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Golden Lion-Tamarin

Description and Habitat

DESCRIPTION:Golden Lion Tamarins (GLTs) are small (500-600 gm) monkeys native to Brasil. They live in the heavily populated coastal region of Brazil, where less than 2% of the forest remains. They are endangered because their habitat has been fragmented into small, unconnected area, each area only capable of supporting a small number of groups. Without intervention inbreeding would soon result in the local extinction of many of these small populations of tamarins, and eventually of the entire species. About 400 GLTs are living in the wild, most in or near the Reserva Biologica de Poço das Antas in the state of Rio de Janeiro. About 500 live in zoos. HABITAT:In Poço ("poh-so") das Antas, golden lion tamarins prefer swamp forest. Swamp forest contains many vines and bromeliads, and has a high density of fruit and animal foods. Because all of this land has been logged in the past, we don't know what kind of habitat GLTs originally preferred. Presumably the preferred a humid, closed canopy forest with many vines, bromeliads and other epiphytes. The closed canopy and tangles of vines provide easy arboreal pathways and protection from aerial predators. The bromeliads host many insects and small vertebrates that are important tamarin foods. They are also an important water source. In the wild, GLTs sleep in tree holes. Tree holes are important for heat conservation and protection from nocturnal predators.

Diet and Predators

DIET:Golden lion tamarins are omnivorous, feeding on fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. Any smaller animals is possible food. GLTs actively search crevices, bark, bromeliads, and other hiding places for their prey. They use their long, slender fingers and hands to probe into these areas, a behavior called "micromanipulation". In zoos, GLTs are fed fruit (banana, apple, and orange), canned marmoset diet, mealworms, and crickets. They supplement this with cockroaches, mice, and other uninvited guests that aren't quick enough to escape. PREDATORS:Hawks and other raptors, cats, and large snakes are the main predators of GLTs. Data on predation are difficult to obtain. The tamarins give alarm calls in response to strange and/or threatening stimuli. They have a particular alarm call for large birds overhead. When that call is made the animals head for the trunks of the trees or sometimes just let themselves fall to the ground. The alarm call and the response seem to be genetically "hard-wired". Zoo born animals that have always lived inside make the call and respond appropriately when birds fly over.

Social Behavior

In zoos Golden Lion Tamarin are kept in family groups. In the wild, groups are small (2-9 animals) and usually consist of one breeding adult of each sex and younger animals. The group members could be related (i.e. a family group) but transfer of animals between groups has been seen and may be quite common. Tamarin groups actively defend a territory against other Golden Lion Tamarins. Territories average 40 hectares (about 100 acres). The defense of a territory is accomplished through vocalizations and scent marking during ritualized group encounters. Actual fighting does not occur. Occasionally more than one adult male (or, less commonly, more than one female) will breed in a group. Whether this represents a transitional situation, an alternate reproductive strategy based on cooperative rearing of infants, or just variation in tolerance between adults is unknown. In captivity aggression occurs between animals of the same sex, especially between adult females. Mothers have been know to attack their older daughters, resulting in the death of one or more animals if they are not separated. Males appear to be more tolerant of each other, but will fight on occasion. Births are usually twins. Infant care is cooperative. All members of the group will carry an infant, with the adult male commonly doing the largest share. The mother only takes the babies to nurse them. Since a set of twins might weigh as much as 15-20 % of the mother's weight, she can use the help. Young animals benefit from their experience with younger siblings. Males and females with previous care-giving experience as youngsters are much more likely to successfully raise their infants from the start. Pairs without prior infant experience often lose several sets of infants before they become competent parents. Food is shared on occasion. Sharing is both passive (i.e. tolerated stealing) and active, with the food actually offered to another animal. Usually the food goes from older to younger animals. Often young animals will make a rasping noise (known as an infant rasp) as they try to take food from another animal. Golden Lion Tamarins retire at dusk and sleep until after sunrise. The adults are the first out of the holes in the morning and the last to enter at night. In the zoo they sleep in nestboxes. If a nestbox is available Golden Lion Tamarins will always sleep in one.