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Grey Fur's Updates

September 3, 2000
The Art section is up with two peices of art. Still waiting on the FAQ section. Also I now have a Message Board for all Lycanthropes to use. You just click on the link and register an account with EZ-Board and BINGO! You're in.
Till next time
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

September 4, 2000
HAPPY LABOR DAY! Well I finally will be organizing the art section into galleries. Art Gallery 1 is the only one up right now. I have also submitted this page to Lycos Networks and in 2-3 weeks it will be in the directory. I also have DLed a test version of MSN Internet Explorer. Go to MSN Preview. Its a really neat thing. Also I now have an update page which is what this is.
Well, till next time
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

September 5, 2000
Well the holiday is over and the midwest had a cold Labor Day. Well, its back to school for me. Today I have added a section for poetry and writings. Anyone is free to submit their works. Just click the feedback button on the main page, and change the subject to Writings and please put your writings in the email and I will handle it for you.
Thats all for this update.
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

September 6, 2000
Well, I am going to try to update this page as much as possible. I am also trying to put a track called "Wolf Blues" on the main page so you all can hear my music I listen to. My HTML skills are still novice so I will try as much as possible to get things going. I submitted this site to the Yahoo! directories and I am waiting for conformation of this site being added.
Till next time,
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

September 9, 2000
I was gone for the last two days and so I was unable to update. As of right now there is no other updates.
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

September 12, 2000
Well, its been two days since I last updated. The reason I have been busy is that I have been planning my Garden Railroad. I happen to like Model Railroading as that is one of my favorite hobbies. Anyways, I have added the page that talks about my 2 member Werewolf Pack, The Cheyenne Wolves. This page has been added to the MSN Directory and will be findable very shortly.
Thats all for this update today.
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

September 27, 2000
Its been a while since I last updated, but I am back to my regular schedule. I have updated the Ceyenne Pack page. Its called that because i let a lonely Werelion in my pack and gave him a home. Silverpaw is now known as Grey Eyes, and well, thats all for this update. In two months I will be moving to Were.netand will soon have my new site up. So I will be updating as much as I can.
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

October 1, 2000
Halloween is a couple weeks away now. I have added a tribute to a dear friend who saved my life and she lost hers in that favor......I would really hope you would visit that page and pay respects to a dear friend. As of right now I will be gone for a few days as my cable modem is installed! I am leaving Ameritech® DSL cause its so friggin slow. Till next time.....
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

October 13, 2000
A full moon on the thirteenth of Friday??? Is this impossible??? Not really. Its sign that all Were's can be free. Of course in my town tonight (possibly) they will be burning some Were's to death. I just pray that they did not catch any. I have been experimenting with backgrounds on different pages. If you noticed the Main page, I finally got a banner. It took about a month, but it was worth the wait.
Thats all for this update.
--Grey Fur--
Alpha Male Wolf

November 3, 2000
Its been awhile hasn't it. Too long. There have been a lot of problems preventing me from updating. Mostly my pack broke up and there is no need for the page up. I have been very busy with my job so keep looking for my updates. I will try to update as often as possible.
--GreyFur-- Alpha Male Wolf