Troubled in Tokyo Part 2/? By Elisabeth James Here's the second part, I hope everyone likes it. :) ~Darien~ How do you tell someone you love him or her? I mean think about it, you can like them a lot and you can have a crush on them, but can you really love someone just through sparse conversation and fighting? Maybe I should elaborate a little. I love Serena Tsukino. It's as simple as that statement; I can sum up all of my feelings about her in those four words right there. The thing that really throws me for a loop is the fact that even though I love her, I can't stop fighting with her. Everyday, it's the same thing over and over again, in arcade, on the street, it doesn't matter the location, we still bicker and end up screaming at one another. Not that I want to argue with her, I would much rather spend my time with her at a fancy restaurant or a play or opera or something like that. Then maybe I couldn't find a better nickname for her other than meatball head, even I have to admit it's a stupid name, but she can't she see the endearment I say it with? "Darien, earth to Darien!" Andrew shouted suddenly and I was transported back to the loud crowded Game Center where I had began my little trip down the Serena trail of thoughts. "You never told me what happened last night with the whole radio business, was that really you?" I nodded slowly, taking everything in again, I do that sort of thing a lot when thinking about her, lose track of time, people I'm with, and sometimes even where I am. I think that somewhere in my mind she is always in my thoughts. "Yes Andrew that was me, weird huh?" I'm in a good mood today, but something is bugging me. Like why I called that stupid show last night anyway, it still made no sense to me whatsoever. It was like I was possessed or something, not in control of my own body. Maybe Serena's words about letting people in finally struck home with me, all of this time I have been desperate to let people in, but too scared to do it. I know one person in particular who I would love to tell everything to. "I didn't know you had it in you Darien, good for you! I did notice that nice little tangent about a certain meatball headed one thrown in there, I knew you liked her but wow!" I rolled my eyes; Andrew gets excited over the littlest things about me. He calls them breakthroughs; I call them being human. "Yes I love the little klutz, is there something wrong with that? Am I allowed to never fall in love with anyone Andrew?" I know I'm being defensive, but Andrew was the one who put me here. "No, it's not like that at all. I didn't say that, it just seems a little weird that you like her so much and still feel the need to called her meatball head and make her life miserable." He has me there. Ever word he just said has been run through my mind again and again, but there's nothing I can do. "Don't you think I know that Andrew? I know I make her miserable, but something about her just calls to me to say those things and I do it without thinking." The bell chimed I immediately turned my gaze to the door and watched my guardian angel walk through. The smile she wore on her face brightened the entire building; she had her friends in tow. They were chatting away and took a seat back at their normal table. Andrew shot me a look that told me to go and get her. I stood up slowly, coffee in hand and I walked nonchalantly back towards the crane game, which stood thankfully open and was right next to their table. "Did you guys listen to Dr. Tilmitt's show last night?" I heard her ask them, my ears strained to hear their conversation, what was she going to say about it? The blue haired girl spoke up first, "Really Serena you should have been studying for the test we have coming up. That stuff is pure fluff." She adjusted her glasses and turned her eyes back to the book she was reading. Serena didn't care, in fact she charged onward, asking Raye about it instead. "There was this one guy who called in, his voice sounded so sexy." "Serena the people who call into those shows are disturbed people, who have no one else to whine to. 75% of them aren't dateable." Well I wouldn't go that far, maybe Raye was bit overzealous, but what I heard next almost caused me to pass out. "But guys one of the people who called in was named Darien. You should have heard him, he sounded so sad. And he lives somewhere here in Tokyo too." Her smile seemed so brighten at that fact. "Leave it to Serena to get a crush on some guy she heard on the radio for five minutes. I have to go, I have chores to do at the temple." ~Serena~ "See ya later Raye, meeting at your house later, right?" she smiled, "You had better not be late for this one!" she exclaimed before she stood up and left the table. I gave her a rueful grin, "Me late? Never!" Raye rolled her eyes at me as she pushed open the door and left. "So is Serena in love?" a masculine voice behind suddenly spoke up, and I knew exactly who it was. "For your information Darien, saying someone is attractive, or sounds sexy does not mean you're in love with them." He took Raye's vacated seat and looked me straight in the eyes; "I shouldn't even be talking to you right now after what you said to me yesterday." He still wore a hurt look on his handsome face; I had the urge to just smack it right off of there. Part of me still feels guilty though, I should have shut up, and I went too far. The look of anger that flashed in his eyes yesterday afternoon was like nothing I have ever seen before. "I'm sorry Darien, I should have never said those things about you, or your parents. I overstepped my boundaries and I went to far." I was being sincere, as hard as it was. A grin spread over his face, "Thanks meatball head, I forgive you." There was something else he wanted to add; I could see it in his face. Instead he