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My Gob Pictures

These pics belong to me. if you want to use them, email me.

Heres my Story

ok, ill go through what happpened all day.

*warning! may be long! but oh well!

Around 9:30 i woke up and saw this new wall poster of the crow and outta no where i rememberd that I left my desposable camra at John`s house the night before cause i had it in my bass case , but anyway, then, i had to go deliver my bro`s papers with mom and i just sat in the van while her and my dads cousins daughter did them(i orgnized it. lol. )

Aruond 11:45 we went up to John`s so I could get my camra, and on the way home picked up Audrey.

Then we came back to my house, chilled untill Steve was supposed to call when he got off of work.

So were just sittin upstairs and then my God Father comes in, so i talk to him for a bit,and then mom comes and stays with him, i went back to watching Mighty Ducks 2 on the family channel!(i know im a loser!)

Then my God FAther calls me out to the kitchen where there sitting and gives me $50!! what a swell guy!! lol. So, then Steve calls and we wait to be picked up.

Then it gets around 1:30, and we start our travel to go and wait for Gob.

We park his van abotu 50 feet from the club there playing in, and then we walk to Merlins, and at this time its 2 pm, and the show is SUPPOSED to start at 5pm.(Im getting to this in a minute) So were just chillin and were the only losers out there, and then someone else shows up, and we start talking to her. Her name is Jenn, and shes about 2 or 3 years younger then us, but thats ok, and slowley, and i mean SLOWLEY, a line starts to form.

All we do is sit and chill, and talk about how Jenn wanted Craigs socks, and i just wanted to meet Theo!

Then guys who work at the club start showing up for work, and were bugging them to let us in earley or meet the band, doesnt work. We keep trying and trying but still no luck.

Then the sucrety gards start tp show up around 3 or 4 and THEN tell us that their plane was delayed and that the show is delayed about half an hour.So the show isnt gonna open at 5:30! so we were kinda pissed!


While waiting we start chatting to some sucrety gards, being we were the first people in line, . and one guy had this all access pass, and of corse i asked him if i could have it, and he said no. BUT he did have on 2 Gob pins, so i sucked up BIG TIME, or annoy i dont know, so he gave me one! It was SWEET!!

Well, some ppl jenn knew cut inline with us, and there were these 2 really nice girls there, and we waited and chilled some more, and by this time it started to get REALLY cold. and another sucrety gard came out and gave this guy a poster, and i asked the him if there were anymore and he said no. So one of the girls there told the guy to give it to me cause "Shes a little obssessive!" lol.So he gave it to me.

Then we got in, and got stamped and went up stairs and stood right in front of the stage(BIG mistake).

We wait for a little while and then the opening band SilverSeed Played, They wernt bad, but oh well,

Then between sets i was talking to this REALLY nice sucrety gard, and then Gob came out! and i took LOTS of pics, thell be on when i get em developed. And Then a Most pit brewed up, it was fun for the first 15 minutesm, but then it got outta hand and me, Aydrey and Steve left cause we couldnt handle it anymore, so we went out, only cause of steve, if he wasnt there wed be dead, and so we stayed out to the other side of the most pit.

Then I took my poster and wrote on it"Play Hey Stephanie!" cause i love that song! and i was holding it up and Cragi the Bassist saw it, and even mentioned that i had a sign and asked what it said and then he said he wouldnt play it! and i was kinda mad! but then During a song Tom winked at me and gave me the Punk "Hey!" and it was awsome! and then we moshed on the outside, and sang our hearts out and left, we wanted to get our stuff signed but they wernt signing stuff. Oh well.

Then we left and went to get my pics developed but they couldnt till tomorrow so i sadi forget it, and we went to subway and came home.

It was a very fun day!

(from l to r) Craig, Theo, and half of Tom

Craig(in teh back) Theo and Tom

Blury pic of Theo and Tom

Tom singing.

Dark Pic of Theo

Craig and Theo and half of Tom .

This is what i wrote on the sidewalk infront of Merlins. :)

This is the line up at like 4 pm.

This is the opening band, Silver Stone.
