Okay after so much wonderful feedback on the first little short I wrote called Unrequited Love, which was written from Serena’s point of view. I decided to do a similar piece written from Darien’s point of that same day :) Ingenious, ne? Yes I know how long did it take me to come up with this, well whatever, just enjoy the fic okay? And WRITE ME!!! I love feedback, I thrive off of it :) Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon, we all must deal with it the best we can. But as always I have pure creative control of this story :Evil Laughter: BWAHAHAHA!!! Unrequited Love- Not so unrequited anymore? Part 1 of 1 Rating: G, just a kawaii shorty, nothing evil :) Does she have no idea the power she has over me? Is she totally resistant to my charms? The first girl I truly feel myself falling in love with and she never could return my feelings. Everyday at the arcade that fact is proven once more, the nonstop bickering between us, all in an attempt to get that cute little smile or that pout that makes her full bottom lip stick out. And everyday, I almost always accomplish my goal, which in secret makes me feel just one step closer to getting to know her better. I know what you are all thinking, you make fun of her, and you expect her to melt magically into your arms and proclaim her love for you, nice try Romeo! But lately I’ve been getting these, well let’s call them sensations, that she enjoys our little moments together, almost as much as I do, take today for instance. Talk about your mixed vibes that girl had them streaming off her like steam off a pot of boiling water. Okay bad analogy but you get the point right? Oh well even if you don’t let’s move on. It was a normal day like any other, fairly uneventful, and like always I had spent the last oh ten minutes or so hyping myself up for our afternoon fight. In order to get the most time from her I had planned everything out, I find that certain insults, such as my favorite, Meatball Head, tend to prolong the argument, or as I like to call them ‘conversations’. Well as always I was walking toward the Arcade at my normal pace, I almost always get there at about 4:25, in order to get maximum Serena time in. But it’s seems like she always manages to get there before me, for someone who hates me so much, she seems to know my schedule very well lately, it’s almost scary. But anyway... That’s when I notice that adorable pair of Meatballs and the long lengths of hair that trailed behind them. My heart rate sped up at the sight of that angelic face, turned up toward the sun, bathed in such a heavenly light, but not even the sun was such a match for her beauty. She was a goddess in all respects, right down from her silky blond hair to the tip of her perfect little button nose. And those gorgeous pale pink lips, and the sweet smell of her lilac perfume... Oh I’m getting carried away, aren’t I. “Hey Serena!” I call out without even thinking, my mouth already had formed the words and send them on their merry way before I had a change to stop them. She spun around, looking a bit shocked for a moment, a small smile spread across her face. As I noticed she was waiting for me, I quickened my pace before she could change her mind. She put on her best impatient face, the one that made me love her even more, she looked so cute when she was in a hurry. “You on your way to the arcade meatball head?” I said while flashing her my best get-ready-for-a-teasing grin. She looked a little taken aback by my words, but why I still don’t know, it was the same as always. But like usual that sweet moment only lasted a split second and then it was gone, swept away by that beautiful ocean breeze that seemed to be flowing through our city that day. She rolled her eyes at me, “Of course stupid where else would I be heading, I’m there every day.” Of course, I should have known that, but I was still in awe of the great luck to be able to escort her highness to the arcade. “Well let’s get going then, you wouldn’t want to disappoint Andrew, he so looks forward to your little chats after school about everything that happened to you during the day.” I saw a change in her face just then, the look of anger passed over her features quickly, “I don’t tell him everything Darien, just certain things that I care about.” I could tell she had something else she wanted to add, but for her better judgement decided against it. Probably out of fear that I would rip her apart again for her secret dreams and desires. it was just then that I truly noticed how far I had pushed my little Meatball Head away. “And for the last time, my name is NOT meatball head!” I couldn’t help but laugh, I have never seen a girl so set on someone using her real name, most of the girls I had dated loved my little nicknames for them, but Serena was always different, something inside her would not let her enjoy my obviously affectionate nickname for her. But it is her loss not mine. “Okay Serena I won’t do it anymore, I know it bugs you to death so I’ll try to stop.” I tried so hard to keep a straight sincere face at the moment right there and she bought it. She flashed me a smile, that’s what I was shooting for, I could hardly ever get a great look at that beautiful pearly white smile during our little ‘conversation’ we shared so frequently. I tried to keep walking, we were lagging behind, not that I wanted to hurry her along. It was much more fun walking and getting along than fighting like always, I would like to think it was a welcome change of pace for the both of us. I cleared my throat, “So what exactly do you see in Andrew, he’s nothing special, just a regular guy.” I could have killed myself for that one, I can still see her nose crinkle up as she