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yay for henna

pics of my first henna experience... June/July 02.

my first henna design ever

this is with the henna paste still on and covered with "new skin" stuff.

this is the palm of the same hand shown above. still with paste and "new skin".

same design, sans henna paste

this is what the same hand looks like about an hour after taking off the paste... there's still some "new skin" residue.

same hand, same time, still some "new skin" flakes (ewwww)

same hand as above, i just added some leaves and dots and a few squiggles because i thought it looked kind of empty. i also retraced some stuff from before.

this was taken about an hour after removing the paste.

**as i write this a day later, everything is a few shades darker. the design on my palm is a very deep mahogany - like a reddish black.

an attempt at hennaing my own foot.... with paste still on.

paste still on

first attempt at Om

pic on the left was taken with paste and tacky glue (used as a sealant) still on... pic on the right was taken after paste was removed the next morning.

first attempt with a cone

thanks to Lauren at for hooking me up with the henna and the cone for this one. the pic was taken about 48 hours from paste removal.

click here to see more pics of my henna adventures