stood up and walked slowly back to the counter. Ami was still reading so I figured I could talk to Da- Andrew, talk to Andrew for a few minutes. Why would I want to talk to Darien? "So what's up with you Andrew?" I pull up a seat next to Darien. He flashed me quick smile while wiping down the countertop, "Not much Serena, same old same old. Darien might have something new to tell you about though." I turned my attention to Darien, "So what did you do that was such a breakthrough last night?" He sat there silent for a few minutes, not answering me. Fine then, "Andrew what did he do last night?" "He called into one of those call-in radio shows!" the counter fell silent, no one said a word, certainly not me. After what seemed like an eternity, I found my voice and managed to croak something out, "That- that was you?" He only nodded; he looked like he was ashamed. He looked at Andrew with a cold stare, and then stood up to leave. I watched helplessly as he left the arcade, I could have sworn that I saw tears in his eyes. I turned back to Andrew, "I take it he didn't want you to say anything…" I trailed off. Ami approached me then, "What happen to Darien?" It was a simple question, but neither of us answered. "It's not important Ami, let's go, we'll be late for the meeting if we aren't careful." I slid off the stool and waved goodbye to Andrew. He still was silent, probably wondering if Darien would forgive him or not. I pushed open the door with force and we started toward the temple. "Serena, it's not like you to be quiet for so long, tell me what's wrong." I stopped and spun around to face her. "I'm worried about Darien." Ami narrowed her eyes at me for a second. "Why?" she tried to approach the subject carefully, I could tell. "I don't know Ami, he just stormed out of the arcade after Andrew told me he was the caller on Dr. Tilmitt's show last night. Maybe he didn't want everyone to know about it, after all Darien and I aren't the best of friends to begin with…" I trailed off helplessly into the wind. Ami nodded with understanding. She seemed to grasp what I was getting at even though I didn't dare admit it to anyone out loud. "Well isn't that him over there?" she asked me while pointing to a table across the street in an outdoor café. I nod slowly, the breath is caught in my throat and I feel my eyes well up with tears. All the things he revealed last night came flooding back to my mind, all the lonely his voice portrayed and the love he spoke of. Well maybe I couldn't be his love but I could certainly be a good friend to him. "Tell Raye I'll be late for the meeting, tell it's important." I take a step forward towards him, and I wave good-bye to Ami. I know if I don't do this now, then I'll never have the courage to do it again. He is staring into his cup of coffee; his eyes seem to focus on something else though. I approach the table cautiously; I don't want to overstep my bounds again. "Darien…" his head snapped up and his stormy eyes met mine. We both say nothing else; words are unimportant right now. I motion slowly towards the empty seat across from him, "Can I please sit down?" he simply nods and turns his attention back to his mug. "Why did you run from the Game Center like that? It's nothing to be ashamed of." There is nothing but silence. Why won't he open up to me? Does he despise me that much that he won't even talk to me about this? "I'm sorry Darien, now I know why my comments yesterday hurt you so badly. If I would have known…" "Don't say that Serena, that's why I never told you. I never tell anyone, I don't want to be treated differently because I'm an orphan. It doesn't change the fact that I'm still the same person I was before you knew. I don't need special treatment, I'm a grown boy and I can take care of myself." The words were harsh, full of venom. I find myself wanting to get to know him better, everything about him suddenly make perfect sense. I pride myself on knowing how people react to certain situations. "I know Darien, but I just thought you might want to talk about it with someone." "I wouldn't talk about it with Andrew, why would I want to talk about it with you?" I let that one go I know he's upset and he's going to lash out. "We all have our demons Darien, you're no different than anyone else in this world. Perhaps the only difference is that most people choose to discuss their problems, talk to others going through the same thing. I have supportive friends, you have supportive friends too, and Andrew worries about you sometimes. He has told me so many times how much he wishes you would trust him. You can't go through live telling no one anything about your past; it will only make you lonely. I can't make you tell me, but I'm here Darien and I'm more than willing to listen if you're willing to speak." I stood up and walked away from the table. I'm surprised at myself, that I had enough courage to even speak those words to him. I walk quickly toward the temple, I can't be more late then I am already. I hope Ami told them my reason. "Serena!" my name rushes into my ears and I turn around. Darien is walking toward me, tears in his eyes. Before I can even ask him what's wrong, he embraces me in a tight hug. "Thank you Serena, thank you for caring…" he trails off into my hair. I hug him tightly back, not sure of what's happening, or if this is really happening at all. ~ To be continued… ~ Okay I know this took me forever to put this out, I hope it was well worth it for you guys. :) Please send feedback, I love hearing from everyone, it makes me feel special. Special thanks to: Clare-chan, Kelly, Adrianne, Sarah Beth, and Meredith. And everyone who has sent me feedback on the last two things I sent out, Underneath the Moon and Do you Sleep? Thank you all so much! As always this fic is dedicated to Alex… Liz-chan