets her pull him along=-

Doc Anreson: -=squeals beneath the water, wriggling in his grasp=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=pulls her up to the surface so he can breathe=-

Doc Anreson: -=looks at him with worried eyes, and as he's catching his breath, starts swimming for the shallow end=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=swims along beside her=- everything ok?

Doc Anreson: -=She nodded as she pushed herself along, having trouble staying above the water, but swimming like it was home, when beneath the surface.=-

Hobbie Klivian: Try this. -=he shows her how to stay above the water=-

Doc Anreson: -=really tries to follow his example of how to tread water or stay above it, but keeps on sinking and having to push up from the bottom to get back up. more than once she was very thankful of the creature helping her to breathe=-

Hobbie Klivian: No, don't force it, just let the water keep you afloat.

Doc Anreson: C> I'm trying! -=falls beneath the surface again=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=takes her small waist and helps her stay above the water=-

Doc Anreson: -=moves her arms exactly as Hobbie'd shown her, but she doesn't seem able to stay afloat without his help=-

Hobbie Klivian: It's ok. You'll get it eventually.

Doc Anreson: C> I couldn't even when I was a Kid....

Hobbie Klivian: -=grins=- But you didn't have me for a teacher.

Doc Anreson: -=sighs=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=gets to the shallow end and sits on the steps=-

Doc Anreson: -=stands in the shallow water, and pulls the boogerfish off her face, and them makes a face=- CB was right... it DOES taste nasty.... -=lifts a bit of water up to wipe the slime from around her nose and mouth=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=quietly=- I'm proud of you.

Doc Anreson: -=looks up and grinns lopsidedly=- -=quietly=- so am I.....

Hobbie Klivian: -=smiles broadly=-

Doc Anreson: -=blushes and looks down at the boogerfish=-

Hobbie Klivian: So... I guess we should go get back to our rooms.

Doc Anreson: -=nodds then looks up.=- I'll see you tomorrow, I guess.

Hobbie Klivian: I hope so.

Doc Anreson: -=smiles softly=-

Hobbie Klivian: Um, so, can I walk you back to your room?

Doc Anreson: -=shrugs=- okay, lemme get that dress and those awful shoes, and my holdout.....

Hobbie Klivian: -=nods and gets out of water to grab towel again=-

Doc Anreson: -=uses one of the yacht's towels to dry herself off in the ladies lockers, then tosses the dress on over her swimsuit. walks out shoes in hand, but blaster has been returned to thigh holster=-

Hobbie Klivian: You really look stunning in that dress, by the way.

Doc Anreson: -=blushes=- I was surprised to see I have it still.

Hobbie Klivian: Well, it wears you well.

Doc Anreson: -=blushes and looks away as she stands barefoot facing him=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=holds out arm to her=-

Doc Anreson: -=moves strappy spiked heels to be held in her opposite hand, and takes his arm=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=leads her to the room she has aboard the yacht=-

Doc Anreson: -=walks quietly along side him.=-

Hobbie Klivian: So, um. Here we are.

Doc Anreson: -=looks at her door, then back up at him=- Yeah.

Hobbie Klivian: So, um... -=rubs the back of his neck=-

Doc Anreson: I guess this is goodnight.

Hobbie Klivian: Yeah, um, goodnight. -=suddenly is very nervous=-

Doc Anreson: -=smiles shyly and looks down at her bare feet=-: -=crosses her big toes over her second toes without thinking=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=leans down slowly, moves towards her lips, then changes to kiss her gently on the cheek=-

Doc Anreson: -=almost sighs under her breath in disappointment. But is also slightly thankful that he's willing to take things slowly this time around. smiles softly=- Goodnight -=whispers=-

Hobbie Klivian: Good... -=clears his throat=- goodnight, my love.

Doc Anreson: Sleep sweet Derek -=reaches behind her to palm the door open and steps back, the open doorway the only thing between them.=-

Hobbie Klivian: Dream well, Amanda. -=replying using the old Ralltiirian phrase=-

Doc Anreson: -=takes one more step back and smiles softly, a slight pain behind her warm gaze, and the door slides shut between them=-

Hobbie Klivian: -=notices the pain and a frown starts to come to his face before the door closes. leans against the wall=- -=whispers=- I love you Amanda.


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