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Snowboarding in Colorado
Late Front Flip at Breck Same
Photo Gallerys
Featured Riders
Snowboarding Links
Movies and Videos
Seasonal Section Summer,Fall, Winter,Spring
New Picture Section
Web Rings

You have somehow reached Jeff Hill's Home Page. Some background info on myself, if for some strange reason you want to know. I've been snowboarding for about 6-7 years. I usually ride about 90 to 100 times a year. I am currently a student at the University of Colorado Majoring in Civil engineering. Next year should be my last year at CU, as long as everything works out. This website was made during my sparetime somewhere in between riding, school, hanging out, and work. The main purpose of this site is to show pictures and video's of myself and my friends riding, because ya know, we all want to be rockstars. There's also lots of links and a bunch of other crap so check it out. Later.

University of Colorado Links

By the Way - to all you web developers out there - all of the pictures and video clips are free to anyone that wants them. Just send me an email and let me know if you do. Also a link back to my site would be greatly apprecialted as well. Also if any thing is taken please put the riders name and the location somewhere on the page. To any one that does not know - to copy an image from this site or anywhere else all you have to do is right click on the pictures and select save as.
I broke up the picture on this page to save time but the full picture is somewhere in the photo gallery's. Be sure to check out the all-star photo gallery and the video and movie section.

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Copyright 1999. All rights for free. Take any pictures you want just let me know and put a link back to my page, Thanks. Jeff
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