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Today's date is:

7/9/01- Uranium 235 have decied to go their separate ways. Shane and Roxy have started a new band called Jupiter After Death. click here to read the chat transcript where Shane and Roxy talk about the break up and Jupiter After Death.

8/13/00- Sorry its been a long time since I put any updates on here. The greeting cards are back up. There are more new pics under images. New contact page. More links. And finally new font, I like this one better.

6/3/00- NEW beautiful Uranium 235 group picture added here. I haven't seen this one anywhere before. And press release.

5/30/00- The Uranium 235 greet cards are up: U235 cards.

5/11/00- New article on U235 from Alter Native is up here.

5/10/00- The two new show dates are up here.

4/21/00- I made a new main image =)

4/13/00- I've updated the site. I just fixed up a few things here and there, nothing big.

3/27/00- Stop e-mailing Ozzfest, apparently it was too late for U235 to make it on the list anyway, thanks to everyone who e-mailed. Also new Tom pictures are up (photo credits: Laura)

3/25/00- New show date announced! Click on shows to see it. Also don't forget to keep e-mailing and telling them you want to see U235 on Ozzfest!

2/22/00- Cultural Minority (with a new cover) is now out everywhere! Dont forget to pick up a copy.

2/20/00- Check out the new Metal Edge magazine with KoRn on the cover. There is a picture and small article about Uranium 235.

2/00- The temporary new U235 page is up! The new page will be up for a while while the new FLASH page is being made.

2/5/00-The Radio page has been re-done.

2/2/00-The websites selling Cultural Minority, which will be in all stores Feb 22, are linked here

2/1/00-NEW URANIUM235 CONTEST!! For rules and entry information go to the Contest page

1/15/00- I blocked all those annoying little pop-up ads =)

1/9/00- U235 web page contest is over, and we all won! Hehehe, if you'd like to see the entries go to U235 contest results.

1/7/00- Dont forget about the U235 show Friday, January 14th at L'amour in Brooklyn. Doors open at 9PM and U235 goes on about 12. Tickets are $10 at the door (and are also available in advance through Ticketmaster). Modus Operandi, Witchmoon, and Mindless Self Indulgence will also be playing. If you need directions go to or

12/28/99- Not much new news. I recieved my U235 demo tapes last week, most of you should have your tapes by now. Also there is a new link on the links page....

11/30/99- U235 has re-designed the offical site. To check it out go here.

11/28/99- My U235 mailing list has been put up on the main page. Enter your e-mail and you will recieve periodic e-mails from me about Uranium 235 and Radio Shut Down.

11/27/99- Two new group pictures have been added to the group images.

11/24/99- New show dates have been added.

10/99- Uranium 235 has been signed to Mystic Records! The CD will now be sold in stores everywhere around Jan or Feb, but you can still order it from New York now.