Elisabeth James aka Althena ejames000@ameritech.net Rating: G-PG This is my first fanfic, so be kind. It's a first season romance about how Darien and Serena end up together. I won't say anything else, on with the story! "Sailor moon watch out!" Sailor Jupiter called out fervently as the monster they were battling let loose two swirling metal disks from its hands in her direction. Sailor moon leap out of the way at the last second, but still one of the sharp disks skimmed her upper left arm. She let out a shriek of pain as she felt her skin tear apart. She fought with all of her strength to keep on her feet. She put her right hand against a nearby tree to steady herself. Blood gushed down her arm but she had to be strong to take down the monster, she was the only one who could do it. She yelled out the words to her attack, while fighting back tears, and the monster disintegrated right in front of them. Sailor moon fell to her knees and clutched her bleeding arm. The other scouts gathered around her. "Sailor Moon are you all right? That cut looks pretty deep!" Sailor Mercury exclaimed upon further inspection on the injury. "I'm fine, it's just a little cut, it will be all healed up in a few days. I'm tired, I'm going home to sleep." she got slowly to her feet "Don't you think you should let a doctor take a look at that meatball brains, you look seriously hurt." Sailor Mars butted her way into the conversation. "You guys I'm fine, I'll bandage myself up and be good as new tomorrow. Stop worrying so much, I can take care of myself you know." she smiled tiredly at them, touched by their heartfelt concern, "Let just all go home and get some well needed rest. Tomorrow's Saturday, let's get together tomorrow and forget all about battling evil for once." the other girls slowly nodded. "If your sure your arm's okay," Serena nodded, "Well then guys let's go home and get some rest." Sailor Venus told everyone. Everyone split in different directions and walked home silently. Serena brushed away the tears, not from the pain, but from the fact that her savior had abandoned her. "Who could blame him, I wouldn't always want to be saving some klutz girl from monsters and such. He must have just gotten sick of always having to rescue me." she told herself out loud. She crept into an alley about a block from her house and detransformed there. She walked the rest of the way holding her arm tightly against her body. She opened the front door silently and crept up the stairs without a sound. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door soundlessly behind her. She dug around in the medicine cabinet until her found some disinfectant and a large enough bandage to wrap around her still oozing arm. She cleaned up her wound and bandaged it up tightly. She walked quietly from the bathroom back to her room and changed into her pajamas. She laid down in bed but couldn't sleep, her thoughts of Tuxedo Mask kept her mind racing. ************************************************************************** Tuxedo Mask watched the very end of the battle from the top of a tree. He had been very late and had arrived just in time to see Sailor Moon take down the monster with her moon wand. Everything seemed all right so he simply left the scene, like always after the battle was done. He didn't see Sailor Moon collapse or her bleeding arm. ************************************************************************** Serena awoke around 10:00 from a light and fitful sleep. She did not feel well rested at all, but she couldn't fall back asleep. She got up and got dressed quickly, making sure to put on a sweater to cover up her bandaged arm. She walked downstairs and yelled something about taking a walk and left the house. She walked to the arcade and found Andrew inside reading a magazine. "Good Morning Serena, you're here earlier than usual." "Hey Andrew, how have you been?" she winced as she folded her arms forgetting momentarily about her wound. She tried hard to smile, but thoughts of Tuxedo Mask kept her from it. Tears glistened in her eyes, she looked away trying to hide them. "Hey you look down, anything you want to talk about?" he looked at her concerned. "Thanks Andrew, but I'm okay. Nothing a little video game playing won't cure." she walked away from him and took her seat at Sailor V game. She popped in a quarter and began playing, she didn't even notice when Darien walked into the arcade. "Hello Andrew, you certainly look busy." Darien told him eyeing the magazine spread open in front of him. "There's not too much business at 10:30 in the morning, except Serena." he pointed over to the girl in the corner "Meatball head out of bed before noon, what's wrong with her?" "I don't know Darien, she seems really down today, maybe you should take it easy on her." Andrew looked him straight in the eyes as if to emphasize his point. Darien nodded, and made his way over to Serena, "Hi ya meatball head." he told her cheerfully, "Beautiful day huh?" "What's so great about it Darien, and don't call me meatball head!" she added as strongly as her voice could muster this morning. "Gee meatball head what's bugging you today? You look upset." he looked at her with curious eyes, he had never seen her like this. "Go away Darien, I don't want to talk about it, especially not with you." she felt the tears coming and she was trying her hardest to blink them back. "You would think you got dumped or something meatball head. What could you have to be upset about.?" That did it, Serena couldn't fight them back anymore, she looked up at Darien with the coldest gaze she could muster and then buried her face in her folded arms and started to sob. Darien looked over at Andrew frantically, not knowing what to do, he had never made her cry before. Andrew shook his head, he had warned him and Darien still didn't listen. Andrew stood up slowly and walked over to where Serena and Darien were. "Meatbal- Serena it's okay, it's just a guy, you'll find someone else." Darien tried to calm her down but the comment just made her sob harder. "Darien, you're not helping here, you're just making her more upset." Andrew told him, "Just get back and stay out of the way." Darien stepped back and watched as Andrew took charge of the situation. "Serena don't cry Darien didn't mean anything by his comments, he's just being his normal self. He didn't know about you getting dumped and I'm sure he's really sorry for making you cry like he did." Serena lifted her head out of her arms and looked up at Andrew's smiling face and then over at Darien's concerned one. