Tiffani Vaughan Free Pictures of the Blue Wig Photo Shoot

Tiffani @ Angelfire

Updated 08/12/2003 08:35 PM


Tiffani dares to look different. As it is she loves changing her look for a photo shoot. With future updates we will be bringing you new looks. Should someone familiar with Tiffani's work pass her on the street they, in most instances, would not even recognize her. 


Tiffani, although a heavily sought after model for both photography, and oil paintings and drawings, will still blush at a compliment. That quality, amongst others, makes her even more appealing to the camera, and the people that view her work. In Tiffani's case a pictures says volumes about the person within.

Tiffani, the person, is a dutiful daughter, supportive sister, and carrying auntie. Professionally, Tiffani produces eye-candy, but beneath the outer sensuality is a genuine person that is a pleasure to know. 

The model must take her work seriously, and Tiffani does, but the photo model must also guard against becoming self-centered; that, Tiffani is not. She is a very generous person willing to share her experiences with other Internet models trying to be successful in the highly competitive modeling industry.


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