Rogue Squadron HQ

Rogue Squadron Roster

Sim Archive

Rebel Holo Newsnetwork

Character Profiles

Character Sheets

Rogue Squadron Handbook
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Star Wars RPG: Rogue Squadron HQ
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Rogue Squadron HQ

Red Saber

Rogue Squadron

Red Saber


SITE UPDATE - 12.9.07

Okay, so I did a few things. While I was looking over the site. I removed the music from the character sheets because it was annoying. Unfortunately this site is pretty much dead as is our group's days of simming. But, feel free to look around. The sim archives are solid gold, they're great reads. I am, however, still looking to revive this group if I can generate enough intrest so contact me!

SITE UPDATE - 3.2.06

Yes, I'm still here. It's been a looooong time since the last news entry. In the next few weeks/months there's again going to be some pretty big changes around here. I'm going to try to get this website looking more appealing and modern. There's also been some talk of trying to pump some new life into the sim group to see if we can't get it going again. So for those of you visiting us and have any intrest in joining please get in touch with me; even if you have no idea what an online RPG (sim) is. We'll teach you all you need to know. We'll be needing fresh bodies to replace some of the old that we've lost. For those interested you can reach me at or by clicking the "Join Rogue Squadron!" link at the left.

SITE UPDATE - 12/03/03

Sim Archive has been updated - Haunted Past 1 and 2 added. Haunted Past 2 also contains pictures. Entire site has also had some major cosmetic changes.

SITE UPDATE - 08/10/03

Sim Archive has been updated -Jedi Adventure 0a-11.

SITE UPDATE - 05/02/03

Sim Archive has been updated - Invisible 35 -62.  Gavin's profile has also been updated with a pic.

SITE UPDATE - 03/24/03

Sim Archive has been updated 18-34.  RHN has also been updated.

SITE UPDATE - 03/11/03

Gavin's profile was updated, other profiles added are Dana Hogan, Reilin Darklighter, and Kyp Durron. Parts six through seventeen of the Invisible series have been added to the Sim archive. Also, the Rebel Holo Newsnetwork has been added for your reading enjoyment. ~Shelonei

SITE UPDATE - 02/22/03

Fenig's Profile has been updated. Also, a new sim has been added to the archives. ~Shelonei

SITE UPDATE - 02/21/03

I've added a player profile for Mike's new character, Kar Drem, as well as a character sheet for the same. Also, a new sim has been added to the archives. ~Shelonei

SITE UPDATE - 1/19/03

I've added a Sim Archive, with the sim's done thus far. Also, I have added two Player Profiles for some Intelligence characters (Estra Stoneringer and Kandai Senshu), as well as a section for non- jedi/pilot characters in the Character Sheets section, containing Estra's sheet. ~Shelonei

SITE UPDATE - 07/12/02

I've adde Feni's, Adam's, and Shawn's character sheets to the site. I've also divided the character sheets according to what squadron they belong to. Wraiths in one place Rogues in another. Also the roster has been updated to match the one I sent out in e-mail. ~Corey

COMING SOON - 07/11/02

Sorry about the mess all the site has been under construction these past few days. New features to come will be frames and a sim log download section. ~Corey

NEW MEMBER - 7/10/02

Rogue Squadron welcomes Lieutenant Fenig Durak! Ms. Durak will be playing the squadron mechanic. We look forward to getting to know her and her character better. ~Corey

SITE UPDATES - 07/08/02

There have been updates done to the site. The first thing you'll notice is this news section. The second new thing is that reworked the force powers and system. I've also added 3 new character skills: Pick pocket, Run, and Bargin. ~Corey

Everything Star Wars related on this site are property of Lucasfilms and George Lucas.

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