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Grey Fur's Werecard

Human Name: Nathan O’Riley
Were Name: Grey Fur
Were Nickname: Howl
Phenotype(s): Timber Wolf (Canis Lupas)
Shifting Ability: Physical, Mental, and Phantom

Birthdate: 13 March 1984
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Home Territory: Bolingbrook, Illinois, United States
Dream Territory: The Rocky Mountain National Park

Physical Description, Human: I am a cacuasian male about 6 feet tall, brown crew cut hair, haizel eyes
Physical Description, Were: My underside is covered in tan/white fur, as is my chest and fore paws. My tail is bushy and grey. My back, hind legs, and my head above the jaw are medium grey. The tips of my ears are grey. I walk with unretracted claws.

Human Career: Student/Marine Corps JROTC Cadet
Hobbies/Interests: Garden Railroading, hiking, creating CG's (Computer Graphics), writing music, surfing the net, and just being out in nature.

Favorite Movies: The Indiana Jones Trilogy and Independance Day
Favorite Were-Movies: The Lion King, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, and Ladyhawke

Favorite Literature: Jesus Freaks: DC Talk and the Voice of Martyrs
Favorite Were Literature: Elfquest book #1, The Blood of Ten Chiefs

Favorite Art: Anything that makes me want to look at it again.
Favorite Were-art:

Favorite Quote: “We aint nothin but a bunch of Jesus Freaks!”
Favorite Were Saying/Quote: “Werewolves are just misunderstood.”
Favorite Personal Quote: “You have the look of the Werewolf in your eyes.”

Favorite Song/Band(s): My Will by D.C. Talk
Favorite Were Song/Band(s): Of Wolf and Man by Metallica

Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holidays: My Birthday and 4th of July

Preferred Prey: Humans and Werewolf hunters
Hunting Tips: Don't jump till you see the whites of their eyes.
Preferred Method of Attack: Stalk silently, and pounce when the prey is least expecting it. Then I use my claws and fangs and start ripping them in pieces.

Favorite Non-Were Mythological Beast: Unicorns

Feelings Toward Vampires: heh..........thats where my lunch got to >=D
Feelings Toward Normal Humans: You mess with me and I will guarantee your trip to hell!

Personal Lycanthropy / Therianthropy: I have recently discovered to be a Were on January 13, 2000. I have always been strange as I don’t like to associate with people very much.

Well, I was researching my genes (I am adopted, but I am still Irish) and aparently I was born with the Werewolf gene. So that finally explains my Pysical Shifting ability. This gene goes all the way back to the 1500's. I first started having dreams of being a wolf out in the Minneasota Wilderness and being hunted by poachers. This reccourred night after night until one full moon. I was practicing my wolf howl for a little competition and I sounded just like a wolf. I creeped out. 'Slowly back away and run into the house' I thought. But I didn't cause something just flahshed into my mind. I saw myself as a Werewolf. I thought that Werewolves were only mythical. But that cause I never discovered who I was before.

Only one person has found out that I am a Were. At my school she just looked into my eyes and said, “I can see the look of the Werewolf in your eyes.” We have been good friends since. She too is a Werewolf. Though I rarely see other Were’s, I know that I am not alone.

Its Kind of hard to be a Were because My whole town has a bunch of hunters running around. In my town IF I were to be discovered as a Werewolf, I would be burned to death. These are not good times we are living in are they?

The shifts that occur for me the most is Phantom Shifts and Mental shifts. At School I always phantom shift. I do that so I am more aware of what is going on around me and who to dodge and avoid. When I am sleeping, or when I medidtate is when I go into my Mentals Shifts. The Pysical Shifts are still triggered by a full moon for me as I still have not learned to control or manually do it any time. Some people I can sense as either a Werebeast or a Werebeast Hunter. You should see me at my High School, always ducking away from the hunters. As for that vampire, lets say I gave him a one way ticket to hell. We wound up in a battle to the death. I barely made it through the battle. But all I can say is good ridence. Here is another interesting fact. I am alergic to Wolfsbane. I know its poisonus, but even when they extract all the poison and make it safe to sell, my muscles start twitching, and that triggers a Pysical Shift for me. I have no clue why though.

Sometimes when I am in a public place like my school (there are 2,000 students there) I am always aware of what I say and/or do. One slip of the wheel could send me to my death. A couple "Humans" think they know I am a Werebeast and are constantly trying to make sure I slip up. Jokes on them. I am always concious of things around me.

Every now and then I am known by some local Were's to "visit" some unexpecting humans and Werewolf hunters. Humans are the easiest targets. Its simple. Grab and claw them to death. Then discard the body. Werewolf hunters are my favorites. Its fun when your prey fights back.

They call me Howl in my Were form. I guess I howl too much! ^_^

Sometimes I sit down and literally cry about the fact that I have (my closest friends are next town over) no one to confide in about who I am. Will it pass? I don't know. Will I be able to freely be myself? Probobly not. Am I alone? Absolutly not. All I need to do is accept who I am and look for others of my kind. But no matter how lonely I am, no matter how much it tears me up inside, I am always a wolf at my heart. And you know what? My life really aint as bad as it seems. I am always learning about myself, about others, and how to survive without being labled insane. The hardest judge is ourselves. Is it not? =C)

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