Basic Website;
This page contains:
| image info | | broken things & how 2 help | | my email |
| information credits | | submissions & warnings | | special thanks |

========= Image Info ========
All pictures here (unless it's fanart or stated... out of pure respect.) is always free for the taking and use. Although, it's always nice to have a link back. :)

All pictures in the galleries. Were either scanned in by me or given to me.
they were free for the taking.

Thumbnails are what you'll find in the galleries. Why? It's my preference. What ever posessed me to put more than 20 on a page (Is beyond me) and my bad. I fixed most as I went through. Although, after 18 pages of thumbnails I kinda said to heck with it. Always klik on the thumbnail to view larger version & enjoy!

Broken Links or Anything Screwy;
In order to keep the site up and running... properly.
It helps out a lot to report anything of this sort to me at:

Please, keep in mind. That when reporting anything about a broken link or pic. It doesn't help much by saying some thing like:
"There's a picture in Cye's Gallery that's not working."
Let me know who's Gallery
& a page number. :) It will not only speed up the process, but also not make me not want to go hunt it down.

+++ Information Credits+++
A major part of the extra info sections was collected from various places. Over a length of time. So, it would be nearly impossible to name them all. Since, its little things added here or there. Although....

All Information under Astrology Bio's 1 comes from;
The Ultimate Birthday Book
by; Clare Gibson

All Information under Astrology Bio's 2 comes from;
East Meets West Astrology
By: Lori Reid

(which you can find at your nearest Barnes & Nobles... sale section normally... )

Just about all info from: Blood Types, Tidbits, The Legend...
Come from Magazine #41 and across the net.

The Dedication the the Women of YST/RW: Credit goes to Cookie

======Submissions & Warnings======
Due to the lack of use. The Lounge & Cobweb Cafe have been closed. Although, what I'm willing to do. Is set a side a spot for you if you have works already posted on places such as: and ect....
Send me the link to it and I'll post it up for you. This will save a bushel of time for me and save on space. In other words I have to start over from scracth so don't be disappointed for the lack of submissions. Effective - May 22, 2003

Special Thanks;
This site has been basicly made by the viewers. There for it wouldn't be right if I didn't say thank you to the major helpers/viewers of it...

First thanks goes to Starfighter/Juri: That has been helping out on all the sites from way back. When it was just the Ray of Hope dedicaited to The Doom Tree of SM, Mephisto of Demon City, Malachite/Kunzite and Iria. Also, thanks for the submissions of your art & story.

Cryosama: Thanks much for your honesty and support... along with the insperations for most of the layouts that have been here. Also, thanks for your poetry submissions.
Stay cool!

Cookie: Much, much thanks for the Dedication to the Women of YST/RW! If it wasn't for you... it more than likely would not be here. Also, thanks for the support and submission of your fic...

Wildefyre: Were do I begin?... Thanks for all the support and help that you have given. All your submissions and emails... Thanx! You been a driving force behinde this site for a long time. All viewers give thanks and be happy that wildefyre has been around to help.
Much thanks wildefyre.