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The M1911

"To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." --Ted Nugent

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Be sure to check out the links below.
and read the letter from John Ashcroft

Mankind crawled through muck for centuries. Unsure of himself. Not able to fight out even a small niche to call his own. Stronger men stepped on weaker ones, only to be cut down by even stronger men as they reached pointlessly for a better life.

Females hampered by the burden of childbearing found themselves at the mercy of cruel men bent on pleasure seeking and abuse. Oh we tried and tried. Different systems, new religions, over and over again, but always our bestial nature ripped happiness from our screaming bloodied fingers.

Then a quiet man came. He thought in a different way and he gave us a gift. The gift is perfect in everyway. Efficient, beautiful, not costly. It changed the world. The gift.... a 1911. The Man ....John Moses Browning. There had been fakers before and there will no doubt be pretenders in the future. Only one given by a small quiet man will stand the test of time.

Because of him and his perfect invention a small man in the right need no longer fear a larger bully. A woman may guard her virtue in a manner so deadly as to give any man pause . Because of the 1911 we can bath ourselves in the glory of Civilization. That is as long as we never forget the quiet man and his gift.

Hang your pretty guns on the wall as a testament to technology and plastic. Praise them now for they will be short lived and bring only false hope. Sleep with your 1911 and seven round balls, messengers of righteousness and death.

We face a new demon today. It is a great pretender. The multiculturally headed beast tells us to forget John and his gift. Softly it lulls us to sleep. Its tells us to trigger lock and castrate our 1911 for the sake of the children. It comes in the guise of reasonable men seeking fairness for all. But we scream back and brandish or heritage! Al Gore and Bill Clinton blink in the glare of cleansing sun light glancing off the polished gun metal of millions of 1911s.

You can have my 1911 when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.

Beware The Barbed Hook of "Gun Control"

By Richard W. Stevens Editor, The Bill of Rights Sentinel

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

You know how a fish hook works? It has an extremely sharp hard point and a looped shape so that it penetrates the fish's mouth quickly and gets a hold of him. To make sure the fish cannot free itself, the hook has protruding barbs. With these barbs the hook slides in, but does not slide back out. A barbed hook goes one way -- deeper in -- and does not reverse its course. Victim disarmament ("gun control") laws are barbed hooks. Once put on the books, it seems they never get pulled out. Whenever a new "crisis" or other trigger event makes the news, the anti-self defense lobby kicks in, trying to push in deeper the "gun control" hooks. Some compromising pro- gun people call it a victory if the hook goes in only a little bit more. Yet, the deeper the hook, the less likely we can regain our freedom.

Trigger Events

Some people believe that if the economy downturns, then violent and property crimes will increase. Others think crime will jump as the current generation moves into its violence-prone teen years. Violent crime rates have dropped somewhat over the last few years, but the moment they show any increase, the "gun control" lobby will push for more victim-disarming laws. Increasing crime rate stats will provide the trigger event. Any attack by a foreign terrorist on American soil, and every multiple killing perpetrated by a criminal will serve as trigger events, too. Major media will run stories about gang drive-by shootings and deranged teens who murder classmates or family members. Each publicized event will trigger "gun control" crusades to drive the hook deeper.

Lock Down the Trigger Events

For years the media and victim disarmament lobbyists have converted every multiple murder (by a firearms misuser) into a moralistic TV special that gets replayed for days and weeks. Consider the case on December 26, 2000 in Massachusetts, when a cold-blooded murderer attacked and killed seven co-workers in a business office. Like the Xerox workplace attack and many others, the co-worker victims were not protected by the company and were unprepared to protect themselves.

The media and anti-self defense lobbyists ask the question, "how did the killer get his guns?" The better question is: "why didn't the victims have defensive firearms?"

We must stop apologizing for insisting on the unalienable rights to self-defense and to keep and bear arms. In some states, regular citizens can openly carry firearms just about anywhere without difficulty. Why wasn't even one of the victims in Massachusetts carrying a sidearm?

Never forget 11 Sept 2001

Time and temp. Princeton, IL. USA

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M1911, and pages of interest

The National Rifle Association
The Illinois State Rifle Association
Colt Firearms
Bullseye-L e-mail list
Encyclopedia of Bullseye Pistol
100's of gun links
Brownells gun parts
MidwayUSA shooting supply
US Pistol Caliber.45 acp
Defensive Gun Use Statistics
A letter from John Ashcroft to the NRA
M1911 cutaway view
The M1911 pistols home page
