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Corran Horn

Corran was a member of the Corellian Security Force before trying out for Rogue Squadron. He joined the training academy as his father had before him, and excelled in the training at a level above his father's. He worked with Iella Wessiri under Gil Bastra, and fell in with Bastra's anti-Imperial philosophy. Corran and Bastra created false smuggler IDs for each other, the Wessiris, and two other Alliance supporters, and then staged a scenario in which Corran killed them in cold blood. Corran claimed that he was only following the orders of Kirtan Loor, but Loor felt that Corran was trying to upstage him. When Corran defected to the Alliance, Loor put out an Imperial deathmark on Corran's head. Hal Horn, Corran's father, had he not been tragically killed during a stakeout with Corran, would have been much happier that his son hadn't become an Imperial. During one of his training simulations, Corran tried to change the basic set of maneuvers for the Requiem scenario, slowing to a near-stop to trying and draw the TIE fighters, and TIE bombers to him and away from the Redemption. He succeeded, making nine kills and surviving Antilles himself, who was piloting a TIE fighter. Corran later became one of Antilles' best pilots, taking on the hardest missions and surviving them. Corran kept his grandfather's JedCred on a chain around his neck, rubbing it for luck during these missions.

He was instrumental in the liberation of Borleias from the Empire, and went undercover to assist the New Republic in gaining information on Coruscant. However, while on the Coruscant mission, Corran's Z-95 Headhunter was brought down by remote control - presumably by Tycho Celchu - and crashed in the Invisible Sector of Coruscant's Imperial City. He was captured and brought to Ysanne Isard at Lusankya for interrogation. He proved to be incorrigable, and Isard consigned him to the rock mines. There, he met the prisoner Jan and devised an escape plan. Corran discovered that the gravity at Lusankya was reversed to keep the prisoners disoriented, and escaped to discover that Lusankya was buried beneath Imperial City. After spending six weeks in the Lusankya facility, he arrived at Tycho's trial and proved Tycho innocent. He also relayed information on a hidden Jedi museum buried near Lusankya to Luke Skywalker, who found the museum in a hidden section of the Galactic Museum. Luke offered Corran the chance to become a Jedi Knight, but Corran refused. He opted to continue to serve with Rogue Squadron.

It was at about this time that Corran became romantically involved with Mirax Terrik, a situation whose irony was not lost on either of them. Corran's father, Hal, had been the one to send Booster Terrik to Kessel for smuggling. Mirax, though, held none of her father's enmity, and wasted no time in agreeing to marry Corran. After the Battle of Thyferra, they were married by Wedge Antilles aboard the Lusankya, in order to avoid any interference from Booster. A more elaborate ceremony was held on Coruscant upon their return.

Corran remained with Rogue Squadron, and spent time battling Grand Admiral Thrawn and the reborn Emperor Palpatine's forces at Coruscant.

The home he and Mirax built was one of the first victims of the falling Star Destroyer Liberator. When the battle to eliminate the Invid pirates led Mirax into danger, Corran joined Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin IV and began to learn more about the Force. A rival of Gantoris, Corran was a slow but steady learner. However, after the defeat of Exar Kun and following a visit with his grandfather on Corellia, Corran realized that he didn't need to become a Jedi to find Mirax. He infiltrated the Khuiumin Survivors and joined the Invids, attracting the attention of Leonia Tavira. In order to scatter the Invids, he started portraying an "avenging Jedi" on Courkrus, killing Shala the Hutt before getting most of the Invids to flee. When he came under the attack of Tavira's Jensaarai warriors, though, he was rescued by Luke Skywalker and took off to rescue Mirax on Suarbi 7/5. They succeeded in rescuing here, then Corran used his ability with the Force to lead Tavira to believe she was under attack by the New Republic and the destroyed Sun Crusher. Tavira fled, and things slowly returned to normal. Corran opted not to return to Yavin IV, a decision which Luke agreed to wholeheartedly. Luke did allow Corran one parting gesture, though: Corran destroyed Exar Kun's statue and temple on Yavin IV with a volley of proton torpedoes, forever eliminating the focal point of Sith energy on the moon.