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sat up straight. "I'm sorry Serena I didn't want to make you cry, it was just a joke." he stepped closer to her. "Whatever Darien, that just wasn't very nice to say. For your information I wasn't dumped, my guy just didn't show up when I needed him." her thoughts turned back to Tuxedo Mask. "Who is your guy Serena, I've never seen you with anyone." Andrew asked her softly, probing gently to keep her from crying again.. "You guys don't know him, it's not important anyway he let me down and that's all there is to it." Darien smirked, "What meatball head, he didn't have enough money to by all that food you need to eat?" Serena stood up and walked the few feet to get to him, "You just shut up Darien, I really don't need your smartmouth comments today! You're even mean when I'm upset and crying, do you ever quit?" she turned to leave, tears already springing back into her eyes. "Serena wait, don't go, I'm really very sorry." he reached out and grabbed her left arm, right on her cut. Her eyes widened as the pain set in once more. She let out a yelp of pain and wrenched her arm out of his grip. She cradled her arm against her body and backed away from him, "Just stay away from me, you've hurt me enough Darien." she spat out his name as if it tasted bad. A hurt look crossed over his face as he turned away from her "What's wrong with your arm Serena, is it hurt?" Andrew stepped forward and gently took her hand. She slowly removed the sweater and Andrew saw the large bandage on her arm, "What happened?" "It's nothing really just a cut, a small little cut, it just really hurts right now." Andrew's touch was soft and gently as he removed the bandage. "Serena, this is a lot deeper than it looks, you should go to the doctor and get stitches for this." the cut was bleeding again and dried blood covered the bandage. Darien turned around and walked over to her. "Serena you have to go to the hospital, this isn't going to heal on it's own." She looked up at him with her cool blue eyes, "You're concerned about me Darien, I never knew you cared." "How did you do this Serena? This must have been one sharp thing you cut it on for it to go this deep." Andrew's voice intervened before another fight started. "I don't even remember..." she trailed off when she saw the two of them weren't buying it. "The truth Serena, don't lie, did you boyfriend do this to you." Darien asked her with cold note in his voice just thinking about who would ever hurt a girl with a knife or any other weapon. "I don't have a-," she caught herself just in time, they thought she had a boyfriend from when she was talking about her guy, "No he didn't do it, he could have prevented it though if he would have showed up last night." just then Serena's knees started to give way and she fell into Darien's waiting arms. "Thanks Darien." she told him softly as he helped her stand back up. "Better now?" he smiled at her. "Yeah I think so..." she trailed off again as she fainted. Darien caught her right before she hit the floor. "Andrew call an ambulance, I think she's weak from loss of blood!" Darien shouted to him as he cradled Serena gently in his arms, "Don't worry Serena we'll get you to the hospital." he whispered in her ear. Andrew picked up the phone and dialed 911. He gave them all the information and raced back over to Darien, "We should apply pressure to the wound to help stop the bleeding. Oh and one of us should go with her in the ambulance, just in case she comes to so she has a familiar face. I can't leave here so I guess you have to go Darien." "It's okay Andrew, I'll go. I'm just not sure if she's going to want to see my face when she wakes up." "Just don't make her cry okay." Andrew smiled slightly at him. Darien smiled back, "I won't do anything you wouldn't do. Man she sure is heavy, probably from all that junk food she stuffs her face with." The ambulance pulled up and Darien rushed outside with Serena. The paramedics helped him lower her down on a stretcher and load her into the ambulance. On the way to the hospital he held her hand, not wanting her to be alone. Serena awoke a few hours later in a darkened room She touched her arm, it was all bandaged up again and pain was subsiding by the minute. She glanced around the room but found that she was the only one the room. She sat up and turned on her bedside light. The light hurt her eyes and she squinted until her eyes stopped tearing up. "I see someone's up and moving." a voice called her from the doorway. She plastered on a fake smile and turned toward the doorway, "Hello Darien." she greeted him with the nicest voice she could muster. "You can wipe that stupid smile off your face meatba- Serena, I can see right though it. I know you don't want me here." he walked in and sat down on her bed, "I know I don't want to be here." he mumbled, dropping his voice "Why do you hate me so much Darien, I never did anything to you, well besides hit you with papers and shoes, but did that really make you hate me that much?" Darien sat there looking at her for a second "I don't hate you Serena, really I don't, there's just something about you that makes me want to tease you." "I'm glad you don't hate me, I don't want you to hate me either. Can't we just call a truce or something until I get out of here, I really could use some support right now." she sincerely smiled at him at this time and completely caught him off guard. Darien's eyes looked at her intensely before deciding whether or not to accept her offer, finally he smiled back, "Sure Serena, but just when your in the hospital, then it's back to meatball head. Oh hey, I forgot your friends are coming over this afternoon in about half an hour. They seemed very worried about you." "That's nice of them, once they get here, if you want to go Darien, go right on ahead. It must be boring just being stuck here with someone you can't even stand." she looked down at her hands not wanting to see his face just then. "I'll stay here Serena, you're not boring at all, it's kind of interesting to get to know you better, you're not as bad as I thought you were." "You're not that bad either Darien, thanks for staying with me this long." "Hey Serena before you fainted you were going to tell me and Andrew exactly what happened to that arm. You can continue now." "Darien it's not that big of a deal and it's too hard to explain." "I'm a smart person, I bet I could follow you Serena just tell me what happened." he looked her right in the eyes, "No funny