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Welcome, one and all.
If you are like me, and I hope to Christ you are,
you've probably noticed that people in general are
getting more and more demented, stupid and lazy.
We'll address exactly how, in more detail, later.

In the wild, animals that develop these traits are culled out,
for the good of the herd.
The instinct of the herd is to survive and as the old addage goes,
"Only the strong survive."
Being less intelligent, the weak would be easy game for predators
or even die of their own stupidity.

Now you ask, "What does all this have to do with us?"
Well, I'll tell you. In today's modernized society,
there are no natural preditors for man to tame.
There are millions of individuals dedicated to enforcing laws protecting Joe Dummy.
Hell, people aren't even held responsible for their own actions.
Common sense tells you that coffee is hot.
If you purchase some and then spill it on yourself, who's to blame?
You or the people that sold you the coffee?
Why, the people who sold you the coffee, of course.

"It's not MY fault that YOU didn't make sure I didn't do it."

The world is going to hell in a handbasket.


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Hard Knock Life
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