analyzed that one. “I don’t like him like that, maybe in the past but not anymore, I have another guy in mind.” Thus my ears deceive me? Did I hear her right? Even now as I’m telling you this, I’m still in shock that she did like another guy, and not Andrew. Maybe someplace deep in my heart, I was praying that it might have been me, one can only hope. “So you don’t like Andrew, that’s... interesting. So who is your heart promised to now?” I tried to keep the question as neutral as possible, but again she shot me that oh so dubious look of ‘Oh Darien, you’re being funny again’ “Someone.” was her ever so short reply, that lacked of all the information my heart craved for at that moment. So I tried again, after all I am Tuxedo Mask and I don’t give up easily and without a strong fight. And this was a fight I was desperate to win. “Someone, mind being a bit more specific?” at this point I was trying to keep from wrapping my arms around her and saying, “Love me! Marry me! Spend the rest of your life and forever more, with me!” but being the strong, emotionally challenged typical male that I am capable of being, I controlled myself with dignity and grace. “It’s someone special, someone who I look forward to seeing every day, my heart longs for it. It’s someone who holds my heart in the palm of his hand and is clueless about it even being there.” Those words, were filled with elegance and were so well spoken, they could have described my heart. She held mine, still beating in her hands, along with every fiber in my being and yet she had no clue, that she held them with such intensity. I would have obeyed her every whim and wish and yet she was content to just tease me a bit and run along for the day, but today, something had changed today. She was almost aware that I loved her, I could sense it but something inside her kept her back from spilling forth her feelings, afraid of pain, suffering and cruelty. “It sounds like someone truly blessed to have you love him so unconditionally. Does he know how you feel for him?” I managed to choke the words out before she could tell something was up inside me. She shook her head no, not in a dejected sort of way, but there was something about it I didn’t like, I wanted to make her feel better. If I ever found out the guy she loved so pure and true, I would tell him in a second that an angel that had fallen from heaven had fallen in love with him and I would have forced him to go out with her. I would put my happiness aside to see her smile like that at me again and to know I had played a small role in the reason for her joy. That’s all I would need. Once again her crystal clear voice rang through my thoughts, “You know we made it through this whole day without fighting once Darien?” She said it was a warm smile that made me stop and study her face, “Too strange huh? This feels almost unnatural for us, where’s all the name calling, the screaming, you crying?” And just when I thought I had blown it, she continued to grin, and the next words out of her mouth changed my existence, “I like it better this way, we should try this more often.” Not wanting to seem to eager in changing our relationship I say nothing. After a few short moments of silence she charges on, “Or maybe we should stick with what we are good at?” I think I nodded at this point, but I couldn’t tell you for sure, my body was numb at that moment in the conversation. She snuck a quick glance at her watch, “I have to go, tomorrow, same time as always? Arcade, 4:25?” she does know my schedule, something in the back of my mind shouted it out to me but I was too out of it to notice. I threw a quick sly grin on my face, “We have a lot to make up for, this needs to be a big fight, are you up for it?” I was fighting the urge to just kiss her soft full lips right then and there, once again my composure wins over, damn manly insecurities. “I’m ready for ya Chiba!” She told me in a singsong voice, and she turned to walk away. “This means war meatball head.” I called out after her, with a soft giggle she ran down the street toward her house. And I was still standing there a few minutes later, lingering in the sweet afterbreeze of her perfume and still trying to imagine what it would be like to kiss that ray of sunshine. I guess some dreams are never meant to be realized. I’m staring out my window right now, the stars are so beautiful tonight. Everyone of them twinkling, sending their soft silver rays toward us on earth. I wonder if she is looking at those same stars at this moment in time. I look over at my clock, it’s 11:30, too late for her to even be up. But still I can’t escape the feeling that maybe something is there, something worth at least investigating. Or maybe it’s just my heart unwilling to let go of her. I certainly hope its the first one. Once again a little short, but I would like to think sweet :) I’m a FIRM believer that they were well on their way to being in love before their pasts were uncovered. Read the Manga, it’s quite different from the Anime, much more romantic and Darien has a way better fashion sense, trust me :) I think I managed to capture Darien’s thoughts of the little Meatball Head down quite well, now those of you who didn’t read the first part might be quite lost, the dialogue is completely the same, I made sure of that. Same story from each of their views, pretty nifty! So please direct all C&C to me Elisabeth James at ejames000@ameritech.net I love feedback, and I love to hear from people who like what I write, it makes me feel special :) So keep those comments coming, and until next time, which might be an x-mas fic, if I can get it to sound and flow right :) Love, Luck and Lollipops and cute guys to all!!!! Liz-chan