business." "Well I was in the park last night when one of those giant monster the sailor scouts always fight showed up. He released some flying disks at me and while one of them missed me the other one skimmed my arm. That's what happened Darien, the truth" "Then why did you say your 'guy' could have prevented your injury from happening?" he narrowed his eyes at her. "Because if he would have showed up then maybe he could have protected me, you know. Instead he blew me off, like all the times he saved me before didn't matter." tears were coming and Serena really didn't want to cry in front of Darien again. "He's saved you before from those monsters? He must be one brave man to mess with those things." "You have no idea, he always saves me when I'm in trouble, except for last night. He just never came and that's not like him. I'm actually kind of worried that he just got fed up of saving me so he just stopped coming." tears welled up in her eyes, "Stupid Tuxedo Mask." she whispered softly, barely audible Darien recoiled "What did you say Serena?" he softened just then putting his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with her watery blue eyes, "It was nothing Darien, just a comment that doesn't concern you." she sniffled and the tears came pouring out. Just then Raye and everyone walked into the room and saw Serena crying. Lita rushed over and put her arms around her, "Serena why are you crying?" "It's nothing Lita, I'm just a little bit upset." Raye sat down next to Serena on the bed, "Well I'll tell you what's not nothing Serena! That cut on your arm! We told you last night that it was really deep and that you needed to see a doctor but did you listen? No! Now look at you, sitting here in the hospital, this could have been prevented!" "I'm sorry everyone I really didn't think it was this bad. Sure it was bleeding pretty bad when I got home but it didn't look serious." the tears were drying from her face. She turned to look at Darien, who was studying something hard, "Darien what are you thinking about so hard?" "Oh by the way we told your parents that you were sleeping over at my house tonight, just to avoid questions like why your in the hospital and stuff like that." Mina told her. Serena nodded it would save on a lot of avoidable moments. Now if her parents asked when she got home she could tell them something happened over Mina's house the night before. "Darien?" Serena tried again to break into his thoughts, "What's wrong you look almost upset about something." Serena's worried voice cut though his thoughts, "What Serena?" he looked at her not remembering what the question was. "Don't worry about it Darien, it wasn't important." she turned to the rest of the group, "Would one of you want to go and get me something to drink?" "I will Serena, what do you want?" Darien stood up and started walking towards the door "Just a pop Darien, any kind it doesn't matter." he nodded and left the room. Suddenly Serena's communicator went off and she snapped it open, "Luna?" "Serena, are you all right I heard you were in the hospital and I was very worried about you!" "I'm fine Luna, I'll be out by tomorrow I hope." "Well I need you now, there's a monster attacking a concert downtown and I need you and the other scouts right away." "We're on it Luna, hang on." Serena closed the communicator, "Let's go scouts!" Serena stood up and pulled out her locket. "You're not going anywhere Serena you need to stay here and rest." Mina pushed in back into her bed. "She's right, we can't have you hurt again, you need to stay put." Amy agreed, "Let's go guys." they all rushed out the door leaving Serena alone. "I don't think so guys I'm coming with you, besides if Tuxedo Mask shows up I have a little question to ask him." She pulled out her locket, "Moon Prism Power" she transformed quickly and leapt out her second story window toward the action. ************************************************************************** Needless to say the other scout were not too pleased when they found Sailor Moon rushing after them, but seeing how the monster was their first priority they would deal with her later. There were people running around screaming, everyone was a hysterical mess. This monster was no bigger than any other one they had fought but looked a whole lot tougher. It had large blades sticking out of it's elbows and long sharp blades for fingers as well. They started out their attacks. Mercury Bubbles Splash! Jupiter Thunder Crash! Mars Fire Ignite! Venus Crescent Beam Smash! The monster was stunned and Sailor Moon stepped forward to do her part of the job "What are you waiting for Sailor Moon finish him off!" Sailor Mars yelled. "I am, hang on!" she yelled back. She turned back to the monster but she couldn't see him anywhere. "Look out Sailor Moon, he's right behind you!" Sailor Mercury shouted to her. A confused Sailor Moon spun around and saw the monster charging right at her. She let out a gasp and was frozen in place. Suddenly a rose shot down from the sky and Tuxedo Mask swooped down from the roof of a nearby building. Serena felt her heart melt, but soon it was forgotten since she remembered their last battle. She raised her moon wand and dusted the creature then turned back to Tuxedo Mask, who amazingly enough was still there. "You have to be more careful Sailor Moon, one of these days I'm not going to be here to save you." "You have to learn how to take care of yourself." She walked over to him undaunted, "I took a crash course in that last night, where were you? You've never let me down before Tuxedo Mask!" tears of angry and pain welled up in her eyes "What are you talking about? I was there, I was late, but I was there." Sailor Moon gasped, "You didn't see me get hurt? I could have used your help then!" she pointed to her arm, "I thought you just didn't save me because you were sick of me getting into trouble all the time. I thought you abandoned me." He stared at the bandage He realized then that he had let his cold facade fade, he turned back to Sailor Moon's face and in the steadiest, calmest voice he could muster started to speak, "I failed you Sailor Moon, I'm sorry, it will not happen again." with that Tuxedo Mask was gone in a flash of black. "Tuxedo Mask! Don't go please!" she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. "Sailor Moon you need to go now, I'm sure someone is worried sick about where you disappeared to." Sailor Mars looked at her with sympathetic eyes. Her eyes widened, "Thanks Mars are you guys coming back to the hospital with