Christina Aguilera

Christina's facts

Christina Aguilera is, in my opinion, one of the most talented female vocalists in the world. Her range and tone astound many people, including me.

Christina was born to a concert pianist mother and a military father. As a result, she has lived in 5 different places. She claims she has been singing and has wanted to be a singer for as long as she can remember. When Christina was five, her parents seperated and she, her sister Rachel and her mom moved to Rochester, Pa with their grandmother. At age 8 she got her first break as a contestant on Star Search. Then, when she was 11 she sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" at a Pittsburgh Pirates game. This was a difficult period in Christina Aguilera's life because of the constant threats and teasing from classmates jealous of her success and potential. As many people know, at age 12-14 Christina was on the Disney Channel's New Mickey Mouse Club, costaring with the now famous Keri Russel, Britney Spears, and Justin and JC of N'sync. Christina's first hit song was recorded as a duet called "all I wanna do" with Japanese pop star Keizo Nakanishi. But her first United States break came in 1998 when she recorded the song "reflections" for the Mulan soundtrack. The very same week, RCA signed her to a record contract. Soon her two hits, "Genie in a Bottle" and "What a Girl Wants" shot to the top of the charts. Her first album Christina Aguilera also made it to #1. Today Christina is a superstar, yet still manages to spend time with her family and respect her fans.

more of my favorite Christina pics


Christina Central

Absolutely Christina Aguilera

Christina's Bottle

Christina Doll

She's Emotional

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244 Madison Ave Ste.

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