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Snow Rover Head Quarters

Welcome to SRHQ, the Snow Rovers HeadQuarters! I'm Emaryld. One of the leaders of the Snow Rovers, Dotty is the other. We are made up of 14 cano-sapiens, me, Dotty,Maxx, Ashley,Brink, Rhainne, Starset, Sky, Eric, Sedona, Addidan, Ruth,Patrick and Rex. And we're not just good in the snow, we can fight anywhere, snow or not. But we are VERY good on snow.

Last Updated September 2nd, 2000 Dotty here.So we have been lazy...haven't updated in I finally got off my lazy bum and updated.=D I added the Quotes page...its still under construction though,there's a few quotes,changed the font,and I updated the gallery.Thats it fer now.

The Bios
Bios on all of the Snow Rovers.

The Gallery
Look at all the cute piccies of us Snow Rovers!

Snow Rovers Message Board
Post on our MB til your hearts content!

Quotes...thats really all I can say...:P(There are a few quotes there,but its still under construction.)

Your leaving us!WAH!!Don't go!::sighs::Well,bye bye,come back soon!Maxx and Sedona will show you the links!

'Bout Us
Learn about us! Still under construction.

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