me?" "No, Darien would be suspicious if we all disappeared and then returned at the same time, but we'll see you tomorrow if they send you home. Then we'll talk about you disobeying our orders for you to stay put." Mars tried her hardest to be angry at her, but Serena was upset enough. Serena nodded slowly and then took off back to the hospital She got back into her room without anyone noticing her, and when she found it empty she detransformed quickly and hoped into bed. She picked the newspaper lying on her bedside table and started reading, she didn't even hear when Darien entered the room. "Hey Serena I was just wondering where you had run off to." he couldn't quite look her in the eye after now knowing that he was partly to blame for her wounded arm. She glanced up at him and his words made her face fall "I just took a walk down the hall, my legs were all cramped up and I needed to move them around." she tried to smile but she was just too tired. He walked over to her bed and sat down, "Listen Serena I just want to apologize for every little comment I've ever made that has hurt your feelings. I never meant to hurt you in anyway, it was just teasing to me, but maybe stuff I said actually hurt your feelings." he looked her straight in her eye, "I'm very sorry." Serena looked at him and waited for the insult to come but when he said nothing else she was at a loss for words She took a chance and hugged him. She felt him stiffen at her touch and then he relaxed, "Thank you Darien, your apology really means a lot to me, but I should apologize as well. I said some pretty mean stuff back to you, and I'm not completely innocent either. I do want you to like me, I don't like to think that you hate me, because I don't hate you. He looked into her eyes "I do like you Serena, I couldn't never hate you. he cleared his throat, "Um Serena, who exactly is this guy you keep talking about, the one that always saves you when your in trouble?" he looked at her expectantly "Well he's handsome, strong, a bit cold sometimes, but that's easy to look past, considering all he's done for me. He's never let me down before, well except for last night obviously, but otherwise it never fails. I'm in trouble, he's there in a flash, my savior, my protector. I would lay down my own life for him, to repay him for everything he's done for me." she got a dreamy look in her eye as she smiled at him. "Wow Serena, he sounds pretty close to perfect, how could a regular guy like me ever compete with that?" he felt all the blood rush to his cheeks, he turned away hoping that she wouldn't notice. "Well a regular guy like you already has an edge over him because technically I don't think he likes me as much as I like him. He's the unattainable guy, the one every girl wants but could never have." the dreamy look was gone but she was still smiling. "Unattainable huh? Well Meatball head there's always a chance he feels the same way about you, don't lose hope, it could happen. he smiled back at her. Her eyes went cold for a second then returned to normal "Did anyone ever tell you that you have a really nice smile, you should use it more often, you could brighten someone's day with it." she turned a deep cherry red when she realized what she had just said. He looked at her questioningly, < Was that a compliment for me that actually came from her mouth? I can't believe it> "Thank you maybe I'll take your advice." he smiled at her again causing her to blush harder. "You know now that I know you a little better I'm actually enjoying your company Darien, you're very nice to be with." she inched closer to him, tempted to put her head on his shoulder. They were so close now "You're pretty nice yourself Serena, your company is very enjoyable as well." They were both so close to each other Serena could feel this warm breath on her cheek Suddenly a little rap the door startled the two from their thoughts of each other, "Excuse me visiting hours are over now sir, unless you're immediate family, or her boyfriend." the nurse winked at him. He blushed bright red "No ma'am just a close friend, I'll be out of here in a minute just let me say goodbye." the nurse nodded and left the doorway. Serena felt her eyelids getting heavier, "Good night Darien, thank you for everything. You've been really great today." He hugged her "Good night Serena sleep tight." he let go of her and her laid down in her bed. He walked toward the door and was about to leave when he heard her ask him something softly. He turned back around, "What did you say Serena?" "I just wanted to know if you're coming back tomorrow." she asked him sleepily. "Sure, I'll be back tomorrow morning, if you really want me here." "I want you here Darien." "All right, I'll see you then. Bye Serena." he shut the door behind him and walked down the hall. He had his own bed to get home to. ************************************************************************** The next afternoon Serena was at home watching TV on her couch. Darien had driven her home just a little over an hour ago and she was already starting to miss him. she stood up abruptly and walked into the kitchen where her mom was making dinner. "Mom can I go take a walk before dinner?" she watched as her mom slid the meatloaf into the oven. "Sure honey just get back before 6:00, that's when dinner is." her mom brushed her hands off and watched her daughter take off out the door. Serena walked briskly down the street and past the arcade. It was filled with kids yelled and shouting, Andrew was at the counter overseeing the commotion. She stopped for a second and debated going in there to say hello, Andrew was there for her yesterday and she needed to thank him for his help. She walked over to the front counter and Andrew's eyes lit up at the sight of her. "Serena, you're okay! I was afraid you and Darien killed each other after you guys got to the hospital. I haven't seen him all day." he looked at her with a gleam in his eyes, "You didn't go ballistic and kill him did you?" "No Andrew, he was very nice this weekend, he stayed with me all of yesterday when I woke up to the time visiting hours were over. I was kind of hoping you had seen him." her smile dropped a little bit after she realized that he probably was avoiding her, she was a little bit uncomfortable just thinking about all the stuff she had said to him about his smile and his company. I'll tell him you stopped by looking for him if you want me to Serena." "No Andrew that's okay, I'm sure I can find him on my own. I also wanted to thank you for your help yesterday, I didn't realize I lost so much blood from that cut." "Hey that's what friends are for, by the way you never finished telling me how that happened." "Ask Darien, I already told him, I've got to go and find him. I'll see you later Andrew bye." she rushed out of the arcade, in a hurry to avoid having to explain everything again. She turned the corner and crashed into someone. