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Hi hi!Welcome to the quotes page!Nar...dunno what to say...herm...welcome read quotes from all us Snow Rovers!Thats all I have to say!=P
"Dotty:WOW!I I didn't know Steve could fly!
Emaryld:He can? Maybe he can do that funny-look thingy while he flies.
Dotty:And Slippery soap can fly too!
Dotty: ::shrugs::I didn't know they could fly...
Emaryld:Oh. Isn't that interesting?
Dotty: ::nods::"

"Wow!Thats stupid!" ~Sky

"Dotty:OOOOOO!!!!!Starset look!!!::points::

"AHHHHH!!!Jimmy's flyin' in his electric wheelchair again!!" ~Dotty

"Dotty:Aren't they just the cutest?!?!?!?!?!
Dotty:Frick you!"

"Dotty:No,I didn't call the Detailing Shop and leave a mean message on their answering machine...
Brink:Neither did I!
Patrick:Yeah you did!You were drunk!
Dotty:I was?!?!Then I was drunk on Sugar Beer!
Starset:Naw!She was on a sugar high,as usaul."

"Starset:Dotty's havin' a blonde moment!
Sky:She's not even blonde!"

"The chicken crossed the road to get ran over,not to get to the other side!Duh!" ~Dotty

Dotty:Brink,I don't like we were suppose to do that...
Brink:Yeah,they look mad!
Dotty: ::grabs the bag of tomatos:: Lets get outta here!! ::they run away::
