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Katrina's And Elizabeth's Picture Album!

(Updated: 04/24/05 - updated our email address finally).

It's been a long time since this page was updated. I'll try to make up for that. ++ Paul

2 Precious Girls

With the arrival of our newest bundle of joy Elizabeth Noelle and Big
Sister Katrina Renee, we've created this page to keep friends and
family connected to their lives and ours.

Elizabeth was born on March 4, 2003. At birth, she weighed 9 pounds,
1 ounce and she was 21.25 inches tall (long). Like her older sister, Elizabeth
came into the world via a C-Section and she's also as cute as can be!!

Katrina was born at 10:36pm on April 4, 2000. At birth, she weighed
8 pounds, 4 ounces and her height (length) was 20.75 inches. She
was a breech baby and arrived into the world via C-Section.
As you can see from the pictures, she is as cute as can be!!

Thanks for visiting! Come back for updated pictures.

God bless,
++ The Troy's
        Also, sorry for the ads, but that's how "free" sites work......

    To change pages, select where you want to go, then click the "Go!" button.

    Katrina & Elizabeth with their cousins Hanah & Aryn (L=>R)

    Pictures of Elizabeth

    Pictures of Elizabeth

    Katrina meeting her little sister for the first time

    Pictures of Elizabeth

    Mommy and baby Elizabeth // Proud Big Sister Katrina

    A happy and proud big sister // A happy family with a new bundle of joy

    Mommy & Elizabeth

    Katrina and Elizabeth

    Baby Elizabeth

    Elizabeth & Katrina

    Elizabeth foot being blotted on the birth certificate // Katrina's off to the races!!

    Catching some ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz's

    Building those neck muscles.... // A couple of future UIC alumni

    Three and a half week girl out for a swing // Her first bath at home

    Auntie Annette with Elizabeth // Elizabeth's baptism

    Asleep after her baptism (see the pretty bonnet?) // A real cutie!

    Cuddle-time! // Katrina ready for a picnic during her birthday party

    Guess who made the most of the last winter storm of the season???

    Look who got Dress-Up clothes for Christmas! // Easter egg hunt at the park

    Want to see some of our previous pictures?
    Visit our Picture Archives:

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    Thanks for visiting!!! Come and see us again soon!
    To keep in touch, drop us an E-MAIL!

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