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." She looked up and saw Darien standing over her, "Darien!" "You are such a klutz, do you ever watch where you're going." he shook his head at her surprised face, "Don't just sit there Meatball head, let me help you up." he extended a hand and she took it gratefully. "Thanks Darien, are you going to the arcade?" "Yeah, I'll see you later Meatball head." he sighed and walked into the arcade. "Hey Darien, Serena was just looking for you." "I know I just ran into her, literally, outside the door. I swear she can be such a klutz sometimes." "Lay off Darien she's still just a 14 year old girl. Even after spending all that time with her you still don't like her?" Andrew looked at him questionably. "She a little bit more tolerable Andrew but she still can be a pain. Honestly if I would have tried to leave her alone I think she would have had a fit, she's seems really attached to me now and I don't know if I like it." "Your a really bad liar Darien I can see it in your eyes. Your ashamed to admit you like her." Andrew started laughing. "Shut up I do not have any feelings for her, I still can't stand her and that will never change! She annoying and a pain and a klutz, I could never fall for someone like that!" he heard a soft cry behind him. He spun around to find Serena standing behind him, tears streaming down her pale face. "Serena how long have you been there?" "Long enough to hear every word out of your mouth, I'm sorry I burdened you in the hospital. I never would have made you stay if I knew that's how you really felt. I'll leave you alone now." she ran out the arcade as she started to sob "Serena wait, don't go! Just give me time to explain!" he took off after her leaving Andrew alone and wondering what just happened. Serena raced toward the park, she didn't want to hear Darien explain anything, she just wanted to be alone. She glanced behind and didn't see Darien anywhere. Her arm throbbed with pain and her face was still wet with tears, but she just kept running until she reached her destination. She stopped when she reached the empty playground equipment. She sat down on a swing and buried her face in her hands, "Why would he say those things, I thought he was at least nice enough not to announce his hatred for me in front of everyone at the arcade." she was talking to herself, but somehow it was strangely comforting. Darien found her a few minutes later and walked up behind her. He placed his hand gently on her shoulder. She jumped slightly but didn't even bother to look back at him. "Go away Darien, I have no desire to talk to you right now or ever again. Do you have any idea what you did to me." He sat down the the swing next to her and took her hand in his. She jerked it away and a hurt look crossed his face "Please Serena let me explain, I never meant to hurt you. Andrew just made me mad when he threw out that accusation like that, he doesn't know how much I really care about you." "Oh yeah Darien you care about me a lot don't you? Enough to completely embarrass me in front of Andrew and everyone else there. Why would you say such mean, hurtful things like that about me. I thought that you were at least my friend." she looked at him, her blue eyes swollen and red. He couldn't look her in the eye, "I do care about you Serena, really I do. I've never been very good at expressing my emotions to anyone. No one has ever gotten as close to me as you have in the last day or so, it scared me." "Me knowing you, scared you Darien, why? I've wanted to get to know you better for awhile, but you just kept relentlessly making fun of me. I thought you liked me back there in the hospital, I know I liked you." He stared at her intensely, "You like me, after all the mean comments and how I made you cry at the arcade and everything else?" "Yes Darien, is that so hard to believe? At the hospital you were so nice to me, I just found myself drawn to you. I thought you wouldn't return the feelings though so I hid them. You didn't answer me Darien, why does me getting to know you scare you so much?"" "No one knows me very well Serena, not even Andrew and he's my best friend. I just push people away when they get as close as you have, but I want to let you in. Why didn't you tell me Serena, I like you too. You're pretty, kind, a good friend, an all round nice person to be with." "You really mean that Darien? You think I'm pretty?" she looked at him, probing his eyes, waiting for his answer. She started rocking back and forth on her swing. "You're beautiful Serena and you always have been. I've just been to blind to see it before now." he grabbed onto the swing chain and pulled her closer to him. She put her hand in his, gathering all of her courage and leaned in closer to him. He put his other hand to her face and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. She closed her eyes and he kissed her gently. She felt everything around her start to spin as his warm soft lips met hers. She slowly pulled away allowing the kiss to linger for as long as possible. She slowly opened her eyes and she smiled at him. "Oh Darien, I love you." she whispered into his ear. Her warm breath tickled his ear, he held his breath as she murmured the words he longed to hear, "I love you too Serena, why I fought it, I don't know." She smiled at him, she slowly pulled out of his embrace, "I have to get home for dinner before my mom starts to worry." she told him softly as she stood up. "Meet me tomorrow at the arcade after school?" he stood up after her. She nodded slowly and started to walk away, still in a daze. When she was finally about halfway home it sunk in She ran the rest of the way home, a feeling of indescribable happiness rushing though her. Suddenly her communicator went off, she stopped in her tracks. She pulled it out and snapped it open. Raye's face filled the screen, "Get your butt over to the mall right now! We need your help!" "I'm on my way, Raye just hang on a little longer." Serena clicked the communicator closed and ducked into the nearby alley. She transformed quickly and took off toward the mall. The monster wasn't hard to see, it was