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Paul's College Page

Welcome to Paul's college page, updated every week, usually on Sunday. ***************************************************************************************************************************

Notre Dame Band Webpage

Notre Dame AIChE Webpage

Notre Dame Weather


Polymer Extrusion


This update was done on Sunday, December 11:

Wow, what poor website updating. Things have been quite busy lately. I have been in several states and time zones since I last updated this webpage. I was in Chicago for a very pleasant Thanksgiving. I have also been in Madison, WI for an interview with Epic Data Systems and in Albany, NY for an interview with GE Global Research. In between, I finished up the fall semester and am now getting ready for finals week. I have four finals this week: one each on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. My last three finals are all at 8am, which is harsh. The one pro to an 8am final is that it opens up the rest of the day to study for other subjects.

Last week I also had band practice for three nights to get ready for the Fiesta Bowl. The band is going to be in Tempe for five nights and has a couple of public performances in addition to the bowl parade. It should be a good time.

Have a good week!
