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Alexis and Werner World Trip

This is the account of our one year honeymoon from
October 1999 to November 2000.

[wedding picture 20kb]

After getting married in California on October 2, 1999 we left for our honeymoon from San Francisco on October 22. During this trip we traveled through Peru, Chile, Argentina, the Cook Islands, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii.

We'd love hear from you. Please email us your comments and sign our guestbook.

Last updates: March 14, 2003
Added New Zealand South Island, Australia and Hawaii chapters and a ton of new pictures. Also major re-design of the photo gallery.

Overview of our Trip

[south america detailed 122kb] [oceania detailed 110kb]
Click on South America or Oceania to see a larger, more detailed map.i

See the Table of Contents for the journals and more ...

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