bigger than anyone they had fought before. It was attacking people in the parking lot and the sailor scouts were rushing around trying to hit it with anything they could. She ran in just in time to see Sailor Mercury take a hit from one of the big slimy things he was throwing around. "I'm Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice. In the name of the moon I shall punish you!" she struck a pose and immediately caught the monster's attention. Sailor Mars and Venus tried to get in a back attack while he was distracted. "Mars Fire Ignite!" "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" The monster was stunned so Sailor Moon stepped up to do her thing. In midspin the monster charged forward. Sailor Moon stopped to see the coming straight for her. She looked for a place to take cover when a red rose streaked down from above. "Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon felt a wave of relief wash over her. She started to spin again and this time dusted him. She rushed over to Sailor Mercury who was still down. "Sailor Mercury, are you all right?" Sailor Moon looked at her nervously, she barely noticed when Tuxedo Mask came up behind her. "A little slimy but otherwise okay. Yuck, this stuff is nasty." Sailor Mercury had a look of deep disgust on her face. All the sailor scouts started to laugh, they had never seen Amy so grossed out. A strong hand placed itself on Sailor Moon's shoulder, "A word Sailor Moon." She sighed deeply, she certainly hoped he didn't want to lecture her again, "All right." he led her away from the group a few feet. "I just wanted to reassure you that I won't let anything happen to you again Sailor Moon. It was all my fault that you got injured." his face was still cold, but emotion softened his voice. "I know Tuxedo mask, it wasn't just your fault anyway, I'm partly to blame for being so stupid by standing out in the open." "I just wanted to let you know." "Thank you." Sailor Jupiter came up behind her, "Sailor Moon, what's this all about?" "Nothing Jupiter, it's fine." she looked around, "Where is everyone else." "They all left already, I figured we could walk home together." Sailor Moon looked back and saw that Tuxedo Mask had already left again, "Let's go I'm hungry." ************************************************************************** "Serena where have you been, I've been worried sick about you! It's past 8:00, you were supposed to be home two hours ago! What took you so long?" her mother pounced on her the second she walked in the door. "I was just shopping at the mall when suddenly a monster appeared, and it was attacking everything. I had to take cover and wait until the sailor scouts arrived to save everyone. They managed to take it down but it took them awhile, that's why I'm so late." Serena put on the terrified look she could muster while her mom analyzed the story. She automatically switched from you're-in-deep-trouble-now-young-lady mom to oh-my- poor-sweet-little-baby mom. "Oh my poor little girl, you must have been so frightened." she said as she was hugging Serena. "Terrified mom, you have no idea how scared I was!" Serena felt really rotten lying to her mother, but what other choice did she have? "Do you want to eat, I kept a plate of food warm for you." "Thanks mom, but I think I'm just going to go to bed, I'm still really tired from that sleep over Good night." Serena walked upstairs slowly. "Sleep tight honey." her mother turned and walked into the kitchen. Serena walked into her bedroom. She changed quickly into her flannel pink bunny decorated PJs and climbed into her bed. She fell asleep thinking about Darien and how much she really did love him. ************************************************************************** Serena raced over to the arcade, afraid that Darien would have already left. She had to stay after because she had been late yet again this morning. She let out a loud sigh as she saw him standing at the counter talking to Andrew. He turned to her as she walked over to him, panting. He flashed her a wide grin and put his arm around her waist. Andrew looked at them as if they had just grown three heads. "Am I missing something here? I thought you guys hated each other." "We've had a change of heart Andrew, we realize now how stupid it was to fight our true feelings about each other." Darien looked down at her and kissed her gently on her cheek. "It took you guys long enough, everyone else could see, we were just waiting until it finally happened." He smiled at the two of them, "I have to say that you two do make a pretty cute couple." "Oh my God! Darien kissed Serena, when did you two become so friendly." a voice from behind them called out. Serena turned behind around and found all of her friends standing there grinning at her, "When did you guys get here?" She blushed red, but Darien just pulled her closer, "You think that was a kiss, watch this." he kissed her again, this time on her lips. She melted in his arms but she returned it. She heard the other gasp but she didn't care. Andrew hit Darien in the back, "Hey, take it outside, you're scaring the customers." Serena started to laugh and had to pull away, "Everyone is staring at us Darien." "Let them stare, I could care less." he gazed into her fathomless blue eyes, "You make me so happy, I just want to tell everyone how I feel." "Wow I wish a guy would talk to me like that." Lita said sadly, "Especially one that-" "Looks like your old boyfriend. We know!" they all proclaimed loudly, "Please spare us." Raye finished. "Well excuse me, that's the last I say anything about my old boyfriend." Lita put her nose up the air. "Thank you!" Raye exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air. Everyone started to laugh and Serena put her head on Darien's shoulder. "Really guys when did this happen? At the hospital?" Mina stepped forward, still gaping at them holding each other like that. "Yeah tell us when you guys got lovey- dovey!" Lita added. "Enough questions, you people need to get a life." Darien said playfully, "Do you want to go and get some ice cream?" he asked Serena softly. She nodded, "Yeah Darien, let's get away from these crazy people." he grabbed her hand and they took off out the door. "That was just too weird, yesterday they got into a fight and now they're making out in the middle of the arcade." Andrew watched them as the ran down the street. "Well who are we to question it?" Mina told them, she turned back to Andrew, "We had better be going too, I want to track them down and watch them kiss