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Sterile Nation Promotions

What is Sterile Nation?

It's a promotion team for Uranium 235, a lot like a street team. The team is composed of people who help promote the band in their areas with tapes and fliers that we send them. It's a way to get the word out about the band, especially in areas where they wouldn't normally have a chance to promote. We are currently not sending out tapes but we may do so in the future.

Who can join?

You have to be someone who is trustworthy and dedicated -- if we send you fliers you can't be the kind of person who's just going to let them sit in your room for the next month. Also, it helps if you know a lot of people into this kind of music -- if you go around promoting the band to your grandparents I doubt it's going to help too much (unless you have REALLY cool grandparents). It's best if you are very involved in your local music scene, but basically anyone who can give their time to help promote the band is welcome to join.

How do I join?

To join the Sterile Nation Promotions Team, you need to email the following information to

1. A list of 5 message boards, guestbooks, or yahoo clubs where you have posted promoting Uranium 235. These locations should be somehow related to Uranium 235 (industrial, Gothic, or similar bands). Leave a message telling people about U235 and their music, and to check out their website. You must send me a link to each of the 5 places where you have promoted. Be careful not to promote on the same message board where someone else already has.

2. A short paragraph describing how you heard of Uranium 235 and why you like their music.

3. A short paragraph describing your experience promoting bands and where you are planning to promote U235. (Don't worry, as long as you are dedicated to spreading the word about U235, it's OK if this is your first time promoting a band).

4. Your mailing address.

Remember, email all of this to Thanks!!

You can also visit the Sterile Nation Webpage for more information about promoting Uranium 235.