again." "Bye Andrew!" they all said goodbye as they walked quickly out the door after the couple. "Bye girls I'll see you tomorrow." Andrew shook his head, "This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder." he said under his breath. ************************************************************************** The loud beeping noise hit Serena's ears as they neared the ice cream shop, "Darien wait, my beeper's going off!" Serena let go of his hand and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "You go on ahead and save us a table Darien, I'll be right there." Darien nodded and continued to walk down the street. She popped open the communicator, "Where is it this time Luna?" "The park, the monster is attacking all the kids! You have to hurry, I'll contact the other scouts." Luna's picture faded away. Serena closed her communicator and glanced down the street as Darien entered the ice cream parlor, "Damn, these attacks always come at the worst times." she ducked in a nearby alley and transformed into Sailor Moon. She raced off in the direction of the park, hoping that she wasn't too late. The other scouts reached the park the same time she did and they started attacking the large monster. It was a large rock like beast and was particularly ugly. It turned around and launched a counteroffensive against them. It shot Sailor Venus with little rock pellets that came out of his hands. She went down but stood back up and started attacking again. "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" "Mars Fire Ignite!" "Jupiter Thunder Crash" "Mercury Bubbles Splash!" Sailor Moon stepped forward, she flung the wand, it flew like a disk, at the monster but he ducked, causing it to barely miss. It stood hardly dazed, and the sailor scouts had no idea what to do next. "What should we do Sailor Moon? Our attacks don't affect it!" Sailor Jupiter shouted. "Try again, it must have some sort of weakness!" "Mars Fire Ignite!" "Mercury Bubbles Splash!" "Jupiter Thunder Crash!" "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" The monster staggered forward, but stopped when a red rose flew into its back as Tuxedo Mask entered the fray. "Let's try this again, cosmic moon power!"the monster disintegrated on the impact of her tiara. "Sailor Moon nice work! You took that monster down!" Sailor Venus yelled as they all rushed over to her. "I didn't think you had it in you!" Sailor Mars told her. Tuxedo Mask walked over calmly and looked at Sailor Moon "Good job Sailor Moon, you really took control of the situation." "Thank you Tuxedo Mask, that means a lot to me." she blushed "Can I speak to you in private." he extended a hand to her the blushing girl in front of him, "I won't hurt you." "I know that, I trust you with my life." she took his hand and with a flash they disappeared into the dusk. "Wow, she's got two guys after her, lucky girl." Mars mumbled. "I wonder what he wants, she did a good job today. I hope he doesn't lecture her about her fighting skills again." Mercury spoke up. ************************************************************************** Tuxedo Mask brought her up to a rooftop a few blocks away from the park. She sat down on the ledge, "Why did you bring me here Tuxedo Mask?" she looked at him nervously, not knowing what he could possible want from her. "I just wanted to talk to you alone Sailor Moon, away from everyone else." he forced himself to pull his eyes away from hers. She stood up and walked over to him, "This isn't like you Tuxedo Mask, you've never been willing to let me in before. Why now?" "Things change, I changed. After you got hurt-" she cut him off abruptly, "You're still concerned about that? Look it's already almost healed because I'm Sailor Moon." she held up her arm for him to see, "I'm fine, it was a mistake, you're only human." "Let me finish Sailor Moon, after you got hurt, I felt so guilty. I would have gladly sacrificed myself in order to protect you." she put a gloved hand to his face and turned his face back to hers. His cold facade was no longer there and she stepped closer to him, "You remind me of my boyfriend, your touch, your face. It's all there." she whispered, then looked down, embarrassed that she said something like that. He gently cupped her chin in his hands and brought her eyes back to him, "I envy the man who gets to kiss you Sailor Moon, that has the privilege to hold you and comfort you." They were so close now and she could feel his warm breath against her cheek "This is wrong, I love my boyfriend very much and this wouldn't be right to do to him, even if he doesn't know I'm Sailor Moon." she pulled away from him and walked to the edge of the building. "What if he did know? What if he already figured it out." he walked after her. She spun around, a startled look on her face, "What are you talking about Tuxedo Mask, no one know who I am except the other sailor scouts. Darien couldn't know, I'm not ready to tell him yet, I should but I can't not yet. I have to be sure of our love is strong enough to take it." "It can take it Sailor Moon, trust me it can." he stepped closer and took her hand, "I know he loves you very much and would accept anything you tell him." "I know he loves me, I can tell in ever touch, every look, every sweet kiss we've shared." tears welled up in her eyes and she looked down at his hand, "I feel the same from you Tuxedo Mask." He looked at her, trying to lead her to the conclusion that she had almost reached. He pulled her closer and without a second thought kissed her. It was short and sweet, but a kiss nonetheless. He pulled away and gazed at her surprised face, "Darien?" she whispered, tears, now free, flowed down her pale cheeks in rivers. He slowly removed the mask and let it flutter to the ground, "Yes Serena, it's me. It was me who failed you and let you get hurt. I couldn't tell you, I didn't want to make you hate me. I'm sorry I hid this from you." she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his cape. He put his arms around her waist and held her tightly. "I just can't believe it Darien, you've saved me all those times and I never even considered the thought. How did you know?" she asked him softly. "Your bandage gave it away Serena, that one day in the hospital, I came to help you and after the battle you yelled at me remember? I realized it then, but could never tell you then, you thought I was stupid." he smiled at her suddenly. She blushed at remembering the thought, "I'm sorry, I never really thought that-" he put a finger to her lips and stopped her in mid-sentence, "Don't explain yourself any further, I don't blame you for thinking that at all." "I'm still sorry Darien, I love you so much right now." "I love you too Serena, more than anything. I never meant to hurt you at all." he kissed her again. ************************************************************************** "They've been gone a long time now, I wonder what's going on." Mars asked out loud. The other scouts turned to look at her, they had all been thinking the same thing. "Well what do you propose we do, go and look for them?" Mercury asked. "That's what I was thinking. We should track them down and see what's going on." Venus stared at them mischievously. "That won't be necessary Venus. I'm right here." Sailor Moon's voice broke though the silence. They all turned to see her and Tuxedo Mask walking toward them. "Took you long enough, that must have been some talk the two of you had." Jupiter grumbled. She turned to look at him and smiled, "It was, but now we all should be getting home, it's getting late." They all nodded and started walking their separate directions, leaving Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask alone, "I'll see you tomorrow Darien, after school at the arcade?" "I'll be there, but you make sure not to get a detention this time okay?" he kissed her cheek and started to walk away. Sailor Moon powered down in the middle of a dark grove of trees and raced home. She let herself in the front door and walked slowly into the kitchen. Her family was just getting ready to sit down to dinner. "Well it's about time you got home, I was just wondering what could possibly be keeping you." her mother looked at her sternly. "I'm sorry I was at the arcade with all of my friends. We were just hanging out." "Oh, well come sit down and eat something you must be famished." her father pointed to her seat. She sat down and the rest of the dinner was filled with an strange silence. After dinner Serena escaped up into her room, exhausted both physically and mentally. Luna was curled up at the end of her bed, sleeping soundly until Serena entered the room. She sat down and the cat jumped into her lap. "Where have you been Serena, that battle ended a while ago." Luna stared at her blushing face. "I was with Tuxedo Mask Luna, don't worry, nothing happened." she smiled blissfully remembering that kiss that they shared on the rooftop. "Serena snap out of it, I don't like you spending time with him. There's something strange about him." "Luna, there absolutely nothing to worry about, Tuxedo Mask would never let anything happen to me. He loves me." < Shoot! I never should have said that, now Luna will be all over me.> "He loves you? How can you be sure Serena? He's so cold all the time." "Luna just stop it, I just know okay. I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." she stood up sending the cat tumbling off of her lap. She changed and climbed into her bed, Luna still pestering her about Tuxedo Mask. "Luna just leave it alone, he would never hurt me. Good night!" Serena turned off her light as a note of finality. ************************************************************************** "Sailor Moon, a little help here!" Mars shouted as Sailor Moon entered the fray. It was the middle of the night, the call had awoken Serena from a sound sleep. She raced as fast as her tired body would allow. The monster's menacing tentacles flared around, grabbing anything that it could get their hands on. Sailor Venus jumped out of the as one of them tried to latch onto her leg. Sailor Mercury stepped forward and started out the round of attacks. "Mercury Bubbles Splash!" "Mars Fire Ignite!" "Jupiter Thunder Crash!" "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" The monster dazed, but still fighting to live reached out to the closest thing possible. Which just happened to be Sailor Moon. It lifted her high into the air and slammed her down into the pavement. She let out a cry as her petite body met the hard ground. The other scouts let out shouts of terror at the sight of their fallen leader lying lifeless on the ground. Tuxedo Mask was already by her side cradling her head in his lap. "Sailor Moon, wake up, please be okay!" he touched her face gently and her eyelids fluttered. She felt Tuxedo Mask's tears as they hit her face. She put her hand though his and she sat up slowly, "Don't move Serena, you're hurt badly." he whispered to her. "I'm fine Tuxedo Mask, I need to kill this guy off before anyone else gets hurt." with his help she stood and raised her wand. She shouted out the words quickly killing the monster, and then collapsed into his arms. Weakly, she looked at his worried face and put a hand to his face, "I will be fine, just a little bruised up." he nodded slowly and hugged her gently, careful not to cause her anymore pain. "Is she okay?" they all asked him as they rushed other to them. He nodded again and pulled her closer, "Hey don't get too attached Tuxedo Mask, she has a boyfriend." Venus found her voice and informed him. He reached a free hand up and removed his mask. "Darien! This is a shock, does she know?" Mars gaped at him. "Of course she knows!" he looked at them, seeing that they still were in shock. "Surprised? I that's how I felt too." Sailor Moon let go of him, suddenly finding strength from his warm touch. She walked slowly over to them, "I almost didn't believe it myself until he kissed me." "Serena, you are one evil girl, how could you not tell us?!" Jupiter demanded. "I was easy, I just went home and didn't mention it to anyone." she smiled at them widely, "Now if you would excuse us, you gawking, nosy scouts I want to talk to him alone." they nodded still dazed and walked away slowly. "This week just keeps getting weirder and weirder." "How does she do it, she gets two guys to absolutely love her." "They were the same guy silly, do you think Serena could have done that on her own?" their comments faded and Serena turned back to Darien. "Thank goodness they finally left." she smiled at him mischievously. "I guess you don't want to talk huh?" he looked into her glittering clear blue eyes and smiled back. "Not if I can help it Darien." she pulled his face closer and kissed him. He held her tightly as if not wanting to let the moment end. The sun was coming up and light caught their faces. She heard the scouts giggling behind her, She pushed the thought back and continued to kiss him. THE END!!!!!! What did you think? Write me at ejames000@ameritech.net I hope everyone liked it, despite the corny ending!